You need:
Total Commander or other client FTP
DCC - Dreambox Control Center
Flash Wizard - or other program for Flash new image.
1) Back-up.
First will have to copy all programs installed and settings from DM.
From FTP will copy in hdd what we have installed in/from DM:
/var/bin - attention do not copy enigmanet ! Copy only CAM and SCRIPT installed !
-movieplayer_linux.xml - if exist.
-movieplayer_win.xml - if exist.
-satellites.xml - actual list with satellites and transponders. Optional.
/var/keys - copy all.
/var/script - copy script for launch CAM and installed programs ! check in Blue Panel to see what CAM you have and check Plugins ( Tools ) to see installed programs.
- copy all.
- attention do not copy link to another directory, like link to scce !
/var/uninstall - copy all.
For safety write down your DM password and settings from Communication Setup.
For safety make a backup copy of your image and settings with Flash Wizard.
2) Install new image.
Install new image ( Flash Wizard ) and restart DM, unplug DM from AC, wait few second and plug again.
If image it is correct programmed DM will start and settings menu will appear.
Do not set anything.
3) Reinstall your settings and programs.
From telnet change your password in DM with old one.
From FTP copy saved settings and programs in the same place.
/var/etc - optional
Restore attribute 755 at files from:
/var/bin - all
/var/script -*.sh
/var/tuxbox/plugins *.so
/var/uninstall *.sh
4) Final.
It is very important do not restart/reboot DM from menu/telnet/sw because DM will save his setting over your restored ones.
unplug DM from AC, wait few second and plug again.
DM will restart with new image and ALL settings as before.
* check how much space you have free in your old image, it is possible that in new image will not be the same free space for you to install all your stuff.
If you don't have enough free space do not try to reinstall from first try all the plugins.
However it is important to reinstall complete dir. \var\tuxbox\config\enigma\
* check settings in Communication; if you use DHCP and DM have all the time the same IP in the network is no problem;
Other way remember that after you reprogram DM will have new default IP and password.
Total Commander or other client FTP
DCC - Dreambox Control Center
Flash Wizard - or other program for Flash new image.
1) Back-up.
First will have to copy all programs installed and settings from DM.
From FTP will copy in hdd what we have installed in/from DM:
/var/bin - attention do not copy enigmanet ! Copy only CAM and SCRIPT installed !
-movieplayer_linux.xml - if exist.
-movieplayer_win.xml - if exist.
-satellites.xml - actual list with satellites and transponders. Optional.
/var/keys - copy all.
/var/script - copy script for launch CAM and installed programs ! check in Blue Panel to see what CAM you have and check Plugins ( Tools ) to see installed programs.
- copy all.
- attention do not copy link to another directory, like link to scce !
/var/uninstall - copy all.
For safety write down your DM password and settings from Communication Setup.
For safety make a backup copy of your image and settings with Flash Wizard.
2) Install new image.
Install new image ( Flash Wizard ) and restart DM, unplug DM from AC, wait few second and plug again.
If image it is correct programmed DM will start and settings menu will appear.
Do not set anything.
3) Reinstall your settings and programs.
From telnet change your password in DM with old one.
From FTP copy saved settings and programs in the same place.
/var/etc - optional
Restore attribute 755 at files from:
/var/bin - all
/var/script -*.sh
/var/tuxbox/plugins *.so
/var/uninstall *.sh
4) Final.
It is very important do not restart/reboot DM from menu/telnet/sw because DM will save his setting over your restored ones.
unplug DM from AC, wait few second and plug again.
DM will restart with new image and ALL settings as before.
* check how much space you have free in your old image, it is possible that in new image will not be the same free space for you to install all your stuff.
If you don't have enough free space do not try to reinstall from first try all the plugins.
However it is important to reinstall complete dir. \var\tuxbox\config\enigma\
* check settings in Communication; if you use DHCP and DM have all the time the same IP in the network is no problem;
Other way remember that after you reprogram DM will have new default IP and password.