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FrostWire for Mac 5.0.8

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  • aymentupac
    Senior Member
    • Mar 2010
    • 106

    FrostWire for Mac 5.0.8


    FrostWire for Mac 5.0.8



    FrostWire is a Gnutella client that's based on LimeWire's source code.

    As the original client, FrostWire is a cross-platform sharing utility. It has various versions for other operating systems. It's fully compatible with LimeWire peers. It can also connect with other compatible Gnutella clients.

    Like in LimeWire's case, this client can do multi-threaded downloads and it has the support for the BitTorrent protocol. The BitTorrent implementation is decent, but far from a full featured client like Azureus. Unlike LimeWire, the support for multi-theading downloads, and Turbo-Charged connections, this is available for free in FrostWire's case.

    Since the rest of the features are quite like the ones from LimeWire, I am going to tell you about a feature that you won't find in the original client. FrostWire has built in an IRC client that can be used for technical support or general chat on FrostWire's IRC network. In fact, this client is a pjIRC implementation into FrostWire.

    pjIRC is a Java applet that can be either used on sites as a online solution for chat rooms without the need of installing a standalone IRC client, or it can be used locally as an application by the users who have a little Java knowledge and know how to start the applet into a Java Virtual Machine. This pjIRC implementation that you can find in FrostWire can't access other server than FrostWire's IRC server because it doesn't execute the '/server' command, so you can't use this application as an IRC client for all networks.

    Pluses: it is a good alternative to LimeWire which offers some of the LimeWire Pro functionality for free, it has a built in IRC client. Basically you can add here whatever good thing that I told about LimeWire since it's based on its source code.

    Drawbacks / flaws:

    In conclusion: this is a very good P2P application which can do more things than the original program at zero costs. Don't forget what I said in LimeWire's case: be careful what you download with this client because if you download copyrighted material is not FrostWire's fault.


    Publisher: FrostWire
    OS Support: Mac Universal Binary/Mac OS X
    Date added: 03/16/2007
    Last Update: 08/02/2011



    License: Open Source


    9.5 MB

