new sly uk card
How To Use New Sly UK Card In Your Dreambox
Here is how to use the new white sly uk card ( CAID 0963 ) in your Dreambox.
You have several options available to use this card as listed below, I will expand on each option.
Before we go any further, you may now be aware of the term 'boxkey'. No matter what method you use if you wish to open any premium content, Sports, Movies, HD for example, you're gonna need a boxkey to enter into your config file. This is created by converting the sly box serial number to hexidecimal. Take the serial number from the hidden engineers menu and if its less than 11 numbers then insert a 0 to make it up to 11 numbers. If its only 9 numbers then insert two zeros.
For example , your serial number might be 1202275834
So thats 10 numbers, so insert a 0 making it 01202275834, 11 numbers.
Now convert that to hexidecimal, 072A86FF. That is your boxkey. This is specific to your sly box, and therefore specific to your card. You need the box to get the serial number, there is no other way to get it !
Beware of using Windows Calculator as you cannot insert the leading zero and therefore it will calculate it wrong !
Inserting the boxkey into NewCS is different to the way its inserted into CCcam.
In NewCS it has no spaces, for example :-
In CCcam you specify the reader first then the boxkey and it has a space after each byte, for example :-
BOXKEY: /dev/sci0 07 2A 86 FF
Available Options to use the card.
1.Internal Dreambox Reader.
2.Smargo Smartreader+
3.Omnikey 3121
The software you must use differs slightly depending on your reader choice.
Using the internal reader you have the following options to run the card.
1.CCcam 2.1.3 will run the card perfectly and it will update the entitlements without any further intervention. Reports differ on how hot the card gets but there are NO reports at all of anyone burning the card.
2.NewCS 1.67 RC1 will host the card very well. However, if you use CCcam to connect to the NewCS server, it will NOT update the card. In order to update the card you must have at least one client connected using MGCamd. That can be the same box, or another one.
Use the smargo reader
1.CCcam 2.1.3 will run the card perfectly and it will update the entitlements without any further intervention.
2.NewCS 1.67 RC1 will host the card very well. However, if you use CCcam to connect to the NewCS server, it will NOT update the card. In order to update the card you must have at least one client connected using MGCamd. That can be the same box, or another one. Be sure to use the correct binary file which has USB support when using the Smargo reader. If you install NewCS 1.67 from your Dreambox addons panel, its very likely the Omnikey reader will NOT work with that version. From the official NewCS release zip file, the file you need for the Dreambox is called newcs.ppc.usb for enigma1 boxes or newcs.mips.usb for enigma2 boxes. You'll need to install this manually and rename it or edit any cam scripts to suite.
Use the Omnikey Reader
1.NewCS is the only available option when using this reader as CCcam does not support PCSC type readers. NewCS 1.67 RC1 will host the card perfectly well. However, if you use CCcam to connect to the NewCS server, it will NOT update the card. In order to update the card you must have at least one client connected using MGCamd. That can be the same box, or another one. Be sure to use the correct binary file which has PCSC support when using the Omnikey reader. If you install NewCS 1.67 from your Dreambox addons panel, its very likely the Omnikey reader will NOT work with that version. From the official NewCS release zip file, the file you need for the Dreambox is called newcs.ppc.pcsc for enigma1 boxes or newcs.mips.pcsc for enigma2 boxes. You'll need to install this manually and rename it or edit any cam scripts to suite. Lastly, don't forget to install the PCSC drivers to your Dreambox before attempting to use an Omnikey reader. You can find a tutorial on this in the Dreambox General section.
The pro's and cons for each method are limited.
1.Some do not like to use internal readers simply because the ambient temperature is very high.
2.The omnikey reader performs very very well in NewCS with this card giving very low ecm response times.
3.CCcam is preferred by many due to its config file capabilites allowing you to setup shares much better.
Common Problems
1.Freezing or Glitchy picture. This can be caused when running the card in NewCS when Global Access EMM's are not blocked. Make sure you set the blockGA parameter to YES. A slow ECM time in excess of 0.400 seconds will also contribute to this problem although we have no real proof of what actually causes a slow response time when using a local card. Comments on this please ?
2.Entitlements Not Updating. As mentioned, if you use NewCS you must have at least one client connected using MGCamd and using the AU parameter = 1 in the mf.cfg config file. This will allow MGCamd to update the entitlements.
3.Entitlements in NewCS not showing at all. Your card has not been updated and the entitlements date has past. If you can , put it back in the original sly box and put it on channel 106 ( sly1 ). Leave it on until it comes alive, it may take upto 48 hours !!! If you do not have the original box setup an MGCamd client and try it that way. At the moment this method is not confirmed working.
4.NewCS shows the wrong or no CAID. This is most likely the boxkey is wrong. Ensure you have generated the correct boxkey using the serial number from your original sly box.
Config File Locations
Shown below is the files you need to use for each configuration. Notice some differences between E1 and E2 boxes.
CCcam 2.1.3 - Install it from the blue panel - Host & Client
CCcam.cfg - /etc ( E2 boxes )
CCcam.cfg - /var/etc ( E1 boxes )
NewCS 1.67RC1 & MGCamd 1.31 - Host & Client
newcs.xml - /var/tuxbox/config( All boxes )
mg.cfg - /var/keys ( All boxes )
newcamd.list - /var/keys ( All boxes )
NewCS 1.67 & CCcam 2.x.x
I strongly recommend NOT using this configuartion at the moment as you will have trouble with the card entitlements running out and you'll have to reinstate the card is some other way.
Installing NewCS manually ( pcsc or usb supported binary )
newcs.mips.pcsc - /usr/bin ( E2 boxes )
newcs.ppc.pcsc /var/bin ( E1 boxes ) I think ?
This tutorial may develop quite a bit yet and so while it covers the basics and hopefully let's people see how it's done the thread will stay very short indeed but open for response for the time being. If there's something constructive you'd like to add please do so and I'll edit it in. Please do not use this thread to ask questions. This was written to be a sticky and will not replace the very long existing thread we have on this topic, eventually this thread will be closed and very likely have its responses deleted. For now, please feel free to add your findings.
How To Use New Sly UK Card In Your Dreambox
Here is how to use the new white sly uk card ( CAID 0963 ) in your Dreambox.
You have several options available to use this card as listed below, I will expand on each option.
Before we go any further, you may now be aware of the term 'boxkey'. No matter what method you use if you wish to open any premium content, Sports, Movies, HD for example, you're gonna need a boxkey to enter into your config file. This is created by converting the sly box serial number to hexidecimal. Take the serial number from the hidden engineers menu and if its less than 11 numbers then insert a 0 to make it up to 11 numbers. If its only 9 numbers then insert two zeros.
For example , your serial number might be 1202275834
So thats 10 numbers, so insert a 0 making it 01202275834, 11 numbers.
Now convert that to hexidecimal, 072A86FF. That is your boxkey. This is specific to your sly box, and therefore specific to your card. You need the box to get the serial number, there is no other way to get it !
Beware of using Windows Calculator as you cannot insert the leading zero and therefore it will calculate it wrong !
Inserting the boxkey into NewCS is different to the way its inserted into CCcam.
In NewCS it has no spaces, for example :-
In CCcam you specify the reader first then the boxkey and it has a space after each byte, for example :-
BOXKEY: /dev/sci0 07 2A 86 FF
Available Options to use the card.
1.Internal Dreambox Reader.
2.Smargo Smartreader+
3.Omnikey 3121
The software you must use differs slightly depending on your reader choice.
Using the internal reader you have the following options to run the card.
1.CCcam 2.1.3 will run the card perfectly and it will update the entitlements without any further intervention. Reports differ on how hot the card gets but there are NO reports at all of anyone burning the card.
2.NewCS 1.67 RC1 will host the card very well. However, if you use CCcam to connect to the NewCS server, it will NOT update the card. In order to update the card you must have at least one client connected using MGCamd. That can be the same box, or another one.
Use the smargo reader
1.CCcam 2.1.3 will run the card perfectly and it will update the entitlements without any further intervention.
2.NewCS 1.67 RC1 will host the card very well. However, if you use CCcam to connect to the NewCS server, it will NOT update the card. In order to update the card you must have at least one client connected using MGCamd. That can be the same box, or another one. Be sure to use the correct binary file which has USB support when using the Smargo reader. If you install NewCS 1.67 from your Dreambox addons panel, its very likely the Omnikey reader will NOT work with that version. From the official NewCS release zip file, the file you need for the Dreambox is called newcs.ppc.usb for enigma1 boxes or newcs.mips.usb for enigma2 boxes. You'll need to install this manually and rename it or edit any cam scripts to suite.
Use the Omnikey Reader
1.NewCS is the only available option when using this reader as CCcam does not support PCSC type readers. NewCS 1.67 RC1 will host the card perfectly well. However, if you use CCcam to connect to the NewCS server, it will NOT update the card. In order to update the card you must have at least one client connected using MGCamd. That can be the same box, or another one. Be sure to use the correct binary file which has PCSC support when using the Omnikey reader. If you install NewCS 1.67 from your Dreambox addons panel, its very likely the Omnikey reader will NOT work with that version. From the official NewCS release zip file, the file you need for the Dreambox is called newcs.ppc.pcsc for enigma1 boxes or newcs.mips.pcsc for enigma2 boxes. You'll need to install this manually and rename it or edit any cam scripts to suite. Lastly, don't forget to install the PCSC drivers to your Dreambox before attempting to use an Omnikey reader. You can find a tutorial on this in the Dreambox General section.
The pro's and cons for each method are limited.
1.Some do not like to use internal readers simply because the ambient temperature is very high.
2.The omnikey reader performs very very well in NewCS with this card giving very low ecm response times.
3.CCcam is preferred by many due to its config file capabilites allowing you to setup shares much better.
Common Problems
1.Freezing or Glitchy picture. This can be caused when running the card in NewCS when Global Access EMM's are not blocked. Make sure you set the blockGA parameter to YES. A slow ECM time in excess of 0.400 seconds will also contribute to this problem although we have no real proof of what actually causes a slow response time when using a local card. Comments on this please ?
2.Entitlements Not Updating. As mentioned, if you use NewCS you must have at least one client connected using MGCamd and using the AU parameter = 1 in the mf.cfg config file. This will allow MGCamd to update the entitlements.
3.Entitlements in NewCS not showing at all. Your card has not been updated and the entitlements date has past. If you can , put it back in the original sly box and put it on channel 106 ( sly1 ). Leave it on until it comes alive, it may take upto 48 hours !!! If you do not have the original box setup an MGCamd client and try it that way. At the moment this method is not confirmed working.
4.NewCS shows the wrong or no CAID. This is most likely the boxkey is wrong. Ensure you have generated the correct boxkey using the serial number from your original sly box.
Config File Locations
Shown below is the files you need to use for each configuration. Notice some differences between E1 and E2 boxes.
CCcam 2.1.3 - Install it from the blue panel - Host & Client
CCcam.cfg - /etc ( E2 boxes )
CCcam.cfg - /var/etc ( E1 boxes )
NewCS 1.67RC1 & MGCamd 1.31 - Host & Client
newcs.xml - /var/tuxbox/config( All boxes )
mg.cfg - /var/keys ( All boxes )
newcamd.list - /var/keys ( All boxes )
NewCS 1.67 & CCcam 2.x.x
I strongly recommend NOT using this configuartion at the moment as you will have trouble with the card entitlements running out and you'll have to reinstate the card is some other way.
Installing NewCS manually ( pcsc or usb supported binary )
newcs.mips.pcsc - /usr/bin ( E2 boxes )
newcs.ppc.pcsc /var/bin ( E1 boxes ) I think ?
This tutorial may develop quite a bit yet and so while it covers the basics and hopefully let's people see how it's done the thread will stay very short indeed but open for response for the time being. If there's something constructive you'd like to add please do so and I'll edit it in. Please do not use this thread to ask questions. This was written to be a sticky and will not replace the very long existing thread we have on this topic, eventually this thread will be closed and very likely have its responses deleted. For now, please feel free to add your findings.