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Blue Chairs 2

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  • runmo
    Experienced Board Member
    • Jun 2010
    • 6120

    Blue Chairs 2

    A social novel where you must solve various plots

    Blue Chairs is an interactive fiction novel with a social theme. You don’t know his name or anything – he’s just the guy you always meet at parties thrown by people you’ve never met.

    He’s nobody’s friend, exactly, but everyone knows who he is when it’s time. Probably doesn’t even have a name, probably has bagged groceries at some godforsaken Shopper’s Food Warehouse since high school, but who cares? He’s here to help you in your hour of need.

    Sure, you’re used to piece-of-shit architecture (you live in Dundalk, for crissake), but this place will be receiving some kind of award from you by the end of the night.

    There’s totally unimportant crap strewn all over the place – old sewing machines, an Easy-Bake oven, even a set of folding chairs painted carnival blue – but fortunately, almost all of it is in shadow thanks to an underperforming fifty-watt bulb directly above.


    · Spatterlight

    link : _http://mac.softpedia.com/progDownload/Klismas-Blue-Chairs-Download-83717.html
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