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How to guide: Control your TV with the DreamBox Remote

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  • sahilkhan
    Senior Member
    • Jun 2011
    • 120

    How to guide: Control your TV with the DreamBox Remote

    How to use your Dreambox remote to control your TV. Some TV need codes, they are listed. Known Dreambox models are 7000/7020/600/800HD other Dreambox remotes should work, but with alternative buttons.

    Use Dreambox remote to control TVHere is how:

    1- Press TV button on your dream remote
    2- Press on SHIFT/Set-up button for 3 seconds and TV button will blink twice
    3- Enter the suitable code that match your TV
    4- When u finish the remote will be ready to use for both Dreambox and the Tv

    If u want to use the remote for the Dreambox just press the Dream button and to use it for Tv press the Tv button.

    Here are the codes :
    A.R. Systems 0067 0586 0404 0485
    Accent 0039 0067 0586
    Accuphase 0586 0654
    Acec 0042
    Acer 0200
    Adcom 0655
    Admiral 0123 0393 0448 0117 0193 0294
    Adyson 0247 0246
    AEA 0067 0586
    Agashi 0246 0294 0247
    AGB 0546
    Agef 0117
    Aiko 0039 0067 0586 0246 0401 0065 0463 0102 0391 0221 0294 0247
    Aim 0067 0102 0442 0586 0238 0736
    Aiwa 0731
    Akai 0391 0238 0401 0067 0463 0221 0065 0039 0726 0102 0248 0744 0193 0546
    0745 0632 0586 0578 0611 0510 0247 0661 0246 0294 0478 0208 0407 0636
    1067 0503
    Akiba 0248 0312 0485 0067 0586 0324
    Akira 0220
    Akito 0067 0586
    Akura 0067 0586 0698 0442 0039 0248 0312 0294 0744
    Alaron 0209 0246
    Alba 0039 0448 0400 0265 0401 0698 0067 0586 1067 0385 0248 0246 0277 0193
    0517 0611 0066 0609 0744 0473
    Alkos 0065
    Allorgan 0236 0324 0247
    Allstar 0067 0586
    Amplivision 0247 0430 0400 0350
    Amstrad 0039 0546 0294 0401 0248 0067 0586 0463 0442 1067 0611
    Anam 0067 0586 0039
    Anam National 0067 0586 0680
    Anex 0451
    Anglo 0039 0294
    Anitech 0039 0294 0067 0586 0312 0132
    Ansonic 0400 0067 0586 0039 0698 0404 0193 0322 0132 0441 0289 0277 0042 0458
    Apollo 0503
    Arc en Ciel 0429 0139 0226
    Arcam 0246 0429 0247
    Ardem 0516 0744 0067 0586
    Aristona 0586 0067 0042
    Arthur Martin 0193 0430
    ASA 0135 0376 0100 0134 0117
    Asberg 0067 0586 0132
    Asora 0039
    Astra 0067 0586
    Asuka 0248 0247 0246 0294 0312
    Atlantic 0067 0586 0246 0236 0350 0289
    Atori 0039
    Auchan 0193 0430
    Audiosonic 0039 0067 0404 0586 0139 0744 0745 0247 0400 0367 0294 0248 0516 0458
    Audioton 0247 0516 0400 0294 0458
    Aumark 0090
    Autovox 0117 0236 0574 0379 0247 0277
    AWA 0041 0066 0039 0187 0404 0442 0067 0586 0246 0636 0247 0138 0294
    Axxent 0039
    Axxon 0744
    Baird 0139 0223 0373 0220 0102 0103 0247 0238
    Bang & Olufsen 0595 0117
    Barco 0410 0193
    Basic Line 0404 0067 0193 0698 0586 0039 0248 0597 0312 0247 0485 0369 1067
    Bastide 0247
    Baur 0039 0333 0225 0542 0067 0586 0221 0391 0574 0379 1535 1040
    Bazin 0247
    Beaumark 0208
    Beko 0516 0065 0458 0744 0400 0448 0067 1067 0586 0636 0745
    Beon 0067 0586 0448
    Berthen 0698
    Best 0367 0400 0451
    Bestar 0067 0586 0400 0404
    Bestar-Daewoo 0404
    Binatone 0247
    Black Diamond 1067 0586
    Black Panther 0132
    Black Star 0277
    Black Strip 0065
    Blacktron 0312
    Blackway 0312 0248
    Blaupunkt 0221 0225 0357 0478 0485 0200 0066
    Blue Sky 0067 0744 1067 0517 0698 0745 0654 0586 0248 0312 0485
    Blue Star 0312
    Bondstec 0277
    Boots 0247 0039
    Bosch 0350 0357
    BPL 0067 0586 0312
    Brandt 0655 0139 0429 0226 0317 0365 0501 0373 0590
    Brandt Electronique 0317 0365
    Brinkmann 0067 0586 0698 0549 0448 0516
    Brionvega 0067 0586 0117
    Britannia 0246 0247
    Brother 0294
    Bruns 0117 0458
    BSR 0193 0324 0391
    BTC 0248
    Bush 0698 0248 0193 0379 0039 0066 0067 0401 0265 0312 0385 0393 0404 0549
    0294 0391 1067 0517 0238 0247 0728 0611 0324 0586 0744
    Canton 0248
    Capsonic 0294
    Carad 0640 0067 0586 0698 1067
    Carena 0485 0067 0586
    Carrefour 0066 0100 0067 0586
    Carver 0200
    Cascade 0039 0067 0586
    Casio 0067 0586 0193 0379
    Cathay 0067 0586
    CCE 0067 0586 0247
    Centrum 1067
    Centurion 0067 0586
    Century 0117 0277 0268
    CGE 0104 0448 0277 0400 0193 0429
    Cimline 0039 0265 0248
    Citizen 0090
    City 0039
    Clarivox 0448 0067 0586 0100 0132
    Clatronic 0067 0400 0401 0744 0248 0294 0586 0247 0277 0039 0132 0350 0609
    Clayton 1067
    CMS 0246
    CMS hightec 0247
    COMET 0067
    Concorde 0039
    Condor 0350 0067 0586 0400 0246 0039 0312 0132 0277 0448 0441 0193 0294
    Conrad 0067 0586
    Contec 0246 0039 0187 0041 0066 0294 0067 0586
    Continental Edison 0139 0226 0429 0317 0517
    Cosmel 0039 0367 0067 0586
    Crosley 0117 0277 0104 0193
    Crown 0039 0742 0400 0516 0067 0586 0517 0744 0636 0745 0451 0448 0609 0238
    CS Electronics 0246 0248 0277
    CTC 0277
    Curtis Mathes 0090 0123 0196
    Cybertron 0248
    D-Vision 0067 0586
    Daewoo 0664 0654 0404 0529 0067 0586 0039 0246 0248 0247 1167
    Dainichi 0248 0246
    Dansai 0067 0586 0294 0065 0246 0039 0066 0247 0238
    Dansette 0442
    Dantax 0400 0516 0744 0636 0745
    Datsura 0238
    Dawa 0039 0067 0586
    Daytek 0728 0736
    Daytron 0039 0404 0067 0586
    de Graaf 0238 0074 0193 0578 0393
    Decca 0102 0546 0067 0586 0247 1167
    Deitron 0067 0586 0404 0248
    Denko 0294
    Denver 0067 0586 0636
    DER 0223 0220
    Desmet 0350 0067 0586 0039 0117
    Diamant 0067 0586
    Diamond 0294 0728 0726 0039 0246
    Digatron 0067 0586
    Digiline 0067 0135 0586 0698
    Digitor 0067 0586
    Digivision 0391
    DiK 0067 0586
    Dixi 0039 0067 0586 0277 0247 0117
    Domeos 0698
    Domland 0424
    Doric 0379
    DTS 0039
    Dual 0574 0379 0247 0373 0549 0067 0586 0289 0424 0429 0333 0193 0561 1167
    Dumont 0117 0134 0132 0247 0100 0102
    Dunai 0574 0193
    Dux 0067 0586 0042
    Dynatron 0067 0586 0042
    E-Elite 0248
    Edison-Minerva 0517
    Elbe 0465 0268 0289 0322 0400 0193 0067 0586 0248 0221 0441 0640 0247 0546
    Elbe-Sharp 0546
    Elcit 0117 0277 0546 0132 0193
    Elekta 0039 0067 0586 0294 0312
    ELG 0067 0586
    Elin 0246 0067 0586 0135 0134 0578 0391 0478 0379 0193 0039
    Elite 0248 0067 0586 0350
    Elman 0132
    Elta 0039 0294 0246
    Emco 0277
    Emerson 0744 0208 0117 0209 0277 0067 0586 0401 0100 0312 0350 0391 0654 0516
    0400 0193 0351
    Emperor 0312
    Enzer 0726
    Erres 0067 0586 0042
    ESC 0067 0586 0247
    Estèle 0193
    Etron 0067 0586 0039 0193
    Eurofeel 0294 0247
    Euroman 0246 0294 0067 0586 0247 0451 0400
    Europa 0067 0586
    Europhon 0067 0546 0132 0193 0247 0586 0277 0246
    Excel 0067 0586
    Expert 0236 0430 0289 0193
    Exquisit 0067 0586 0277
    Fagor 0067 0586
    Family Life 0067 0586
    Fenner 0404 0039
    Ferguson 0103 0655 0317 0220 0365 0268 0223 0139 0590 0067 0586 0065 0373 0134
    0138 0391 0501 0578
    Fidelity 0193 0542 0393 0067 0586 0401 0442 0561 0223 0246 0294 0574 0391
    Filsai 0247
    Finlandia 0238 0376 0578 0391 0193 0393 0102 0317 0373 0075
    Finlux 0135 0134 0067 0586 0744 0376 0247 0102 0193 0546 0745 0100 0117 0209
    0132 0441 0661 0522 0510 0503 0448 0636
    Firstline 0067 0586 0404 0698 0744 0654 0193 0039 0324 0351 0246 0277 0132 0247
    0441 0574 0379 0561 0268 0102 0265 0238 0391 1067
    Fisher 0134 0247 0066 0238 0400 0585 0075 0117 0187 0391 0193 0333 0574 0379
    Flint 0067 0586 0640 0102 0248 0485 0294
    FNR 0132
    Forgestone 0223
    Formenti 0193 0067 0586 0516 0246 0117 0350
    Formenti-Phoenix 0246 0350
    Fortress 0123 0117
    Fraba 0067 0586 0400 0561
    Friac 0039 0067 0586 0132 0451 0400 0529 0685 0640
    Frontech 0277 0294 0379 0393 0478 0247 0039 0193
    Fujitsu 0209 0236 0102 0132 0247 0193 0039 0713 0067 0586 0391 0289
    Fujitsu General 0039 0247 0236 0193
    Funai 0698 0209 0294 0324 0333 0442
    Futronic 0294
    Future 0067 0586
    Galaxi 0132 0067 0586 0391 0193
    Galaxis 0400 0448 0067 0132 0586
    Galeria 0039
    GBC 0193 0039 0404 0248 0393
    GE 0373 0208 0312 0590 0317 0139 0365 0655
    Geant Casino 0193 0430
    GEC 0193 0391 0379 0067 0546 0586 0102 0247
    Geloso 0277 0039 0393 0193 0404
    General 0139 0317 0501
    General Electric 0373 0317
    General Technic 0039
    Genesis 0039 0067 0586
    Genexxa 0248 0067 0586 0442 0193 0039
    Giant 0247
    Goldfunk 0698
    Goldhand 0246
    Goldline 0367
    GoldStar 0067 0039 0400 0320 0407 0247 0208 0277 0246 0586 0193 0391 0139 0393
    0636 0074 0744 0745
    Gooding 0517
    Goodmans 0664 0404 0654 0067 0529 0586 1067 0698 0066 0294 0102 0546 0039 0320
    0209 0517 0401 0373 0265 0065 0510 0590 0247 0365 0248 0609
    Gorenje 0400 0451
    GPM 0248
    Gradiente 0200 0067 0586
    Graetz 0391 0401 0193 0067 0369 0586
    Granada 0067 0586 0430 0256 0386 0042 0075 0102 0138 0238 0247 0066 0369 0546
    0503 0365 0590 0193 0393 0255 0373 0578
    Grandin 0067 0586 0039 0193 0640 0744 0745 0698 0404 0350 0312 0248 0485 0430
    0609 1067
    Gronic 0132 0247 0193
    Grundig 0225 0221 0517 0100 0736 0067 0586 0617 0039 0066 0473 0400
    Grunpy 0209
    Haaz 0736
    Haier 0728 0294
    Halifax 0294 0246 0247
    Hammerstein 0294
    Hampton 0246 0247
    Hanimex 0324 0248
    Hanseatic 0067 0586 0529 0549 0379 0193 0391 0322 0574 0312 0424 0350 0664 0458
    0400 0039 0324 0247 0117 0407 0744
    Hantarex 0039 0067 0586 0132 0546 0268
    Hantor 0067 0586
    Harley Davidson 0209
    Harwood 0039 0442 0067 0586 0517
    Hauppauge 0067 0586
    HCM 0039 0442 0067 0586 0247 0248 0448 0312 0294
    Hedzon 0586 0067
    Hema 0247 0039
    Hemmermann 0379 0574
    Hifivox 0139 0226 0429
    Higashi 0246
    Highline 0294 0067 0586
    Hikona 0248
    Hinari 0238 0067 0586 0039 0248 0066 0209 0193 0385 0473 0517 0265 0324 0294
    Hisawa 0312 0248 0430 0485 0640 0744
    HISense 0238
    Hit 0117
    Hitachi 0255 1255 0379 0066 0386 0074 0138 0503 0193 0373 0608 0226 0247 0224
    0546 0102 0529 0067 0586 0139 0393 0578 0749 0664 0208 1167 0135 0522
    0391 0542 0510 1067
    Hitachi Fujian 0138 0255
    Hitsu 0039 0485 0248 0640
    HMV 0117 0223
    Höher 0744
    Home Electronics 0636
    Hornyphon 0067 0586 0042
    Hoshai 0248 0485 0312
    Huanyu 0404 0246
    Hygashi 0247 0246
    Hyper 0039 0246 0247 0277
    Hypersonic 0391
    Hypson 0067 0586 0744 0745 0294 0247 0312 0485 0430 0268 0698
    Hyundai 0067 0586 0736
    Iberia 0067 0586
    ICE 0294 0067 0401 0039 0586 0248 0247 0246
    Ices 0248 0246
    Icos 0042
    Ict 0067 1167 0586
    Imperial 0067 0193 0400 0104 0586 0441 0391 0379 0448 0277 0226 0561
    Indiana 0067 0586
    Ingelen 0517 0640 0744 0193 0391
    Ingersoll 0039
    Inno Hit 0039 0102 0067 0586 0248 0320 0247 0546 0277 0132 0312
    Innovation 0549 0067 0586
    Interactive 0067 0586 0042 0117 0542 0357 0193 0391 0400 0139 0441
    Interbuy 0039 0067 0294 0277 0542 0586
    Interfunk 0067 0586 0042 0117 0542 0357 0193 0391 0400 0139 0379 0277
    Internal 0067 0586 0654 0529 0404
    International 0246
    Intervision 0312 0247 0485 0067 0401 0407 0549 0478 0516 0400 0424 0517 0248 0132
    0193 0294 0277 0039 0586
    Irradio 0039 0067 0586 0248 0277 0320 0401
    Isukai 0248 0067 0586 0312 0485
    ITC 0247 0350
    ITS 0067 0401 0248 0312 0294 0246 0039 0586
    ITT 0193 0510 0379 0391 0503 0578 0597 0223 0376 0369 0238 0209 0574 0640
    ITT Nokia 0391 0578 0193 0503 0510 0379 0376 0238 0209 0369 0597 0636 0640 0661
    ITV 0294 0067 0586 0277 0404
    Jean 0066
    JEC 0065
    JMB 0067 0529 0664 0404 0586 0473
    Jocel 0742
    Jubilee 0586
    JVC 0683 0220 0066 0223 0401 0248 0636 0448 0123
    Kaisui 0248 0312 0067 0586 0246 0485 0247 0039
    Kamp 0246
    Kapsch 0193 0391 0236 0289 0134
    Karcher 0067 0586 0451 0400 0640 0193 0312 0132 0294 0744
    Kathrein 0586 0067
    Kawa 0401
    Kawasho 0246
    KB Aristocrat 0193
    Kendo 0640 0067 0586 0193 0549 0542 0400 0407 0393 0458 0441 0132 0265 0277
    Kennedy 0193 0236 0465
    Kenwood 0135
    KIC 0247
    Kingsley 0246
    Kiton 0586 0067 0698
    Kneissel 0067 0400 0640 0441 0404 0529 0586 0465 0289 0322 0268
    Kolster 0067 0586 0132 0379 0277
    Konichi 0039
    Konka 0067 0586 0401 0744 0448 0248 0617
    Kontakt 0517
    Korpel 0067 0586
    Korting 0117 0451 0400 0350
    Kosmos 0067 0586
    Kotron 0442 0294
    Koyoda 0039
    Kraking 0268
    Kriesler 0042
    KTV 0247
    Kuba 0379 0193
    Kuba Electronic 0333 0379 0193
    Kyoshu 0442 0448 0294
    Kyoto 0193 0246 0247
    LaSAT 0516 0400
    Leader 0039
    Lecson 0067 0586
    Legend 0039
    Lemair 0441
    Lenco 0067 0039 0193 0404 0586 0134
    Lenoir 0039
    Lesa 0277
    Levis Austria 0067 0586
    Leyco 0294 0102 0067 0586 0324 0609
    LG 0067 0400 0039 0407 0247 0586 0744 0277 0246 0320 0193 0208 0391 0636
    0139 0728 0745
    Liesenk & Tter 0357 0067 0586
    Liesenkotter 0067 0357 0042 0586
    Lifetec 0067 0039 0549 0404 0698 0542 0685 1067 1167 0586 0248 0294
    Lloyd’s 0039
    Loewe 0542 0067 0586 0685 0400 0117 0322 0546
    Logik 0041 0090 0728 0039 0223 0401
    Logix 0698
    Luma 0067 0393 0236 0193 0441 0586 0404 0039 0289
    Lumatron 0393 0236 0067 0586 0193 0289 0391 0247 0294 0103
    Lux May 0067 0039 0586 0611
    Luxman 0609
    Luxor 0224 0320 0393 0510 0522 0379 0391 0238 0386 0578 0193 0376 0503 0209
    0247 0661
    LXI 0208
    Madison 0067 0586
    Magnadyne 0117 0277 0546 0132 0193 0574
    Magnafon 0546 0132 0246 0103
    Magnavox 0067 0586 0066 0209
    Magnum 0744 0067 0586 0745
    Mandor 0294
    Manesth 0067 0586 0265 0247 0294 0350 0065 0324 0193 0393
    Manhattan 0067 0586 0698 1067 0193
    Marantz 0067 0586 0442
    Marelli 0117
    Mark 0067 0586 0247 0246 0404 0039 0744 0745
    Master’s 0529
    Masuda 0248 0401 0039 0294 0067 0247 0586
    Matsui 0067 0586 0517 0039 0265 0041 0385 0102 0066 0247 0324 0401 0463 0473
    0393 0609 0485 0193 0379 0546 0065 0238 0075 0225 0221 0365 0574 0744
    Matsushita 0680
    Matsuviama 0617
    Maxam 0294
    MCE 0039
    Mediator 0067 0586 0042
    Medion 0067 0698 0549 0542 0586 1167 0728 1067
    Megas 0640
    Megatron 0208
    Melectronic 0376 0067 0542 0139 0373 0277 0135 0134 0404 0039 0247 0510 0522 0246
    0441 0379 0193 0317 0586 0654 0664 0391 0221 0225
    Melvox 0430
    Memorex 0039 0208 0090
    Memphis 0367 0102 0039
    Mercury 0067 0039 0586
    Metz 0225 0477 0221 0397 0067 0117 0586 0617 0698 1067
    MGA 0208 0067 0586 0248 0134
    Micromaxx 0067 0586 0698 1067
    Minato 0067 0586
    Minerva 0517 0225 0100 0221 0546 0138
    Minoka 0442 0067 0586
    Mistral Electronics 0223
    Mitsubishi 0138 0123 0542 0067 0208 0117 0066 0223 0586 0238 1067
    Mitsuri General 0193
    Mivar 0322 0320 0321 0400 0246 0639 0546 0247
    Monaco 0039
    Morgan’s 0067 0586
    Motorola 0123
    MTC 0090 0400 0379 0542 0193 0246 0391 0478
    Multibroadcast 0223
    Multistandard 0132
    Multitec 0067 0586 0516 0698 1067
    Multitech 0379 0039 0393 0516 0067 0400 0586 0247 0246 0277 0132 0294
    Murphy 0134 0246 0102 0193
    Musikland 0067 0248 0277 0586
    Myryad 0586 0067
    NAD 0196 0208 0391 0193
    Naiko 0067 0636 0586
    Nakimura 0404 0067 0586
    Naonis 0393 0193
    NAT 0256
    National 0256
    NEC 0200 0066 0350 0485 0039 0404 0247 0067 0586 0041 0529
    Neckermann 0067 0221 0400 1535 1040 0586 0193 0357 0448 0379 0117 0277 0247 0441
    0350 0393 0542
    NEI 0067 0586 0367 0401 0193
    Nesco 0277 0209
    Netsat 0067 0586
    Network 0367
    Neufunk 0067 0039 0586 0640 0248 0312 0744
    New Tech 0067 0039 0586 0373 0247 0478
    New World 0248
    Nicamagic 0246
    Nikkai 0102 0248 0067 0586 0247 0294 0065 0367 0246 0039 0066
    Nikko 0208
    Nobliko 0132 0100 0246
    No****tic 0429 0139 0226
    Nokia 0391 0193 0510 0379 0578 0522 0503 0369 0238 0404 0661 0636 0376 0209
    0350 0597 0640 0139
    Nordic 0247
    Nordmende 0139 0744 0317 0429 0226 0373 0590 0225 0067 0586 0365 0193 0501
    Norfolk 0193
    Normerel 0067 0586
    Novak 0042 0067 0586
    Novatronic 0067 0135 0404 0561 0586
    NU-TEC 0485 0728
    Nurnberg 0193 0391
    Oceanic 0597 0193 0430 0391 0324 0238 0503 0578 0510
    Odeon 0294
    Okano 0400 0067 0586 0294 0102 0039
    Omega 0294
    Onwa 0401 0632 0248 0463 0611 0132
    Opera 0067 0586
    Optimus 0680 0196
    Optonica 0123
    Orbit 0067 0586
    Orion 0067 0209 0385 0586 0685 0744 0265 0324 0350 0041 0039 0351 0473 0132
    0294 0442 0546 0561 0574
    Orline 0067 0248 0586
    Ormond 0698 1067 0067 0586
    Orsowe 0546
    Osaki 0102 0248 0247 0294 0067 0442 0404 0385 0586
    Osio 0067 0586 0320
    Oso 0248
    Osume 0187 0102 0066 0248 0067 0586
    Otto Versand 1535 1040 0066 0123 0542 0067 0586 0225 0574 0379 0221 0391 0265 0139
    0324 0256 0277 0333 0350 0247 0039 0312 0373 0458 0546 0549
    Pacific 0067 0586 1167 0744 1067
    Pael 0246
    Palladium 0400 0067 0221 1535 1040 0448 0586 0277 0357 0379 0117 0193 0247 0441
    0685 0549 0393 0744 1167
    Palsonic 0294 0442 0067 0247 0407 0248 0728 0586 0478 0448
    Panama 0039 0247 0294 0246 0067 0586 0277
    Panasonic 0680 0138 0256 0391 0397 0546 0067 0586 0193 0578
    Panavision 0067 0441 0586
    Pathe Cinema 0193 0268 0246 0430 0350 0322 0379 0400
    Pathe Marconi 0139 0226 0429
    Pausa 0039
    Perdio 0102 0350 0193 0067 0246 0312 0586
    Perfekt 0067 0586
    Pershin 0430
    Philco 0117 0104 0448 0277 0193 0400 0067 0586 0549
    Philex 0223 0193
    Philharmonic 0247
    Philips 0586 0067 0268 0042 0221 0117 0223 0373 0404 0039
    Phoenix 0067 0586 0400 0516 0193 0117 0102 0246 0350
    Phonola 0067 0586 0042 0117 0223 0246
    Pilot 0586 0067 0742
    Pioneer 0196 0041 0067 0586 0458 0400 0373 0391 0139 0193 0317 0516 0542
    Pionier 0400 0516
    Plantron 0067 0586 0294 0039
    Playsonic 0247 0744 0369 0745
    Policom 0132 0139 0226 0236 0268 0391 0193 0100 0104 0117
    Polytron 0727 0312
    Poppy 0039
    Portland 0404 0654
    Powerpoint 0517 0067 0586
    Prandoni-Prince 0277 0546 0391 0393
    Precision 0247
    Premier 0039 0294
    Prima 0039 0294 0333 0442
    Prinston 1067
    Prinz 0102 0574 0379 0391 0224
    Profex 0039 0193 0391 0393
    Profi 0039
    Profitronic 0067 0586 0132
    Proline 0067 0586 0655 0664 0441 0042 0351 0102
    Prosonic 0067 0586 0400 0404 0401 0698 0744 0246 0609 0247
    Protech 0067 0586 0247 0039 0277 0379 0132 0294 0448 0367 0698 0312 0193 0516
    Proton 0208
    Provision 0529 0067 0586 1067 0744
    Pye 0067 0586 0042 0117 0404 0379 0442
    Pymi 0039
    Quadra Vision 0430
    Quadral 0248
    Quasar 0277 0680 0039
    Quelle 0067 1535 1040 0041 0139 0542 0574 0379 0221 0391 0066 0247 0277 0104
    0357 0100 0134 0135 0698 0586 0187 0225 0294 0320 0324 0376 0451 0039
    Questa 0066
    R-Line 0067 0586 0193
    Radialva 0139 0248 0193 0067 0586 0317 0367
    Radiola 0067 0586 0042 0247
    Radiomarelli 0117 0546 0277 0067 0586
    RadioShack 0067 0586 0208
    Radiotone 0039 0067 0586 0458 0400 0609 0448 0442 0698 0294 1067
    Rank 0100
    Rank Arena 0066 0187 0632
    RBM 0100
    RCA 0655 0123 0590 0365 0373
    Realistic 0208
    Recor 0067 0448 0586
    Rectiligne 0067 0586
    Rediffusion 0391 0578 0066 0376
    Redstar 0067 0586
    Reflex 0067 0586 1067 0698
    Reoc 0744 0654 0664
    Revox 0067 0586 0400
    Rex 0236 0393 0441 0277 0193 0289 0294
    RFT 0117 0322 0400 0458 0102 0294 0067 0586
    Rhapsody 0246
    Ricoh 0067 0586
    Roadstar 1067 0039 0448 0067 0586 0698 0248 0294 0312
    Robotron 0117
    Rodex 0067 0586
    Rowa 0294 0728 0247 0742 0039 0246 0617
    Roxy 0478
    Royal Lux 0451 0400 0442 0365
    Rukopir 0586 0067
    Saba 0655 0317 0117 0429 0193 0139 0546 0373 0391 0528 0226 0365 0578 0501
    Saccs 0268
    Sagem 0640 0485 0312
    Saisho 0265 0546 0039 0041 0247 0193 0294 0574
    Saivod 0067 0586 0698 0742 1067
    Sakaï 0193
    Salora 0320 0224 0379 0193 0386 0391 0546 0393 0578 0369 0238 0510
    Salsa 0365
    Sambers 0546 0132
    Samsung 0648 0617 0067 0208 0586 0039 0123 0247 0478 0400 0294 0246 0320 0674
    0090 0102 0238 0549 0193 0655
    Sandra 0246 0247
    Sanela 0268
    Sansui 0067 0586 0736 0401 0685 0632 0451 0485
    Santon 0039
    Sanyo 0238 0187 0322 0066 0041 0400 0369 0102 0246 0247 0134 0075 0585 0039
    0574 0193 0067 0138 0586 0516
    Save 0067 0586
    SBR 0067 0586 0042 0223
    Schaub Lorenz 0379 0578 0744 0636 0391 0516 0404
    Schneider 1167 0067 0586 0549 0042 0333 0574 0379 0424 0289 0373 0247 0277 0401
    0391 0248 0698 1067 0193 0654 0744
    Scotland 0193
    Scott 0208 0209
    Sears 0208 0209
    Seaway 0664
    Seelver 0586 1067 0067
    SEG 0067 0586 1067 0698 0247 0517 0039 0379 0193 0294 0664 0066 0132 0277
    0246 0248 0654
    SEI 0117 0132 1535 1040 0193 0546 0574 0379 0324 0236 0067 0586
    Sei-Sinudyne 0132 0236 0324 0546 1535 1040 0574 0067 0586 0117
    Seleco 0236 0393 0289 0193 0441 0401 0066 0294 0376 0465
    Sencora 0039
    Sentra 0065 0248 0039 0379
    Serino 0640 0485 0246 0123
    Sharp 0123 1223 0187 0066 0324 0683 0223 0546
    Shintoshi 0067 0586
    Shivaki 0067 0586 0473 0404 0208
    Shorai 0324 0209
    Siarem 0193 0117 0132 0546
    Siemens 0221 0225 0357 0187 0067 0586 0391
    Siera 0067 0586 0042
    Siesta 0400
    Silva 0067 0586 0246 0391
    Silver 0066 0067 0485 0391 0586 0209 0745 0193
    Singer 0039 0117 0067 0586 0132 0277 0465 0430 0597 0365 0193
    Sinudyne 0117 0265 0132 0324 0193 0391 0546 0574 0379 1535 1040 0236 0067 0586
    Skantic 0386
    Sky 0067 0312 0586
    Skymaster 0135
    Skysonic 0726
    SLX 0698
    Smaragd 0517
    Sogera 0350
    Solavox 0391 0102 0193 0578 0067 0586
    Sonawa 0248
    Soniko 0067 0586
    Sonitron 0238 0400 0369 0247
    Sonneclair 0067 0586
    Sonoko 0067 0586 0039 0294 0312 0247
    Sonolor 0238 0597 0193 0430 1535 1040 0578 0391 0312
    Sontec 0067 0586 0400 0324 0039
    Sony 1535 1681 1040 0041 0066 0132 0067 0586 0187
    Sound & Vision 0132 0248 0404 0067 0586
    Soundesign 0208 0209
    Soundwave 0067 0586 0350 0448 0745
    Spectra 0039
    Ssangyong 0039
    Staksonic 0039
    Standard 0067 0586 1067 0248 0039 0247 0350 0404
    Starlite 0039 0193 0067 0586 0294 0442
    Stenway 0312 0248
    Stern 0236 0289 0193 0393 0294 0441 0465
    Strato 0067 0586 0294 0039
    Stylandia 0247
    Sunic Line 0067 0586
    Sunkai 0324 0385 0351 0485 0248 0265 0640 0067 0586 0517 0561
    Sunstar 0401 0067 0586 0039 0609 0294
    Sunwood 0067 0586 0039
    Superla 0546 0246 0247
    Supersonic 0238 0586 0728 0294
    SuperTech 0039 0067 0586 0246 0248
    Supra 0208 0404 0039
    Susumu 0365 0248 0317
    Sutron 0039
    Swissline 0277
    Sydney 0246 0247
    Sysline 0067 0586
    Sytong 0246
    T+A 0477
    Tandberg 0397 0441 0139 0367 0226 0391 0193
    Tandy 0248 0102 0247 0277 0123 0193
    Tashiko 0066 0247 0200 0246 0193 0393
    Tatung 0067 0586 0102 0546 0247 0041
    TCM 0744
    Teac 0728 0542 0067 1067 0586 0742 0698 0485 0247 0736 0294 0574 0654 0208
    0039 0442 0379 0312 0448 0200 0744
    TEC 0247 0039 0277 0501 0365 0367 0289 0067 0586 0391 0193
    Tech Line 0067 0586 0698
    Techica 0248
    Technema 0350
    TechniSat 0685 0067 0586 0193
    Technol Ace 0209
    Tecnimagen 0586
    Tedelex 0247 0448 0636 0039 0736 0238 0728 0617 0067 0586
    Teiron 0039
    Teknika 0090 0209
    Teleavia 0139 0317 0226 0429 0373
    Telecor 0067 0586 0193 0248 0247 0289 0424
    Telefunken 0139 0655 0617 0728 0528 0742 0501 0429 0317 0104 0131 0365 0292 0103
    0373 0226 0067 0586 0516
    Telefusion 0067 0586
    Telegazi 0067 0193 0289 0248 0294 0586
    Telemeister 0350 0067 0586
    Telesonic 0067 0586
    Telestar 0039 0067 0586 0609 0442
    Teletech 0067 0586 0698 0039 0277 0367 1067
    Teleton 0247 0236 0193 0379 0289 0066 0393
    Televideon 0350 0193 0246
    Teleview 0067 0586
    Televiso 0430
    Telexa 0132
    Temco 0324
    Tempest 0039 0067 0586 0294
    Tennessee 0067 0586
    Tensai 0134 0248 0067 0586 0247 0324 0350 0039 0135 0404 0401 0407 0277 0745
    Tenson 0350 0039
    Tesla 0067
    Tevion 0549 0067 0586 0698 1167 0744 1067
    Texet 0247 0404 0039 0246 0248
    Thomson 0655 0590 0317 0139 0429 0501 0365 0226 0373 0067 0586 0379
    Thorn 0138 0223 0139 0103 0255 0373 0220 0391 0268 1535 1040 0104 0529 0067
    0102 0586 0041 0134 0042 0365 0542 0066 0075 0404 0065 0100 0131 0386
    Thorn-Ferguson 0134 0138 0139 0220 0268 0223 0391 0365 0529 0103 0065
    TMK 0208
    Tobishi 0248
    Tokai 0102 0067 0586 0367 0698 0478 0193 0247 0404 0039 1067
    Tokaido 1067
    Tokyo 0246 0065 0478 0333
    Tomashi 0312 0248
    Thomson 0317 0429 0139 0531 0363 0501 0365 0226 0228 0235 0267 0373 0067 0520 0590 0655
    Toshiba 0065 0090 0538 0100 0066 0132 0247 0139 0225 0221 0648 0039 0728 0067
    Towada 0379 0132 0247
    Toyoda 0039 0401 0294
    Trakton 0039 0294 0247
    Trans Continens 0698 0247 1067 0067 0586 0516
    Transonic 0067 0586 0485 0617 0542 0294 0728 0742 0448 0039
    Transtec 0246
    Triad 0067 0586
    Trical 0187
    Trident 0546 0247
    Tristar 0294 0248 0223
    Triumph 0546 0376 0586 0067
    Tsoschi 0312
    TVTEXT 95 0586
    Uher 0067 0586 0236 0350 0333 0404 0448 0516 0400 0289 0510
    Ultravox 0117 0132 0404 0277 0246 0193 0067 0586
    Unic Line 0067 0586 0503 0485 0379
    United 0067 0586 0744 0745
    Universal 0067 0586
    Universum 0376 0135 0225 0503 0391 0277 0522 0510 0400 0448 0041 0542 0324 0066
    0187 0100 0193 0294 0134 0067 0586 0451 0441 0320 0104 0357 1535 1040
    0698 0574 0379 0247 0139 0367 0661 0039 1067 0200
    Univox 0067 0586 0367 0117 0193 0268
    Utax 0193
    Vestel 0067 0193 0247 0586 0698 1067
    Vexa 0039 0067 0586
    Videologic 0248 0246
    Videologique 0246 0248 0247
    Videosat 0277
    VideoSystem 0067 0586
    Videotechnic 0246 0350 0247 0404
    Videoton 0386 0193
    Vidikron 0132
    Vidtech 0066 0208
    Viper 0367
    Visiola 0246
    Vision 0067 0294 0586 0350 0247
    Vistar 0236 0391 0597
    Vortec 0067 0586
    Voxson 0117 0067 0586 0393 0448 0193
    Waltham 0247 0386 0448 0317 0067 0586 0698 0139 1067
    Wards 0209
    Watson 0067 0586 0350 0193 0248 0609 0549 0424 0039 0698 1067
    Watt Radio 0132 0574 0379 0193 0246
    Wega 0067 0586 0066 0117
    Wegavox 0039 0067 0586
    Weltblick 0067 0586 0350 0247
    Weston 0067 0586
    Wharfedale 0067 0549 0586
    White Westinghouse 0350 0246 0067 0586 0367 0654
    Windsor 0698 1067
    Windstar 0312 0367
    Windy Sam 0586
    Wintel 0744
    Worldview 0485
    Xenius 0664
    XLogic 0728
    Xrypton 0067 0586
    Yamaha 0680
    Yamishi 0312 0485 0248 0067 0586 0247
    Yokan 0067 0586
    Yoko 0247 0067 0586 0248 0294 0039 0451 0400 0369 0246 0277
    Yorx 0248
    Zanela 0268
    Zanussi 0236 0393 0247
    Zenith 0654
    Zenor 0369
  • vimmers
    Experienced Board Member
    • Jun 2010
    • 1188

    Re: How to guide: Control your TV with the DreamBox Remote

    first time i seen this and newer head about it
    and i got my first db7000 5 or 6 years ago now a db800
    not that i vanna use it cos i got a logitec remote there also control both db and my samsung
    but thanks thanks


    • DirtyDonki
      Senior Member
      • May 2011
      • 133

      Re: How to guide: Control your TV with the DreamBox Remote

      Tried all the Samsung codes. No dice.

      Sadly, nothng is perfect.

      I guess I should dump my Samsung LED and get another TV and try that one. If that one also fails, bung it on fleebay and get another until I get one that does work with my Dream remote. BUT I bet once I do get one to work it will only have limited features and I will still have to use the TV remote for advanced settings.

      Thanks for posting the codes though always useful for others who might just be luckier than me.


      • vimmers
        Experienced Board Member
        • Jun 2010
        • 1188

        Re: How to guide: Control your TV with the DreamBox Remote

        i haven't tried the codes
        but i shall also use my remote to samsung tv if i will do some special things


        • jonny2by4
          Board Senior Member
          • May 2011
          • 263

          Re: How to guide: Control your TV with the DreamBox Remote

          Both the procedure and a huge list of TV codes are listed in the English DM-7000 etc manuals.


          • kiss_ro
            Senior Member
            • Mar 2011
            • 144

            Re: How to guide: Control your TV with the DreamBox Remote

            Originally posted by sahilkhan
            How to use your Dreambox remote to control your TV. Some TV need codes, they are listed. Known Dreambox models are 7000/7020/600/800HD other Dreambox remotes should work, but with alternative buttons.

            Use Dreambox remote to control TVHere is how:

            1- Press TV button on your dream remote
            2- Press on SHIFT/Set-up button for 3 seconds and TV button will blink twice
            3- Enter the suitable code that match your TV
            4- When u finish the remote will be ready to use for both Dreambox and the Tv

            If u want to use the remote for the Dreambox just press the Dream button and to use it for Tv press the Tv button.

            Here are the codes :
            A.R. Systems 0067 0586 0404 0485
            Accent 0039 0067 0586
            Accuphase 0586 0654
            Acec 0042
            Acer 0200
            Adcom 0655
            Admiral 0123 0393 0448 0117 0193 0294
            Adyson 0247 0246
            AEA 0067 0586
            Zanela 0268
            Zanussi 0236 0393 0247
            Zenith 0654
            Zenor 0369
            One little adjustment..
            These codes are for the gray /black remote control - for the older/clone models.

            For the new remote controls (black one - current fabrication) here are the code list:

            A.R.Systems 006,067,083,100
            Accent 001,006,100
            Acec 003
            Acoustic Solutions 136,137
            Adcom 114
            Admiral 013,014,022,043,063,075
            Adyson 034,035
            AEA 006,100
            AEG 109
            Agashi 034,035,043
            AGB 094
            Agef 013
            Aiko 001,004,006,011,028,034,035,043,062,066,078,100
            Aim 006,011,033,067,074,083,091,100,109,116,125,127
            Aiwa 126,143
            Akai 001,004,006,011,022,025,028,033,034,035,036,043,06 2,066,068,078,082,085,086,094,098,100,106,108,109, 115,123,125,127,129,130,136
            Akashi 001
            Akiba 006,036,044,049,083,100
            Akira 006,027,075
            Akito 006,100
            Akura 001,006,036,043,044,074,100,121,129
            Alaron 026,034
            Alba 001,005,006,022,034,036,039,041,060,065,066,075,08 0,088,100,105,106,121,129,136
            Alkos 004
            Allorgan 032,035,049
            Allstar 006,100
            Amitech 120
            Amplivision 035,051,065,072
            Amstrad 001,006,036,043,066,074,078,094,100,106,136
            Anam 001,006,100,118
            Anam National 006,100,118
            Andersson 137
            Anex 076
            Anglo 001,043
            Anitech 001,006,016,043,044,100
            Ansonic 001,003,006,017,022,041,042,048,065,067,073,077,10 0,121
            Apollo 085
            Arc en Ciel 020,031,071
            Arcam 034,035,071
            Ardem 006,087,100,129
            Arena 006
            Aristona 003,006,100
            Arthur Martin 022,072
            ASA 010,013,017,018,022,026,057
            Asberg 006,016,100
            Asora 001,006,100
            Asuka 034,035,036,043,044
            ATD 125
            Atlantic 006,032,034,042,051,100
            Atori 001
            Auchan 022,072
            Audiosonic 001,006,020,035,036,043,054,065,067,077,087,100,12 9,130
            Audioton 035,043,065,077,087
            Audioworld 125
            Aumark 009
            Autovox 013,032,035,041,058,097
            AWA 001,002,005,006,019,021,025,034,043,067,074,100,10 9,125
            Axxent 001
            Axxon 129
            Baird 011,012,020,027,033,035,056,109,148
            Bang & Olufsen 013,102
            Barco 022,069
            Basic Line 001,006,022,035,036,044,055,067,083,100,103,121,13 6
            Bastide 035
            Bauer 001,043,125,127
            Baur 001,006,028,031,050,058,062,093,097,100,135,143
            Bazin 035
            Beaumark 025
            Beko 004,006,065,075,077,087,100,109,129,130,134
            Bennett 006,100
            Beon 006,075
            Berthen 121
            Best 054,065,076
            Bestar 006,065,067,100
            Bestar-Daewoo 067
            Binatone 035
            Black Diamond 136,100,107
            Black Panther 016
            Black Star 041
            Black Strip 004
            Blackway 036,044
            Blaupunkt 005,024,028,031,082,083
            Blaupunkt 149
            Blue Sky 006,036,044,083,088,100,113,121,129,130,134,136
            Blue Star 044
            Bondstec 041
            Boots 001,035
            Bosch 051,149
            BPL 006,044,100
            Brandt 020,031,045,053,056,071,084,101,114
            Brandt Electronique 045,053
            Brinkmann 006,075,087,095,100,121
            Brionvega 006,013,100
            Britannia 034,035
            Brother 043,013,077
            Bruns 087
            BSR 022,049,062
            BTC 036
            Bush 001,005,006,022,033,035,036,039,043,044,049,058,06 0,062,063,066,067,088,095,100,106,107,121,125,129, 136
            Camper 006,100
            Canton 036
            Capsonic 043
            Carad 006,100,111,121,136
            Carena 006,083,100
            Carrefour 005,006,010,100
            Carver 024
            Cascade 001,006,100
            Casio 006,022,058,100
            Cathay 006,100
            CCE 006,035,100
            Centrex 125
            Centrum 136
            Centurion 006,100
            Century 013,040,041
            CGE 022,041,065,071,075,150
            Cimline 001,036,039
            Citizen 009
            City 001
            Clarivox 006,010,016,075,100
            Clatronic 001,006,016,035,036,041,043,051,065,066,100,105,10 9,129
            Clayton 136
            CMS 034
            CMS hightec 035
            Concorde 001
            Condor 001,006,016,022,034,041,043,044,051,065,073,075,10 0
            Conrac 134
            Conrad 006,100
            Contec 001,002,005,006,021,034,043,100
            Continental Edison 020,031,045,071,088
            Cosmel 001,006,054,100
            Crosley 013,022,041,150
            Crown 001,006,033,055,065,075,076,087,088,100,105,109,11 9,121,128,129,130,136
            CS Electronics 034,036,041
            CTC 041
            Curtis Mathes 009,014,023
            CyberHome 138
            Cybertron 036
            D.Boss 006
            Daewoo 001,006,034,035,036,067,091,100,113,116,125,127,12 9,147
            Dainichi 034,036
            Dansai 001,004,005,006,033,034,035,043,100
            Dansette 074
            Dantax 065,087,109,129,130
            Datsura 033
            Dawa 001,006,100
            Daytek 043,125
            Daytek 127
            Daytron 001,006,067,100
            de Graaf 007,022,033,063,098,
            Decca 006,011,035,094,100,147
            Deitron 006,036,067,100
            Denko 043
            Denver 006,100,107,109
            DER 027
            DER 148
            Desmet 001,006,013,051,100
            Diamant 006,100
            Diamond 001,034,043,066,123,125,127
            DiBoss 006,100
            Digatron 006,100
            Digihome 137
            Digiline 006,018,100,121
            DigiLogic 006,100
            Digitor 006,100
            Digivision 062
            DiK 006,100
            Dixi 001,006,013,035,041,100
            DL 006,107
            Domeos 006,121,136
            Domland 070
            Doric 058
            Dream Vision 145
            DSE 125
            DTS 001
            Dual 006,022,035,042,050,056,058,070,071,095,096,097,10 0,115,136,137,147
            Dumont 010,011,013,016,017,035
            Dunai 022,097
            Durabrand 006,100
            Dux 003,006,100
            D-Vision 006,100
            Dynatron 003,006,100
            e:max 109
            Ecco 125,127
            Edison-Minerva 088
            Elbe 006,022,028,035,036,040,042,048,062,065,073,079,09 4,100,111
            Elbe-Sharp 094
            Elcit 013,016,022,041,094
            Elekta 001,006,043,044,100
            Elfunk 136
            ELG 006,100
            Elin 001,006,017,018,022,034,058,062,082,098,100
            Elite 006,036,051,100
            Elman 016
            Elta 001,034,043
            Emco 041
            Emerson 006,010,013,022,025,026,041,044,051,052,062,065,06 6,087,100,113,121,129
            Emperor 044
            Enzer 123
            Erres 003,006,100
            ESC 006,035,100
            Estèle 022
            Etron 001,006,022,100
            Eurofeel 035,043
            EuroLine 006
            Euroman 006,034,035,043,065,076,100
            Europa 006,100
            Europhon 006,016,022,034,035,041,094,100
            Excel 006,100
            Expert 022,032,042,072
            Exquisit 006,041,100
            Fagor 006,100
            Family Life 006,100
            Fenner 001,067
            Ferguson 004,006,012,017,019,020,027,040,045,053,056,062,08 0,084,098,100,101,114,119,136,148
            Fidelity 006,022,034,043,062,066,074,093,096,097,100,148
            Filsai 035
            Finlandia 008,011,022,033,045,056,057,062,063,098
            Finlux 006,010,011,013,016,017,018,022,026,035,057,073,07 5,085,086,089,094,100,109,115,129,130,134
            Firstline 001,006,011,016,022,033,034,035,039,040,041,049,05 2,058,062,067,073,096,097,100,113,121,129,134,136
            Fisher 005,008,011,017,021,022,033,035,050,058,062,065,09 7,099
            Flint 006,011,036,043,083,100,111
            FNR 016
            Force 137
            Forgestone 148
            Formenti 006,013,022,034,051,087,100
            Formenti-Phoenix 034
            Fortress 013,014
            Fraba 006,065,096,100
            Friac 001,006,016,065,076,091,100,111,120
            Frontech 001,022,035,041,043,058,063,082
            Fujitsu 001,006,011,016,022,026,032,035,042,062,100,122
            Fujitsu General 001,022,032,035
            Fujitsu Siemens 134
            Funai 026,043,049,050,074,121,129,136,143
            Futronic 043,125
            Future 006,100
            Gaba 006,136
            Galaxi 006,016,022,062,100
            Galaxis 006,016,065,075,100
            Galeria 001
            GBC 001,022,036,063,067
            GE 020,025,044,045,053,056,101,114
            Geant Casino 022,072
            GEC 006,011,022,035,058,062,094,100
            Genesis 001,006,100
            Genexxa 001,006,022,036,074,100
            Giant 001,035
            Goldfunk 121
            Goldhand 034
            Goldline 054
            GoldStar 001,006,007,020,022,025,034,035,041,046,062,063,06 5,068,083,100,109,129,130
            Gooding 088
            Goodmans 001,004,005,006,011,026,035,036,039,043,046,053,05 6,066,067,086,088,091,094,100,101,105,107,113,116, 121,129,130,136,137
            Gorenje 065,076
            GPM 036
            Gradiente 006,024,100,119
            Graetz 006,022,055,062,066,100,129
            Granada 003,005,006,008,011,019,022,033,035,037,038,053,05 5,056,061,063,072,085,094,098,100,101
            Grandin 001,006,022,036,044,051,067,072,083,100,105,111,12 1,129,130,136
            Gronic 016,022,035
            Grundig 001,005,006,010,025,028,031,056,065,080,088,092,10 0,107,127,133
            Grunpy 026
            H&B 134
            Haaz 127
            Haier 043,125
            Halifax 034,035,043
            Hammerstein 009,043
            Hampton 034,035
            Hanimex 036,049
            Hanseatic 001,006,013,022,035,044,048,049,051,058,062,065,06 8,070,077,087,091,095,097,100,114,116,129,134
            Hantarex 001,006,016,040,094,100
            Hantor 006,100
            Harley Davidson 026
            Harwood 001,006,074,088,100
            Hauppauge 006,100
            HCM 001,006,035,036,043,044,074,075,100
            Hedzon 006,100
            Hema 001,035
            Hemmermann 058,097
            Hifivox 020,031,071
            Higashi 034
            Highline 006,043,100
            Hikona 036
            Hinari 001,005,006,022,026,033,036,039,043,049,060,080,08 8,100
            Hisawa 036,044,072,083,111,129
            Hisense 033,125
            Hit 013
            Hitachi 005,006,007,011,018,019,020,022,025,030,031,035,03 7,056,058,061,062,063,085,086,089,091,093,094,098, 100,104,116,131,136,137,141,142,147
            Hitachi Fujian 006,019,037,091,100
            Hitsu 001,036,083,111
            HMV 013,148
            Höher 129
            Home Electronics 109
            Hornyphon 003,006,100
            Hoshai 036,044,083
            Huanyu 034,067
            Hygashi 034,035
            Hyper 001,034,035,041
            Hypersonic 062
            Hypson 006,035,040,043,044,072,083,087,100,121,129,130,13 6
            Hyundai 006,043,100,125,127
            Iberia 006,100
            ICE 001,006,034,035,036,043,066,100
            Ices 034,036,003
            Ict 006,100,147
            Imperial 006,022,031,041,058,062,065,073,075,092,096,100,15 0
            Indiana 006,100
            Ingelen 022,062,088,111,129
            Ingersoll 001
            Inno Hit 001,006,011,016,135,136,041,044,046,0914,100,136
            Innovation 006,095
            Innovation 100
            Interactive 003,006,013,020,022,062,065,073,093,100,149
            Interbuy 001,006,041,043,093,100
            Interfunk 003,006,013,020,022,041,058,062,065,093,100,149
            Internal 006,067,091,100,113
            International 034
            Intervision 001,006,016,022,035,036,041,043,044,065,066,068,07 0,082,083,087,088,095,100
            Irradio 001,006,036,041,046,066,100
            Isukai 006,036,044,083,100
            ITC 035,051
            ITS 001,006,034,036,043,044,066,100
            ITT 022,026,033,055,057,058,062,085,086,097,098,103,11 1,148
            ITT Nokia 022,026,033,055,057,058,062,063,085,086,098,103,10 9,111,115
            ITV 006,041,043,067,100
            Jean 005
            JEC 004
            JMB 006,067,080,091,100,116
            Jocel 128
            Jubilee 100
            JVC 005,014,027,036,066,075,109,118,119,122,148
            Kaisui 001,006,034,035,036,044,083,100
            Kambrook 043,068
            Kamp 034
            Kapsch 017,022,032,042,062
            Karcher 006,016,022,043,044,065,076,100,109,111,129
            Kathrein 006,100
            Kawa 066
            Kawasho 034
            KB Aristocrat 022
            Kendo 006,016,022,039,041,063,065,068,073,077,087,093,09 5,100,111,136,137,147
            Kennedy 022,032,079
            Kennex 136
            Kenwood 018
            KIC 035
            Kingsbrook 136
            Kingsley 034
            Kiton 006,100,121
            Kneissel 006,040,042,048,065,067,073,079,091,100,111
            Kolster 006,016,036,041,058,100
            Konichi 001
            Konka 006,036,066,075,100,107,109,129
            Kontakt 088
            Korpel 006,100
            Korting 013,051,065,076
            Kosmos 006,100
            Kotron 043,074
            Koyoda 001
            Kraking 040
            Kriesler 003
            KTV 035
            Kuba 022,058
            Kuba Electronic 022,050,058
            Kyoshu 043,074,075
            Kyoto 022,034,035
            L&S Electronic 129
            LaSAT 065,087
            Lavis 006,022,136
            Leader 001
            Lecson 006,100
            Legend 001,054
            Lemair 073
            Lenco 001,006,017,022,067,100,107,136
            Lenoir 001
            Lesa 041
            Levis Austria 006,100
            Leyco 006,011,043,049,100,105
            LG 001,006,020,02,025,034,035,041,046,062,065,068,100 ,109,125,129,130,139
            Liesenk & Tter 006,100,149
            Liesenkotter 003,006,100,149
            Lifetec 001,006,036,043,067,093,095,100,120,121,122,129,13 6,147
            Lloyd's 001
            Lodos 136
            Lodos 137
            Loewe 006,013,048,065,093,094,100,120
            Logik 001,002,009,043,066,125,136,148
            Logix 095,121
            Luma 001,006,022,032,042,063,067,073,100
            Lumatron 006,012,022,032,035,042,043,062,063,100
            Lux May 001,006,100,106
            Luxman 105
            Luxor 022,026,030,033,035,046,057,058,061,062,063,085,08 6,089,098,115,136
            LXI 025
            Madison 006,100
            Magnadyne 013,016,022,041,094,097
            Magnafon 012,016,034,094
            Magnavox 005,006,026,100
            Magnum 006,100,129,130
            Mandor 043
            Manesth 004,006,022,035,039,043,049,051,063,100
            Manhattan 006,022,100,121,136
            Marantz 006,074,100
            Marelli 013
            Mark 001,006,034,035,067,100,129,130
            Mascom 006,100
            Master's 006,091
            Masuda 001,006,035,036,043,066,100
            Matsui 001,002,004,005,006,008,011,022,028,031,033,035,04 9,053,058,060,063,066,078,080,083,088,094,097,100, 105,129,136
            Matsushita 118
            Matsuviama 107
            Maxam 043
            Maxdorf 043,125,127
            MCE 001
            Mediator 003,003,006,100
            Medion 006,093,095,100,121,125,129,134,136,137,147
            Megas 111
            Megatron 025
            MEI 006,100,136
            Melectronic 001,006,017,018,020,022,028,031,034,035,041,045,05 6,057,058,062,067,073,086,089,093,100,113,116,129
            Melvox 072
            Memorex 001,009,025,118
            Memphis 001,011,054
            Mercury 001,006,009,043,100,125,127
            Merritt 022,062,098
            Metz 006,013,028,031,064,081,100,107,121,132,136
            MGA 006,017,025,036,100
            Micromaxx 006,100,121,134,136
            Microstar 134
            MicroTEK 043,125,127
            Mikomi 137
            Minato 006,100
            Minerva 010,019,028,031,088,094
            Minoka 006,074,100
            Mirai 144
            Mistral Electronics 148
            Mitsubishi 005,006,013,014,019,025,033,093,100,136,148
            Mitsuri General 022
            Mivar 034,035,046,047,048,065,094,110
            Monaco 001
            Morgan's 006,100
            Motorola 014
            MTC 009,022,034,058,062,065,082,093
            MTlogic 129
            Multibroadcast 148
            Multistandard 016
            Multitec 006,087,100,121,136
            Multitech 001,006,016,034,035,041,043,058,063,065,087,100
            Murphy 011,017,022,034
            Musikland 006,036,041,100
            MyCom 025
            Myryad 006,100
            NAD 022,023,025,062
            Naiko 006,100,109
            Nakimura 006,067,100
            Naonis 022,063
            NAT 038
            National 038
            NEC 001,002,005,006,024,035,051,067,083,091,100,107,11 9,145
            Neckermann 006,013,022,035,041,051,058,063,065,073,075,093,10 0,135,143,149
            NEI 006,022,054,066,100,136
            Nesco 026,041
            Netsat 006,100
            Network 054,054,001,006,036,006,036,044,100,111,129
            New Tech 001,006,035,056,082,100
            New World 036
            Nicamagic 034
            Nikkai 001,004,005,006,011,034,035,036,043,054,100
            Nikkei 129
            Nikko 025
            Nobliko 010,016,034
            Nogamatic 020,031,071
            Nokia 020,022,026,033,051,055,057,058,062,067,085,086,08 9,098,103,109,111,115
            Nordic 035
            Nordmende 006,020,022,031,045,053,056,071,084,100,101,129
            Norfolk 022
            Normerel 006,100
            Novak 003,006,100
            Novatronic 006,018,067,096,100
            Nurnberg 022,062
            NU-TEC 006,043,083,100,125,127
            Oceanic 022,033,049,062,072,085,086,098,103
            Odeon 043
            Okano 001,006,011,043,065,100
            Omega 043
            Omni 125
            Onn 100,137
            Onwa 016,036,066,078,106,108
            Opera 006,100
            Optimus 023,118
            Optonica 014
            Orbit 006,100
            Orion 001,002,006,016,026,039,043,049,051,052,060,074,08 0,094,093,097,100,120,129
            Orline 006,036,100
            Ormond 006,100,121,136
            Orsowe 094
            Osaki 006,011,035,036,043,060,067,074,100
            Osio 006,046,100
            Oso 036
            Osume 005,006,011,021,036,100
            Otto Versand 001,005,006,014,020,028,031,035,038,039,041,044,04 9,050,051,056,058,062,077,093,094,095,097,100,135, 143
            Pacific 006,080,100,129,136,147
            Pael 034
            Palladium 006,013,022,028,035,041,058,063,065,073,075,095,10 0,120,129,135,143,147,149
            Palsonic 006,035,036,043,068,074,075,082,100,125
            Panama 001,006,034,035,041,043,100
            Panasonic 006,009,019,022,025,038,062,094,098,100,118
            Panavision 006,073,100
            Papouw 006,100
            Pathe Cinema 022,034,040,048,051,058,065,072
            Pathe Marconi 020,031,071
            Pausa 001
            Perdio 006,011,022,034,044,051,100
            Perfekt 006,100
            Pershin 072
            Philco 006,013,022,041,065,075,095,100,150
            Philex 022,148
            Philharmonic 035
            Philips 001,003,006,013,028,040,056,062,067,100,148
            Phocus 129
            Phoenix 006,011,013,022,034,051,065,087,100
            Phonola 003,006,013,034,100,148
            Pilot 006,100,127,128
            Pioneer 002,006,020,022,023,024,045,056,062,077,087,093,10 0
            Pionier 065,087
            Plantron 001,006,043,100
            Playsonic 006,035,055,129,130
            Policom 010,013,016,020,022,031,032,040,062,150
            Polytron 044,124
            Poppy 001
            Portland 067,113
            Powerpoint 006,008,100,125
            Prandoni-Prince 041,062,063,094
            Precision 035
            Premier 001,043
            Prima 001,043,050,074
            Princess 125
            Prinston 136
            Prinz 011,030,058,062,097
            Profex 001
            Profex 022,062,063
            Profi 001
            Profitronic 006,016,100
            Proline 003,006,011,052,073,100,114,116,136
            Prosonic 006,034,035,065,066,067,100,105,109,121,129
            Protech 001,006,016,022,035,041,043,044,054,058,075,087,10 0,121,136
            Proton 025
            Provision 006,091,100,129,136
            Pye 003,006,013,058,067,074,100
            Pymi 001
            Quadra Vision 072
            Quadral 036
            Quasar 001,041,118
            Quelle 001,002,005,006,010,017,018,020,021,028,031,035,04 3,046,049,057,058,062,076,093,097,100,121,135,136, 143,149,150
            Questa 005
            Radialva 006,020,022,036,045,054,100
            Radiola 003,006,035,100
            Radiomarelli 006,013,041,094,100
            RadioShack 006,025,100
            Radiotone 001,006,043,065,074,075,077,100,105,121,136
            Rank 010
            Rank Arena 005,021,108
            RBM 010
            RCA 014,053,056,101,114
            Realistic 025
            Recor 006,075,100
            Rectiligne 006,100
            Rediffusion 005,057,062,098
            Redstar 006,100
            Reflex 006,100,121,136
            Reoc 113,116,129
            Revox 006,065,100
            Rex 022,032,041,042,043,063,073
            RFT 006,011,013,043,048,065,077,087,100
            Rhapsody 034
            Ricoh 006,100
            Rinex 043,075,125,127
            R-Line 006,022,100
            Roadstar 001,006,036,043,044,075,100,121,129,136
            Robotron 013
            Rodex 006,100
            Rolsen 006,100
            Rover 005
            Rowa 001,006,034,035,043,100,107,125,127,128
            Roxy 082
            Royal 075,109
            Royal Lux 053,065,074,076
            Rukopir 006,100
            Saba 013,020,022,031,045,053,056,062,071,084,090,094,09 8,101,114,118,129
            Saccs 040
            Sagem 044,083,111,112
            Saisho 001,002,006,035,039,043,067,094,097,116
            Saivod 100,121,128,136
            Sakaï 022
            Sakyno 083
            Salora 022,030,033,046,055,058,061,062,063,086,094,098,11 5
            Salsa 053
            Sambers 016,094
            Samsung 001,006,009,011,014,022,025,033,035,043,046,065,08 2,095,100,107,112,114,117
            Sandra 034,035,040
            Sansui 006,043,066,076,083,100,108,120,125,127,129
            Santon 001
            Sanyo 001,002,005,006,008,011,017,019,021,022,024,033,03 4,035,048,055,065,087,097,099,100,136,137
            Save 006,100
            SBR 003,006,100,148
            Schaub Lorenz 058,062,067,087,098,109,129
            Schneider 003,006,010,022,035,036,041,042,050,056,058,062,06 6,070,095,097,100,113,121,129,136,147
            Scotland 022
            Scott 025,026
            Sears 025,026
            Seaway 116
            Seelver 006,100,136
            SEG 001,005,006,016,022,034,035,036,041,043,058,088,10 0,113,116,121,129,136
            SEI 006,013,016,022,032,049,058,094,097,100,135,143
            Sei-Sinudyne 006,013,016,032,049,094,097,100,135,143
            Seleco 005,022,032,042,043,057,063,066,073,079
            Sencora 001
            Sentra 001,004,036,058
            Serie Dorada 025
            Serino 014,034,083,111
            Sharp 005,014,021,049,094,119,140,148
            Shintoshi 006,100,
            Shivaki 006,025,067,080,100
            Shorai 026,049
            Show 001,006,011,043,075,125,127
            Siarem 013,06,022,094
            Siemens 006,021,028,031,062,100,149
            Siera 003,006,100,107
            Siesta 065
            Silva 006,034,062,100
            Silver 005,006,022,026,062,083,100,130
            SilverCrest 006,100,136
            Singer 001,006,013,016,022,041,053,072,079,100,103,125
            Sinotec 075,109,125
            Sinudyne 006,013,016,022,032,039,049,058,062,094,097,100,10 9,135,143
            Skantic 061
            Sky 006,025,044,100
            Skymaster 018
            Skysonic 123
            SLX 121
            Smaragd 088
            Sogera 051
            Solavox 006,011,022,062,098,100
            Sonawa 036
            Sonber 016
            Soniko 006,100
            Sonitron 033,035,055,065
            Sonneclair 006,100
            Sonoko 001,006,035,043,044,100
            Sonolor 022,033,044,062,072,098,103,135,143
            Sontec 001,006,049,065,100
            Sony 002,005,006,014,021,024,029,059,100,135,143,150
            Sound & Vision 006,016,036,067,100
            Soundesign 025,026
            Soundwave 006,051,075,100,130
            Spectra 001
            Ssangyong 001
            Staksonic 001
            Standard 001,006,035,036,051,067,100,136
            Starlite 001,006,022,043,074,100
            Stenway 036,044
            Stern 022,032,042,043,063,073,079
            Strato 001,006,043,100
            Strong 006,100,136,137
            Stylandia 035
            Sunic Line 006,100
            Sunkai 006,036,039,049,052,060,083,088,096,100,111
            Sunny 006
            Sunstar 001,006,043,066,100,105
            Sunwatt 083
            Sunwood 001,006,100
            Superla 034,035,094
            Supersonic 001,006,033,043,083,100,125
            SuperTech 001,006,034,036,100
            Supervision 043,125
            Supra 001,006,025,067
            Susumu 036,045,053
            Sutron 001
            SVA 033,043,083,125,127
            Svasa 033,043,125,127
            Swissline 041
            Sydney 034,035
            Sysline 006,100
            Sytong 034
            T+A 081
            Tandberg 020,022,031,054,062,064,073
            Tandy 011,014,022,035,036,041
            Targa 112
            Tashiko 005,022,024,034,035,063
            Tatung 002,006,011,035,094,100
            TCM 129,134
            Teac 001,006,024,025,035,043,044,058,074,075,083,093,09 7,100,107,113,121,125,127,129,136,137
            TEC 001,006,022,035,041,042,054,062,084,100
            Tech Line 006,100,121
            Techica 036
            Technema 051
            Technics 118
            TechniSat 006,022,100,120
            Technisson 129
            Technol Ace 026,034,043,067,116,125
            Technosonic 006,091,100
            Techwood 136
            Tecnimagen 100
            Tedelex 001,006,033,035,043,075,100,107,109,125,127
            Teiron 001
            Tek 001,006,125
            Teknika 009,026
            Teleavia 020,031,045,056,071
            Telecor 006,022,035,036,042,070,100
            Telefunken 006,012,015,020,031,045,053,056,057,071,084,087,09 0,100,1014,107,114,125,127,128,129,146,150
            Telefusion 006,100
            Telegazi 006,022,036,042,043,100
            Telemeister 006,051,100
            Telesonic 006,100
            Telestar 001,006,074,100,105
            Teletech 001,006,041,054,100,121,136
            Teleton 005,022,032,035,042,058,063
            Televideon 022,034,051
            Teleview 006,100
            Televiso 072
            Telexa 016
            Temco 049
            Tempest 001,006,043,100
            Tennessee 006,100
            Tensai 001,006,017,018,022,035,036,041,049,051,066,067,06 8,100,130,136
            Tenson 001,051
            Tesla 006
            Tevion 006,095,100,121,129,134,147
            Texet 001,034,035,036,067
            Thomson 006,020,031,034,045,051,053,056,058,071,084,100,10 1,114
            Thorn 002,003,004,005,006,008,010,011,012,015,017,019,02 0,027,037,040,053,056,061,062,067,091,093,100,135, 143,148,150
            Thorn-Ferguson 004,012,017,019,020,027,040,053,062,091,148
            TMK 025
            Tobishi 036
            Tokai 001,006,011,022,035,054,067,082,100,121,136
            Tokaido 136
            Tokyo 004,034,050,082
            Tomashi 036,044
            Tongtel 107
            Top Show 001,043,075,125,127
            Topline 121,136
            Toshiba 001,004,005,006,009,010,016,020,028,031,035,092,11 2,118,125,129,145
            Towada 016,035,058
            Toyoda 001,043,066
            Trakton 001,035,043
            TRANS-continents 006,035,087,100,121,136
            Transonic 001,006,043,075,083,093,100,107,125,128
            Transtec 034
            Triad 001,006,036,100
            Trical 021
            Trident 035,094
            Tristar 036,043,148
            Triumph 006,057,094,100
            Tsoschi 044
            TVTEXT 95 100
            Uher 006,032,042,050,051,065,067,075,086,087,100
            Ultravox 006,013,016,022,034,041,067,100
            Unic Line 006,058,083,085,100
            United 006,100,107,129,130,136
            Universal 006,100,129
            Universum 001,002,005,006,010,017,018,020,021,022,024,031,03 5,041,043,046,049,054,057,058,062,065,073,075,076, 085,086,089,093,097,100,112,115,121,135,136,137,14 3,149,150
            Univox 006,013,022,040,054,100
            Utax 022
            V10 Videoseven 143
            V7 Videoseven 025
            V8 Videoseven 112
            V9 Videoseven 144
            Vestel 006,022,035,100,121,136
            Vexa 001,006,100
            Victor 119
            Videologic 034,036
            Videologique 034,035,036
            Videosat 041
            VideoSystem 006,100
            Videotechnic 034,035,051,067
            Videoton 022,061,016
            Vidtech 005,025
            Viper 054
            Visiola 034
            Vision 006,035,043,051,100
            Vistar 032,062,103
            Vortec 006,100
            Voxson 006,013,022,025,063,075,100
            Waltham 006,020,022,035,045,061,075,080,100,121,136
            Wards 026
            Watson 001,006,022,036,051,070,095,100,105,121,136,149
            Watt Radio 016,022,034,058,097
            Wega 005,006,013,100
            Wegavox 001,006,100
            Welltech 129
            Weltblick 006,035,051,100
            Weltstar 136
            Weston 006,100
            Wharfedale 006,095,100,125,127
            White Westinghouse 006,034,051,054,100,113
            Wilson 100
            Windsor 121,136
            Windstar 044,054
            Windy Sam 100
            Wintel 129
            Worldview 008,083
            Xenius 116
            XLogic 125
            Xrypton 006,100
            Yamaha 118
            Yamishi 006,035,036,044,083,100
            Yokan 006,100
            Yoko 001,006,034,035,036,041,043,055,065,076,100
            Yorx 036
            YU-MA-TU 006
            Zanela 040
            Zanussi 032,035,063
            Zenith 113
            Zenor 055

            Hope it help...

            Originally posted by sahilkhan
            How to use your Dreambox remote to control your TV. Some TV need codes, they are listed. Known Dreambox models are 7000/7020/600/800HD other Dreambox remotes should work, but with alternative buttons.

            Use Dreambox remote to control TVHere is how:

            1- Press TV button on your dream remote
            2- Press on SHIFT/Set-up button for 3 seconds and TV button will blink twice
            3- Enter the suitable code that match your TV
            4- When u finish the remote will be ready to use for both Dreambox and the Tv

            If u want to use the remote for the Dreambox just press the Dream button and to use it for Tv press the Tv button.

            Here are the codes :
            A.R. Systems 0067 0586 0404 0485
            Accent 0039 0067 0586
            Zenith 0654
            Zenor 0369

            And the codes for other devices to be used with the remote (VCR, DVD, SAT..) for the old remote control (gray/black original/clone) are the following:


            Accent 0102
            Adelsound 0034
            Adyson 0102
            Aim 0308 0672 0378 0239
            Aiwa 0030 0337 0239 0378 0382 0067 0071 0062 1062
            Akai 0067 0136 0345 0672 0083 0071 0382 0270 0378
            Akashi 0102
            Akiba 0102
            Akura 0102 0071
            Alba 0308 0102 0239 0382 0030 0345 0378 0111
            Allorgan 0270
            Allstar 0352 0111
            Amstrad 0030 0362 0308 0102
            Anitech 0102 0352
            Ansonic 0034 0030
            Aristona 0111
            ASA 0067 0111
            Asuka 0102 0067 0111 0030 0068
            Audiosonic 0308
            AVP 0382 0030
            AWA 0067 0308 0672 0073
            Baird 0136 0308 0134 0137 0071 0030
            Bang & Olufsen 0529
            Basic Line 0308 0239 0102 0076 0134
            Beko 0134
            Bestar 0308
            Black Diamond 0672 0308
            Black Panther 0308
            Blaupunkt 1592 0256 0111 0257 0036 0225 0433 0064
            Blue Sky 0067 0239 0378 0102 0382 0308 0030 0672
            Bondstec 0102
            Brandt 0071 0217 0327 0236 0350 0351 0523
            Brandt Electronique 0071
            Brinkmann 0239 0378
            Brionvega 0236
            Broksonic 0382
            Bush 0102 0308 0345 0239 0382 0030 0378 0111 0672
            Carena 0239 0111
            Carrefour 0075
            Casio 0030
            Cathay 0308
            CGE 0071 0030
            Cimline 0102 0239
            Clatronic 0102 0030
            Combitech 0382
            Condor 0308
            Crown 0067 0308 0102 0352
            Cyrus 0111
            Daewoo 0308 0672 0667 0239 0378 0382 0075
            Dansai 0102 0308
            Dantax 0382
            Daytron 0308
            de Graaf 0072 0196 0111 0134 0078 0076
            Decca 0030 0071 0111 0038 0097 0378 0239 0382
            Deitron 0308
            Denko 0102
            Diamant 0067
            Diamond 0308
            Digitor 0672
            Domland 0239
            DSE 0672
            Dual 0071 0111 0308 0030 0378
            Dumont 0030 0111 0134
            Durabrand 0672
            Elbe 0308 0068
            Elcatech 0102
            Elin 0270
            Elsay 0102
            Elta 0102 0308
            Emerson 0102 0075 0066 0030
            ESC 0308 0270
            EuroLine 0378
            Ferguson 0137 0071 0350 0351 0083 0523 0030 0308 0378
            Fidelity 0030 0102 0270 0462 0382
            Finlandia 0134 0111 0072 0196 0030 0078 0414 0037 0067 0073
            0076 0136 0256
            Finlux 0030 0111 0134 0072
            Firstline 0102 0239 0378 0073 0067 0075 0072 0118 0308
            Fisher 0077 0134 0076 0068
            Flint 0239 0378
            Frontech 0352 0102
            Fujitsu 0030
            Fujitsu General 0067
            Funai 0030
            Galaxi 0030
            Galaxis 0308
            GE 0350
            GEC 0111
            General Technic 0378
            Genexxa 0134
            Goldhand 0102
            GoldStar 0067 0030
            Goodmans 0030 0102 0270 0308 0067 0111 0378 0239 0433 0667
            0382 0672
            GPX 0067
            Graetz 0071 0134 0270
            Granada 0134 0076 0078 0111 0036 0270 0067 0256 0072 0030
            Grandin 0102 0067 0030 0308 0239
            Grundig 0377 0225 0111 0037 0256 0036 0433 0350 0378 0237
            0102 0239 0382 0064
            Haaz 0378 0239
            Hanimex 0382
            Hanseatic 0067 0239 0308 0111 0068
            Harwood 0102
            HCM 0102 0352
            Hinari 0034 0102 0239 0382 0071 0352 0118 0308 0270
            Hisawa 0239 0382
            Hischito 0075
            Hitachi 0072 0196 0071 0030 0270 0111 0034 0134 0433 0414
            Höher 0308 0672
            Hornyphon 0111
            Hypson 0102 0239 0378 0308 0382 0030 0067
            Imperial 0030 0270
            Ingersoll 0034 0239 0270
            Inno Hit 0270 0308 0352 0102
            Interbuy 0067 0102
            Interfunk 0111 0134
            Internal 0308 0667
            International 0308 0067
            Intervision 0030 0308 0067 0239 0378
            Irradio 0102 0067 0111
            ITT 0136 0071 0076 0414 0134 0270
            ITT Nokia 0078
            ITV 0308 0067
            JMB 0239 0382 0378
            Joyce 0030
            JVC 0097 0038 0236 0071 0237 0414 0516
            Kaisui 0102
            Kambrook 0067
            Karcher 0308
            Kendo 0136 0239 0345 0083 0378 0102 0067 0308
            Kenwood 0071 0068 0076
            KIC 0030
            Kimari 0077
            Kneissel 0382 0239 0378 0067 0308
            Kolster 0239 0378
            Korpel 0102
            Kuba 0077
            Kuba Electronic 0077
            Kyoto 0102
            Lenco 0308
            Leyco 0102 0118
            LG 0067 0030 0308
            Lifetec 0239 0378
            Loewe 0111 1592 0256 0036 0067 0034
            Logik 0034 0270 0102 0136 0239
            Lumatron 0308
            Lux May 0102
            Luxor 0136 0076 0073 0102 0134 0077 0078 0345
            Magnavox 0111 0433 0672
            Magnum 0672
            Manesth 0102 0075 0111 0239
            Marantz 0111 0068 0036 0239
            Mark 0308 0030
            Marquant 0352
            Mascom 0672
            Mastec 0672
            Master's 0308
            Matsui 0239 0034 0378 0066 0067 0118 0270 0382 0362 0030
            Mediator 0111
            Medion 0378 0239 0382
            Melectronic 0030 0067 0068
            Memorex 0134 0030 0076 0067 0078 0077
            Memphis 0102
            Metronic 0111
            Metz 1592 0377 0866 0111 0256 0257 0225 0036 0067
            Micormay 0378
            Micromaxx 0239 0378
            Migros 0030
            Minerva 0225 0036
            Mitsubishi 0073 0097 0111 0030 0672
            Multitec 0067
            Multitech 0030 0102 0134 0352
            Murphy 0030
            Myryad 0111
            NAD 0134
            Naiko 0672 0378
            National 1592 0256
            Nebula Electronics 0063
            NEC 0071 0068 0097 0134 0067 0308
            Neckermann 0071 0036 0111
            Nesco 0102 0030 0382
            Neufunk 0239 0067
            Nikkai 0102 0308
            Nokia 0134 0136 0345 0071 0308 0076 0270 0078 0072 0111
            Nordmende 0071 0327 0414 0350 0351 0217 0237 0524 0558 0097
            0523 0672
            NU-TEC 0239 0378
            Oceanic 0030 0350 0078 0136 0111 0134 0071 0076
            Okano 0345 0239 0378 0102 0352 0308
            Onimax 0672
            Orbit 0102
            Orion 0378 0239 0034 0066 0118 0382
            Orson 0030
            Osaki 0030 0067 0102
            Osume 0102
            Otake 0239
            Otto Versand 0111
            Pace 0382
            Pacific 0030
            Palladium 0102 0345 0067 0071 0036 0239 0034 0270 0378 0462
            Palsonic 0102 0030 0672
            Panasonic 1592 0256 0866 0257
            Pathe Cinema 0066 0034 0073
            Pathe Marconi 0071
            Perdio 0030 0239
            Philco 0068 0102
            Philips 0111 0433 0036 0414
            Phoenix 0308
            Phonola 0111
            Pioneer 0097 0111 0072
            Portland 0308 0667
            Prinz 0030 0118
            Profex 0352
            Profitronic 0111 0270
            Proline 0030 0308 0350 0672 0351
            Prosco 0308
            Prosonic 0239 0308 0030
            Protech 0111 0308
            Provision 0308
            Pye 0111 0030
            Quasar 0308
            Quelle 0036 0111
            Radialva 0067 0102 0111 0078
            Radiola 0111
            Radionette 0067
            Rank 0071
            Rank Arena 0071
            RCA 0350
            Reoc 0239 0378 0667 0308
            Rex 0071 0414
            RFT 0433 0102
            Roadstar 0270 0102 0067 0308 0111
            Royal 0352 0102
            Saba 0071 0217 0327 0236 0237 0350 0351 0414 0524 0610
            0308 0560
            Saisho 0034 0239 0066 0118 0378
            Salora 0076 0073 0136 0134
            Samsung 0270 0462
            Sansui 0071 0097 0136 0102 0352 0378
            Sanwa 0034
            Sanyo 0134 0076 0077 0078 0097 0378
            Saville 0382 0308 0270
            SBR 0111
            ScanSonic 0270
            Schaub Lorenz 0071 0134 0030 0136 0345
            Schneider 0102 0030 0067 0111 0308 0270 0072 0382 0672
            Seaway 0308
            SEG 0308 0102 0270 0352 0672 0111 0667
            SEI 0034 0111
            Sei-Sinudyne 0034 0111
            Seleco 0071 0038 0414 0067
            Sentra 0102
            Setron 0102
            Sharp 0078 0067 0599
            Shintom 0102 0134
            Shivaki 0067
            Shorai 0118 0034
            Siemens 0225 0036 0067 0134 0037 0111 0350 0377
            Siera 0111
            Silva 0067
            Silver 0308
            SilverCrest 0672
            Singer 0378 0075
            Sinudyne 0034 0111 0239 0382
            Smaragd 0378
            Sonitron 0077
            Sonneclair 0102
            Sonoko 0308
            Sonolor 0078 0076
            Sontec 0067 0308
            Sonwa 0672
            Sony 0062 0064 1062 0063 0136
            Soundwave 0067 0239 0378
            Ssangyong 0102
            Standard 0308
            Starlite 0067 0134
            Stern 0308
            Sunkai 0239 0378 0308
            Sunstar 0030
            Suntronic 0030
            Sunwood 0102
            Supra 0067 0270 0378 0308
            Symphonic 0030 0102
            T+A 1592 0256
            Taisho 0034 0239 0118
            Tandberg 0308
            Tashiko 0030 0078 0270 0111 0067
            Tatung 0030 0071 0111 0083 0078 0073 0239 0378 0382
            Tchibo 0378
            TCM 0378
            Teac 0102 0071 0030 0308 0672 0067 0111 0433 0337 0667
            TEC 0308 0102
            Tech Line 0102
            Technics 0256
            TechniSat 0378 0239
            Tedelex 0067 0378 0672
            Teleavia 0071 0217 0523
            Telefunken 0217 0672 0239 0071 0327 0350 0030 0351 0414 0523
            0524 0559 0560 0308 0610 0236
            Telestar 0067
            Teletech 0352 0102 0308 0030
            Tenosal 0102
            Tensai 0030 0352 0067 0102 0034 0308
            Tevion 0378 0672 0239
            Texet 0308
            Thomson 0350 0752 0351 0071 0097 0414 0236 0523 0524 0558
            Thorn 0071 0134 0067 0066
            Thorn-Ferguson 0137 0350
            Tokai 0102 0067 0071 0134
            Tokiwa 0102
            Topline 0378
            Toshiba 0075 0071 0414 0073 0111 0433 0382
            Towada 0352 0102
            Tradex 0111
            Tredex 0308
            Triad 0308
            Uher 0067 0270
            Ultravox 0308
            Unitech 0270
            United 0378
            Universum 0030 0111 0270 0067 0136 0378 0225 0036 0239 0352
            0433 0134
            Victor 0038 0097
            Video Technic 0030
            Watson 0111 0382 0308 0672
            Weltblick 0067
            Wharfedale 0672
            World 0378
            Yamaha 0071
            Yamishi 0102 0308
            Yokan 0102
            Yoko 0067 0102 0270
            Yoshita 0102
            Zenith 0667
            ZX 0239 0378 0382


            Dream Multimedia 1267 0031 0033 0034 0032
            Force 0031


            ADB 1299
            Auna 1299 1296


            3 Plus 0520
            3D LAB 0569
            Acoustic Solutions 0760 0743
            AEG 0818 0800 0820
            Aim 0729 0702 0820
            Airis 0702
            Aiwa 0671 0725 0563
            Akai 0820 0818 1145 0720 0743 0735
            Akira 0729
            Alba 0747 0729 0743 0725 0760 0813 0569 0702
            Alize 1181
            All-Tel 0820
            Amitech 0800 0880
            Amstrad 0743 1145 1181 0820 0800
            AMW 0902
            Ansonic 0804
            Apex Digital 0702
            Arena 1145
            Aristona 0569 0676
            A-Trend 0744
            Audiosonic 0720
            Audioworld 0820
            Audix 0743
            Autovox 0743
            AWA 0760 0902
            Axion 0760
            Baier 0782
            Basic Line 0743
            Baze 0702
            Bellagio 0902
            Black Diamond 0743
            Blaupunkt 0747
            Blue Sky 0743 0729 0725 0702 0681 0820
            Boman 0813 0818
            Brainwave 0800 1145
            Brandt 0681 0581 0533
            Bush 0743 0725 0760 0729 0720 0719 0747 0804
            Cambridge Audio 0726
            Cambridge Soundworks 0726
            CAT 0729
            Celestial 0702
            Centrex 0702
            Centrum 0743
            CGV 0800
            Cinea 0871
            Cinetec 0743 0902
            cineULTRA 0729
            Classic 0760
            Clatronic 0818 0702
            Clayton 0743
            Coby 0760
            Conia 0702
            Contel 0818
            Continental Edison 0902 0804
            Crown 0800 0681 0720
            C-Tech 0798
            Cybercom 0804
            CyberHome 0744
            Cytron 0681 0735 0804
            Daenyx 0902
            Daewoo 0735 0800 0744 0902
            Dalton 1066
            Dansai 0800 0813 1145
            Dantax 0725 0743
            Daytek 0902
            Dayton 0902
            DCE 0804
            DEC 0729
            Decca 0800
            Denon 0664 0520
            Denver 0729 0818 0702
            Denzel 0695
            Diamond 0681 0798 0820 0800 1145
            Digihome 0743
            DigiLogic 0743
            digiRED 0747
            Digitor 0720 0681
            Digitrex 0702
            DiK 0804
            Dinamic 0818
            DiViDo 0735
            DK digital 0804
            DMTECH 0813 0820
            Dragon 0804
            Dual 0743 0695 0681 0760 0813 0820 0804
            Durabrand 0804 0743
            D-Vision 1145
            DVX 0798
            EagleTec 0744
            Electrohome 0800
            Elfunk 0880 0743
            Elin 0800
            Ellion 0880
            Elta 0720 0800 0818 0820 1145 1181
            Emerson 0621 0735
            Enzer 0695 0800
            EuroLine 0818 1145
            Ferguson 0681 0743
            Finlux 0771 0800 0813 0621 0702
            Fintec 0743
            Firstline 0681
            Funai 0725
            GE 0747
            Global Solutions 0798
            Global Sphère 0798
            Go Video 0813
            GoldStar 0621 0771
            Goodmans 0743 0813 0760 0681 0820 0720
            GPX 0771
            Graetz 0695
            Gran Prix 0804
            Grandin 0702 0743
            Grundig 0725 0569 0681 0820 0735 0743 0700 0581
            Grunkel 0800 0804
            H&B 0743 0871 0880
            Haaz 0798
            Hanseatic 0771 0813 0820
            Harman/Kardon 0732
            HCM 0818
            HDT 0735
            HE 0760
            Henß 0743
            Hicon 0702
            Hitachi 0694 0695 0603 0743
            Hiteker 0702
            Höher 0804 0743
            Home Electronics 0760 0800
            Hyundai 0813 0880 0818 0798
            Ingelen 0818
            Inno Hit 0743
            Irradio 0771 1145 0800
            ISP 0725
            it's 0747
            Jamo 1066
            JBL 0732
            JDB 0760
            Jeken 0729
            JMB 0725
            JVC 0653 0588 1931 1970 0569 0533
            Karcher 0813
            Kendo 0743 0729 0702
            Kennex 0800 0743
            Kenwood 0564 0520
            KeyPlug 0800
            Kiiro 0800
            Kiss 0871 0695
            Koss 0681
            Lawson 0735 0798
            Lecson 0726
            Leiker 0902
            Lenco 0729 0804 0681 0800 0743
            Lenoxx 0720
            Lexia 0729 0798
            LG 0771 1936 0621
            Lifetec 0681 0804
            Limit 0798
            Lodos 0743
            Loewe 0569 0771
            LogicLab 0798
            Logik 0743
            Logix 0735 0813
            Lumatron 0735 1145 0771 0743 0760
            Luxman 0603
            Luxor 0743 0760 0747
            Magnavox 0533 0569 0743
            Manhattan 0735 0743
            Marantz 0569
            Mark 0743 0725
            Marquant 0800
            Matsui 0681 0743 0702 0725
            Maxdorf 0818
            Maxim 0743
            MBO 0720 0760
            MDS 0729
            Mecotek 0800
            Medion 0804 0813 0681 0660 0771
            MEI 0820
            Memorex 0804
            Memory 0760
            Metz 0601 0555 0743
            Micromaxx 0725
            Micromedia 0533 0569
            Micromega 0569
            Microstar 0804
            Minato 0782
            Minax 0743
            Minerva 0735
            Minoka 0800 1145
            Mirror 0782
            Mitsubishi 0743
            Monyka 0695
            Mustek 0760
            Mx Onda 0681
            Mystral 0804
            NAD 0771
            Naiko 0800
            NEC 0621 0771
            Neufunk 0695
            Nevir 0804 0800 0702
            Nexius 0820
            Nordmende 0804
            Noriko 0782
            Okano 0782
            Omni 0720 0729
            Onkyo 0657 0533
            Optimus 0601 0555
            Orbit 0902
            Orion 0725
            Oritron 0681
            Pacific 0820 0798 0804 0743
            Packard Bell 0804
            Palladium 0725 0743
            Palsonic 0719 0702
            Panasonic 0520 1938
            Panda 0747 0813
            Papouw 0563
            Philips 0569 0676 0533
            Phonotrend 0729
            Pioneer 0601 1995 0661 0555
            Plu2 0880
            Pointer 0800
            Portland 0720 0800
            Powerpoint 0902
            Prinz 0804
            Proline 0681 0702 0820
            Proson 0743
            Prosonic 0729 0782
            Provision 0729 0760
            Pye 0676 0569
            Radionette 0771 1936 0671
            Radiotone 0743
            Raite 0695
            RCA 0681
            REC 0719 0520
            Red Star 0800 0818
            Reoc 0798 0782
            Revoy 0729 0871
            Rimax 1181
            Roadstar 0729 0720 0719 0743 0760
            Ronin 0902
            Rotel 0653 0588
            Rowa 0555 0747
            Saba 0681 0581
            Sabaki 0798
            Saivod 0804 0800
            Sakyno 0798
            Salora 0771
            Sampo 0782
            Samsung 0603 1962 0520
            Sansui 0725 0798 0800 1145
            Sanyo 0700 0725 0820 0743
            Scan 0735 0880
            ScanMagic 0760
            Schaub Lorenz 0818 0800
            Schneider 0813 0569 0735 0818 0743 0681 0820 0804 0676
            Schöntech 0743
            Schwaiger 0782
            Scientific Labs 0798
            Scott 0681 0702 1066
            SEG 0743 0695 0798 0902
            Shanghai 0702
            Sharp 0660 0782 0743 0725
            Sherwood 0747 0771
            Shinco 0747
            Silva 0818 0804
            Silva Schneider 0804 1936 0771
            SilverCrest 0798
            Singer 0720 0798
            Sinotec 0800 1145
            Sistemas 0702
            Skymaster 0760 0798
            Sliding 1145
            Slim Art 0800
            Slim Devices 0563
            SM Electronic 0760 0798 0720
            Smart 0735 0743
            Sonashi 0804
            Soniko 0818
            Sony 0563 1100 1933
            Soundmaster 0798
            Soundmax 0798
            Soundwave 0813
            Spectra 0902
            Standard 0681 0798 0818 0804
            Star Clusters 0798
            Strong 0743
            Sunkai 0800 0880
            Sunwood 0818
            Supervision 0760 0798
            SVA 0702 0782
            Synn 0798
            Tandberg 0743
            Targa 0771 1936
            Tatung 0800
            Tchibo 0771
            TCM 0771
            Teac 0747 0771 0820 0798 0601 0621
            Technics 0520 1938
            Technika 0800 1145 0804
            Technosonic 1145
            Techwood 0743 0569
            Tedelex 0720 0798 0800
            Telefunken 0820 0818 1145 0800
            Teletech 0743 0798
            Tensai 0720 0681 0800
            Tevion 1066 0681 0798
            Theta Digital 0601
            Thomson 0581
            Tokai 0695 0818
            Tokiwa 0735
            Toshiba 0533
            TProgress 0782
            TRANS-continents 0902 0804
            Transonic 0702
            Trio 0800
            TVE 0743
            Umax 0720 1181
            United 0818 0760 0820 0702 0725 1145 0729 0798 0743
            Universal Multimedia 0798
            Universum 0771 0743 0621 0820
            Venturer 0820
            Vestel 0743
            Vieta 0735
            Voxson 0804 0760 0720
            Waitec 0760
            Walkvision 0747
            Welkin 0804
            Wellington 0743
            Weltstar 0743
            Wesder 0729
            Wharfedale 0798 0726 0820 0782 0800 1145
            Wilson 0804
            Windy Sam 0603
            Woxter 1181
            XLogic 0800 0798
            XMS 0818 0719 0800
            Yamada 0902 1181
            Yamaha 0569 0676 0520
            Yamakawa 0695 0902
            Yukai 0760
            Zenith 0533 0621 0771


            • satfan
              • Jun 2011
              • 82

              Re: How to guide: Control your TV with the DreamBox Remote

              Both the procedure and a huge list of TV codes are listed in the English DM-7000 etc manuals.


              • vimmers
                Experienced Board Member
                • Jun 2010
                • 1188

                Re: How to guide: Control your TV with the DreamBox Remote

                satfan stop using others replay


                • Zeyn
                  • Jun 2011
                  • 97

                  Re: How to guide: Control your TV with the DreamBox Remote

                  I have programmed the panel from DM under Samsung LCD TV 8 Series but thus all buttons only inclusion and switching of channels work not

