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QuickCal Widget 1.6

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  • runmo
    Experienced Board Member
    • Jun 2010
    • 6120

    QuickCal Widget 1.6

    A great Dashboard widget that takes natural language expressions describing calendar events and creates them for you.

    The QuickCal Widget is a free Dashboard widget that will take natural language expressions describing calendar events, and creates them for you - without you needing to have iCal open!

    · To create tasks, just start or end with “todo”. To assign importance to a task, throw some !’s at the end of it. The number of bangs dictates the current event's importance
    · To create a task with a specific due date, just use “task by DATE”, or “task before DATE”, or “task due on DATE”, …
    · Always start the event with the description, and then get into days and times (”Do Something on DAY between X and Y”)
    · If you specify a start time without an end time, the assumption is made that you want an event for 60 minutes. (This will be configurable in an upcoming version) - “Meet w/ Tom tomorrow at 5pm”
    · The events will by default be created in your first Calendar in iCal. If you flip the widget over, you can change this.
    · Smart Reminders will automatically create reminders for you, and sometimes it will create more than one - based on how far in the future your event you’re creating is. Fully configurable on the back-side of the widget.

    What's New in This Release:

    · New widget icon
    · Added 5-minute reminders for events as an option
    · Bugfixes in recognition engine

    link : _http://mac.softpedia.com/progDownload/QuickCal-Widget-Download-31445.html
    Attached Files