Wally is an automatic wallpaper changer that can update your desktop wallpaper with images from your local computer or by performing keyword searches on various online services, including Flickr, Photobucket, SmugMug, Picase, Yahoo, Google, Bing and others. You can adjust the way images are displayed on your desktop, set service specific filtering and sorting options, and customize the change interval.
Price : Freeware
filesize : 7,4 MB
Downloadlink : [url]http://www.snapfiles.com/downloads/wally/dlwally.html[/url]
Wally is an automatic wallpaper changer that can update your desktop wallpaper with images from your local computer or by performing keyword searches on various online services, including Flickr, Photobucket, SmugMug, Picase, Yahoo, Google, Bing and others. You can adjust the way images are displayed on your desktop, set service specific filtering and sorting options, and customize the change interval.
Price : Freeware
filesize : 7,4 MB
Downloadlink : [url]http://www.snapfiles.com/downloads/wally/dlwally.html[/url]