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Build Gbox Server

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  • peremacedonia
    Experienced Board Member
    • Jun 2010
    • 872

    Build Gbox Server

    1. First download all files from the following link

    2.Extract the files and you will see also the path where the files should be put
    //var/bin => gbox
    //var/keys => cwshare.cfg,gbox.cfg,softcam.cfg
    //var/script => gbox_cam.sh
    //var/tuxbox/plugins => egboxcenter.cfg,egboxcenter.so,gboxsuite.cfg, egboxsuite.so, gbv.cfg,gbv.ident,gbv.so

    Use a Ftp program to put the files in the folders. I prefer flashfxp. After you had put the files in the folders. Make CHMOD changes for the following files. You can make the CHMOD changes by using the right mouse button (FLASHFXP) on the file and selecting Attribute (CHMOD).
    //var/bin/gbox => CHMOD 755
    //var/keys => cwshare.cfg => 644
    //var/keys => gbox_cfg => 644
    //var/scripts => gbox_cam.sh => 755

    3. Coniguration

    You must made only individual changes to cwshare.cfg and gbox_cfg


    This file is responsbile for communication between the peers.
    Following lines should be inside this files
    M: => Adress of your gbox
    I: => Configuration about till which distance cards you allows to get
    X: => Configuration abotu how many of the same card you allows to get
    D: => Communication line between the peers
    N: =>
    W: =>

    How should the lines be set:


    M: { your.dyndns.org { Password }}

    => Password: You can only use 0-9 and A-F for setting password. My suggestion is don't use a very very easy password like 12345678 or AABBCCDD or ABCD1234, so a lot of people makes that and this can be a reason for an error, if you start the gbox. More details at the end.


    I: { 03 }

    This is the selected value most gbox user set for their I-Line. Because with this configuration you only accept cards till Dist3. Cards with Dist4 and Dist5 are not good for sharing and gettings keys. If you have later more peers you can set the value to 02.


    X: { 10 }

    This is a value should experiment a little bit which value is the best for your gbox server. As you know with this value you set a limit to the number of same cards. 0A, 10, 08 this are the most used values.


    N: { 00 01 03 3F 4000 6000 }

    I will write more details to this line. Use the N-Line given above ( its my N-Line)


    W: { 01 01 01 } 1FFF

    I will write more details to this line. Use the N-Line given above ( its my N-Line)


    This is the most importan Line

    D: { other.dyndns.org { Port1 Port2 { Password { A5 A5 }}}}

    other.dyndns.org => the dyndns of your share peer
    port1 => your port number using for gbox
    port2 => port number of you peer
    Password => password of your peer
    A5 A5 => Share Level for Local and Virtual Cards

    You will get this dline every time for your peer. So the only thing you had to do is, to put your port number instead of port1 and add it in your cwshare.cfg. The Dline you give to your peer is the the same but with your dyndns, password and your port number is port2.

    D: { own.dyndns.org { Port1 ownport { own password { A5 A5 }


    In your gbox_cfg file you have following lines

    Z: { 01 12 } dream ip 8024

    G: { 03 }

    C: { 01 }

    M: { 01 }

    A: { 00 }

    U: { 01 }

    H: { 01 }

    T: { 00 }

    O: { 03 } dream ip

    L: { 00 } dream ip 8029

    W: { 00 00 } 9600

    V: { F0 35 } => configurations for reading slot and com-ports

    V: { F0 00 } nothing
    V: { F0 10 } slot 1
    V: { F0 20 } slot 2
    V: { F0 30 } both slots
    V: { F0 35 } both slots + com ports
    V: { F0 05 } only com ports
    V: { F0 31 } Sc8in1
    V: { 00 05 } Dbox2 multicam

    I will made later a detailed description for this file. The informations above are taken from my gbox_cfg

    4. Add and exchange Dlines

    After ending configuration you can now exchange dlines

    M: { own.dyndns.org { password }}
    # Internet Friends port range password cod
    I: { 2 }

    X: { 0A }

    N: { 00 01 03 3F 4000 6000 }

    W: { 01 01 01 } 1FFF

    D: { other.dyndns.org { yourport otherport { otherpassword { A5 A5 }}}}

    Be carefull if you add dlines it must the same like above. No more spaces or less spaces

    5. Control Gbox and peers

    Gbox Center and Gbox Suite are plugins to have Informations about your peers, Cards, Distance and Level Share and how many cards do you have for each provider

    You can access to this plugins

    Blue Panel => Plugins => Gbox Center or Gbox Suite

    6. Error and Reasons

    If your gbox is not working ( you will see it if you go to: Blue Panel => Plugins => Gbox Center => Gbox Share Center => Peer Status => Message that share is not found, check if gbox is running )
    Then check following
    1. Internet Connection
    2. Correct format of dlines ( Spaces, password (0-9,A-F) )
    3. Passwords of the dline ( so if two peers use the same password they will get the same Box ID and two same Box ID in one Gbox Server is not working)

    4. Some Cards needs special configuration to share them ( Sky Uk, Nova etc)
    Rule n.33 kid..... Concentrate
  • peremacedonia
    Experienced Board Member
    • Jun 2010
    • 872

    Re: Build Cccam Server

    Go here and make your self a no.ip acount "www.no-ip.com or www.dyndns.com"
    after open a Port as you wish in the router
    write your info as you did by "no-ip webadress" on Inadyn by dreambox or server.
    xp:you chose allaf1.no-ip.org as Host and you open Port 12000 so you C:line to all friends you want to share with them will be like this:
    C: allaf1.no-ip.org 12000 username password +(no yes or like this)
    C: allaf1.no-ip.org 12000 username password no { 0:0:2 }
    means that you friend can get your both Hops 1 & 2 and no right to share it with anyone else
    by your CCcam.cfg you have to make "F-line" like this:
    F: username password 2 0 0 { 0:0:1 }
    if you want that your friend get the right to reshare your Cards the F:line have to be like this:
    F: username password 2 0 0 { 0:0:2 } / F: username password 3 0 0 { 0:0:2 }
    this means your friend will reshare you Hop 1&2 /all 3 hops together with a nother friend
    F: username password 2 0 0 { 0:0:3 } / F: username password 3 0 0 { 0:0:3 }
    this means your friend will reshare you Hop 1&2 with tow other friends of him /all 3 hops together with tow other friends of him.
    and you C:line to him will be like this:
    C: allaf1.no-ip.org 12000 username password { 0:0:2 }
    C: allaf1.no-ip.org 12000 username password { 0:0:3 }
    you want that you friend use your Cards only by him and you get his Host"C:line"
    your C:line to him have to be like this:
    C: allaf1.no-ip.org 12000 username password yes
    and the F:line by you should be like this:
    F: username password { } { } { } friend_dns.noip.com
    F: username password 2 1 1 { } { } { } friend_dns.noip.com
    (1 1 ) means the friend can user your Emu-Keys too.
    (0 0) means he can use only share cards.
    F: username password 3 1 1 { } { } { } friend_dns.noip.com
    this mean he can get all what you have only for him no reshare at all.
    F: username password 2 0 0 { 0:0:1 } hier you give him intil hop 2 (1 + 2 )
    F: username password 3 0 0 { 0:0:1 } hier you give him intil hop 3 (1 + 2 + 3)

    CCcam.cfg ---> /var/etc -----> Configuration file, where we set the Clients and Friends and additional configuration.

    CCcam.bin ---> /var/bin -----> This is the binary file ( like the .exe in windows ) This file should have 755 permission. (Right click in this file with your preferred FTP client and click set attributes). Otherwise CCcam will not start

    CCcam.prio ---> /var/etc -----> This file is where you can set your priority cards or ignore any cards ( not necessarily needed to run CCcam )

    CCcam.channelinfo ---> /var/etc -----> In this file you can put the channel info for the web interface, so you will see which channel is decoding CCcam instead of seeing the sid ( not necessarily needed to run CCcam )

    CCcam.providers ---> /var/etc -----> In this file you can put the provider info for the web interface, so you will see which package is decoding CCcam instead of seeing the caid ( not necessarily needed to run CCcam )

    SoftCam.Key ---> /var/keys -----> In this file you will find keys to open channel trough keys instead trough network ( not necessarily needed to run CCcam )

    AutoRoll.Key ---> /var/keys ----> this file will have the next key the provider will have and will use the next automatically ( not necessarily needed to run CCcam )

    constant.cw ---> /var/keys ----> In this file you will find constant keys to open channel trough keys instead trough network ( not necessarily needed to run CCcam )

    i hope i did explain it well as it should.
    good luck
    this is not my work but i thank originator.
    Rule n.33 kid..... Concentrate


    • peremacedonia
      Experienced Board Member
      • Jun 2010
      • 872

      Re: Build Mbox server

      To start Mbox you need to configure mbox.cfg first.
      These parameters you must set before you can start Mbox:

      D: { 0 }
      //D: { x }
      //x=0 -; disable
      //x=1 -; enable dbox2 cw writing
      //x=2 -; enable STAPI for IPBOX
      //x=3 -; enable STAPI for Kathrein

      T: { /tmp/ }
      // T option -; where to store temp files ... (share.info,debug.txt ,etc.)
      // T: { folder_path_to_files, example: T: { /tmp/ } }

      K: { /var/keys/ }
      // K option -; where is cwshare.cfg file
      // K: { folder_path_to_files, example: K: { /var/keys/ } }

      P: { /tmp/pmt.tmp }
      // P option -; PMT location (Dont used with linux and windows)
      // you must be tuned to channel so image can generate this file
      // { /tmp/pmt.tmp } for resivers and images that create this file ;- use this if you can
      // { 1/tmp/camd.socket } for enigma 1
      // { 2/tmp/camd.socket } for enigma 2

      Now for the start of Mbox you need to know where the mbox.cfg path is.
      The default path for mbox.cfg is /var/keys/
      For other paths you must start mbox with path as argument!!!
      For some receivers like Ipbox and Kathrein there is no /var/keys/ so you must start mbox always with arguments.


      without arguments
      ./mbox or ./var/bin/mbox

      with arguments
      ./mbox /data/keys/mbox.cfg or ./var/bin/mbox /data/keys/mbox.cfg

      To STOP Mbox you need to create mbox.kill.
      Put this mbox.kill in the temp dir of Mbox. T: path (look your settings in mbox.cfg)
      Example T: { /tmp/ }: touch /tmp/mbox.kill

      Other parameters of mbox.cfg that are interesting:

      M: { 1 }
      // M option -; Mode option
      // M: { x }
      // x=0 -; local mode no NET
      // x=1 -; NET mode
      // default 0

      Z: { 12 } { 8000 }
      // Z option -; control sending/writing current informations
      // Z: { xy } { IP port }
      // x=0 -; don't print time stamp (in console screen and in debug file)
      // x=1 -; print time stamp ( .... )
      // y=0 -; no writing/sending informations to debug file/destination IP
      // y=1 -; send informations to destination IP but not in debug file
      // y=2 -; write informations to debug file but don't send to destination IP
      // y=3 -; write/send informations to debug file/destination IP
      // IP port -; destination IP and UDP port where to send informations

      Only debug file: Z: { 12 } { 8000 }
      only send debug to IP: Z: { 11 } { 8000 }
      Both file and IP: Z: { 13 } { 8000 }

      L: { 1 }
      // L option -; how mbox to menage virtual card(s) with level 0
      // ( only for peer(s) who have and can reshare virtual cards but don't want to use LEVEL 0 card(s) for them self)
      // L: { x }
      // x=0 -; don't load any virtual cards with LEVEL 0, you can't use them for your self
      // x=1 -; load all virtual cards with LEVEL 0 ,you will be using them for your self
      // default 1

      If you run Mbox on a server then you can't use level0 cards so you have to set:
      L: { 0 }

      About the cwshare.cfg:

      If you don't use a brascet and you must set some other options after the brascet then don't leave it empty.
      Put a zero in it so Mbox knows it's not used.
      Example: C: { 15000 dummy dummy 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 10 11 12 13 14 } { 0 } { 0 }

      When using Mbox and Newcs on the same box/server then Mbox can see those cards as local.
      But you must make a connection ( C-line in cwshare.cfg) with IP
      Only then you will have these cards as local in your Mbox server.

      About D line in cwshare.cfg file ...
      Now you can set what provids boxids you want to reshare with another peer(s)

      This is standard D line
      D: { IP { port1 port2 { pass { level1 level2 }}}}

      This is my new upgraded D line
      D: { IP { port1 port2 { pass { level1 level2 }}}}
      { 0000 } { 0 } send filter
      { 0000 } { 0 } receive filter

      D: { IP { port1 port2 { pass { level1 level2 }}}}
      { xxyy !!in hex!!!} { provid-boxid-boxid;provid;provid-boxid; ...!!in hex!!!} send filter
      { xxyy !!in hex!!!} { provid-boxid-boxid;provid;provid-boxid; ...!!in hex!!!} receive filter

      for both brascets

      xx -; 00 disabled
      xx -; 01 allow only this cards for provid to be reshared received
      xx -; 02 denied only this cards for provid to be reshared received

      yy -; how much provids is in next brascet dont caculate boxids

      1st example:

      D: { IP { port1 port2 { pass { level1 level2 }}}}
      { 0102 } { 0001006A;0001006C-0A0A-0B0B; }
      { 0102 } { 00010080;00010081-0A0A-0B0B; }

      { 0102 } { 0001006A;0001006C-0A0A-0B0B; }

      xx is 01 ,ALL cards for (0001006A) provid is SENT to peer AND cards with boxid 0A0A,0B0B for provid 0001006C, ALL others provids(cards) will NOT be sent!!

      yy is 02 ,there is only 2 provids in next bracket dont caculate boxids

      { 0102 } { 00010080;00010081-0A0A-0B0B; }
      xx is 01 ,ALL cards for (00010080) provid is RECEIVED from peer AND cards with boxid 0A0A,0B0B for provid 00010081, ALL others provids will be IGNORED!!

      yy is 02 ,there is only 2 provids in next bracket dont caculate boxids

      2nd example:

      D: { IP { port1 port2 { pass { level1 level2 }}}}
      { 0202 } { 0001006A;0001006C-0A0A-0B0B; }
      { 0202 } { 00010080;00010081-0A0A-0B0B; }

      { 0202 } { 0001006A;0001006C-0A0A-0B0B; }
      xx is 02 ,ALL cards for this (0001006A) provid is NOT sent to peer AND cards with boxid 0A0A,0B0B for provid 0001006C, ALL others provids(cards) are !!

      yy is 02 ,there is only 2 provids in next bracket dont caculate boxids

      { 0202 } { 00010080;00010081-0A0A-0B0B; }
      xx is 02 ,ALL cards for (00010080) provid is NOT RECEIVED from peer AND cards with boxid 0A0A,0B0B for provid 00010081, all others provids will be received!!

      yy is 02 ,there is only 2 provids in next bracket dont caculate boxids


      Connecting to newcamd server program Newcs

      C: { server_ip server_listening_port username password des_key } { x } { ***xyyyy:***xyyyy;......}
      C: { 15000 dummy dummy 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 10 11 12 13 14 } { 10 } { 0100006a:0100006B;}

      [second brascet] -; { x } max. number ecms in buffer ,decimal !!!!!

      [third brascet] { 0100006a:0100006B;} is used if you want to change caidprovid from what newcs detected to caidprovid to use with gboxx protocol so 0100006A will be 0100006B in gboxx protocol

      Resending ECM(s) on timeout interval
      O: { ***x yyyy }

      O: { 4000 2000 }

      4000 (4 seconds)-; resend current ecm on boxid if no dcw
      2000 (2 seconds)-; wait 2 more seconds for dcw ,if no dcw on time resend ecm(s) to all boxid's

      NDS system -;Resending ECM(s) on timeout interval
      N: { ***x yyyy }

      N: { 400 200 }

      default disabled...

      Add more cards for CaidProvid
      X+: { ***xyyyy:zz;***xyyyy:zz; } // zz -; max. is 30 !!!!!

      X+: { 0100006A:15; }

      With X+ active, for caidprovid:0100006A max. cards for use is 15.

      About the 12000.list or the port.list:
      You need the 12000.list file to run Mbox with your local cards!!!
      If you are sure that your card can decrypt all Sids then put ONLY this in the port.list file:
      SF: { 0000 }

      Now you must make file called ;port.list; in
      K: path (look your settings in mbox.cfg)

      ;Port; is newcs port, look into the newcs.xml file and search for newcamd_port.



      So the file will be called 12000.list.
      If you have ;newcamd_port;17050;/newcamd_port; then the filename will be 17050.list

      Pls use SID pids , CHIDs for Irdeto or G line, because now mbox send only one ECM and wait response from newcs before it send new ECM.

      //this is for forbiden SID pids or Irdeto chids ..
      SF: { 04A0 } -; forbiden SID pid -; your card cant decrypt this channel
      SF: { 0220 }
      IF: { 0203 } -; forbiden Irdeto ChID -; your card cant decrypt this ChID
      IF: { 0302 }
      G: { 0100006A } -; dont list and reshare this provid from your card if card cant decrypt that, mbox will just flood newcs with bad ECMs for this provid.

      //max forbiden SID pids or ChIDs is 150.
      //max G lines is 15.

      //OR to enable SID pids or Irdeto chids
      SA: { 04A0 } -; enable SID pid -; your card can decrypt this channel
      SA: { 0220 }
      IA: { 0203 } -; enable Irdeto ChID -; your card can decrypt this ChID
      IA: { 0302 }
      G: { 0100006A } -; dont list and reshare this provid from your card if card cant decrypt that, mbox will just flood newcs with bad ECMs for this provid.


      About the add.data file:

      You don't need the add.data file to run Mbox!!!

      The add.data file gives you the option to:

      - change I,X,O,N line
      - to delete running D line
      - to add new D line(without filter rules)
      - to resend ;R; hello msg to all peers while mbox is running.

      Write new values in ;add.data; file and put it in folder from P: line. (look your settings in mbox.cfg)

      NOTE: Max time to wait before changes take affect is 2 minutes, new values for I,X,O,N will NOT be saved in cwshare.cfg but new D or C line will be saved.
      ;add.data; file will be deleted after reading (read add.data.example) !

      #D: { ip { port1 port2 { pass { level1 level 2 }}}} -; remove running D line
      D: { ip { port1 port2 { pass { level1 level 2 }}}} -; add new D line without restarting mbox,new D line will be saved in cwshare.cfg
      R -;Resend hello msg to all peers
      X: { x } -; Change running X value
      I: { x } -; Change running I value
      O: { ***x yyyy } -; Change running timeout intervals
      N: { ***x yyyy } -; Change running timeout intervals for NDS system
      C: { server_ip server_listening_port username password des_key } { x } { ***xyyyy:***xyyyy;......} -; add new C line
      Rule n.33 kid..... Concentrate


      • Triad
        Experienced Member
        • Jan 2012
        • 422

        Re: Build Gbox Server

        Thankz Peremacedonia for this usefull info in how to configure Gbox server.
        Since CCcam has many sticky threads on how to configure that cam it would be useful to get this emu to sticky as well, although it's not as used as CCcam.

        I'll add some more inputs on how to configure Cwshare.cfg file already mentioned in server post above:


        example of cwshare.cfg with the most important communication lines:

        M: { box1.dyndns.org { 11111111 }}
        D: { box2.dyndns.org { 5566 5580 { 22222222 { A3 A3 }}}}
        D: { box3.dyndns.org { 5566 5566 { 33333333 { A3 A3 }}}}
        D: { { 5566 5590{ 44444444 { A3 A3 }}}}

        The M-line. M: { you're DNSNAME { you're password }}
        • The DNS name is the name that you did sign up for.
        • The password contains 8 numbers/letters 1-9 A-F

        The D-line. D :{ DNSNAME { PORT1 PORT2 { password { share level 2 x }}}}

        • The DNSNAME is the name the one you are going to share with is using.
        • PORT1 is the port you are using yourself 5566.
        That port has to opened in your router.
        • PORT2 is the port the person you are going to share with is using. This port has to be opened in his router .
        • Password, this has to be the same as in his M-line.
        • The share levels: is how far you allow the card to be shared. For example A3 A3. The first A3 says how far the local card in this box can be shared. The second A3 says how far the cards in you're network(=virtual cards that you might get from others) can be shared. (if possible)This shouldnt be put to high,cards shared over 3 will start to cause freezes and caus a lot of unnecessery trafic.The A hasnt got anything to do with the level it simply allows NDS cards to be shared.

        You should never use the same code for different boxes !!!!!!.
        You can use the same port for several shares.

        In the example the last D line is for sharing in house.

        Sharing over the net.

        With this the example cwshare.cfg from the client would look like this:

        M: { box2.dyndns.org { 22222222 }}
        D: { box1.dyndns.org { 5580 5566 { 11111111 { A5 A5 }}}}

        The port 5580 is the port open on box2. The second port 5566 is the port open on box1.
        11111111 is the code the server( box1) is using in his M line so it has to be in the D line of the client.

        Sharing in house:
        With this the example share.cfg from the client would look like this:

        M: { { 44444444 }}
        D: { { 5590 5566 { 11111111 { A0 A0 }}}}

        In this example the ip internal of the server/ box1) is, here I use the ip, because the information is not going over the net.Share is set to A0 A0 because we are not sharing only getting from box1.

        Well now everything should work......

        If you get a D line from a friend. Please do not show it to others it is for you're use only.
        If you post a backup img. Remove all the information about you're share's.
        People will just put those lines in there own files and that creates problems!!!!

        Dist and level….
        This kind of information you can look in the .tmp file of you're dreambox or in the Gbox center .Or you can use PHPGbox statistics and UDPlog on a pc.
        The tmp/ files
        share.onl contains info about who is online and who is not. The one's with a 1 in front is online and the one's with a 0 is not.

        Share.info In this file you can see how many cards you receive and for which provider. You can also see the levels of the diffrent cards. Level 0 means, the card cant be reshared . The distance is how many boxes there are between the card and you're box.
        Example: dist 1 means someone you are directly connected with has this card.


        Is put in var/key file. This file is used to ignore the unused providers . This is important because you can't have more than 1024 cards. NOTE : When you first start... leave this alone for a while... You can alway experiment with this later!


        When you reach the limit of 1024 cards gbox will set it self back to less cards. Or in a worst case, don't work at all! Normally I is set to 5 , this means you can't receive cards that are further away than 5 boxes away. You can adjust this you're self by setting this in you're cwshare.cfg: Short : The I = is the distance allowed.

        I: { 3 }

        This means you will not receive cards that are more than 3 boxes/hops away.


        Lets you control how many cards you will receive for each provider. Normally it is 05, I think u should leave it this way. Or when you have troubles bring it back to f.e. 3. (Don't go any lower then that!)In early versions this value is in dec in later its in hex

        X: { 05 }

        Here you can block bad cards.Cards theat doesnt have the full package.You actually put the boxid of the box sharing the bad card.This will however block all cards from that box
        When you first start off, leave this also alone for a while. You can always experiment with this later!

        Y: { 12 34 }

        Now the cards from box 12 34 will not be used anymore. Be sure to put a space between the first two and the last two!!!!
        Pleas keep in mind, that these Cards you insert over there, are blocked for all guys "behind" you. Useually, this should be used only for Cards with Level = 0. Generally bad cards should be insterted to the ignore.list (with the same care of course!)


        In this line you can tell the emu to favor known good cards for providers.

        G: { 0100006A 1234 }

        0100006A = The provider ID, and 1234 the boxid

        NOTICE: that if the box ID allready is in the Y line, The G line will not be used!!
        By inserting G-Lines you can increase the total number of cards to be used for one provider... i.e. even if you put number of cards to X : 1, you can access much more cards if there are (some of course) BUT... as far as I know, there is no chance to increase the distance for single cards only.


        N: { 01 01 03 1F 4000 6000 }

        # 01 repeat EMM's
        # 00 try every EMM once.

        N: { 01 01 03 1F 4000 6000 }

        # 01 restart the pid when there are too many.

        N: { 01 01 03 1F 4000 6000 }

        # 1* reset ENX for every change of channel
        # *1 controle/reset ENX freezes on FTA
        # *2 controle/reset ENX freezes on PayTV
        # *3 controle/reset ENX freezes on both FTA and PayTV

        N: { 01 01 03 1F 4000 6000 }

        # 00 don't write anything in atack.txt
        # 01 write in the atack.txt: password is wrong
        # 02 write in the atack.txt: ID unknown
        # 04 write in the atack.txt: IP is wrong
        # 08 write in the atack.txt: port is worng
        # 10 write in the atack.txt: share.stat
        # 20 make an online.log to log online/offline
        # 3F write everything. (combining = making other options!)

        N: { 01 01 03 1F 4000 6000 }

        # 4000 sent ecm again after 4 Seconds, when there is no answer.

        N: { 01 01 03 1F 4000 6000 }

        # 6000 Resynchronize the code after 6 Seconds when the net code wasn't working.

        W: { AA BB CC } ***x ***x
        00=no slot
        00=dont use card localy
        01=use card for all pids localy
        02=use card for the following pids localy
        03=dont use card for the following pids localy
        00=dont use card on the net
        01=use card for all pids on the net
        02=use card for the following pids on the net
        03=dont use card for the following pids on the net
        ***x ***x = pids separated by space, maximum 32
        (thanks to samot4 for suggestions here)

        The W: line is useful to control how your local card is used. With this line you can specify PID'S that should use the card. This should make your setup more stable because you dont "overload" the local card with trying to decode channels it doesnt handle. You also avoid that gbox try to use external cards for decoding channels that can be handles by your card.

