Can someone please post a simple tutorial about GBOX? Or if someone knows about an existing one please, just post the link.
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GBox Tutorial
Re: GBox Tutorial
It's not so simple maybe.
All infos are contained IN THIS THREAD
But if you want let's say to enter someone's server address and port to your cwshare.cfg file then you should do following:
M: { ipadress(alias) { password }
Ipadress(alias) can be LAN(10.x.x.x or 192.x.x.x) or WAN( or
LAN is used for internal resharing. As an internal ipadress is used it wil only travel over the
local area network.
WAN is for internet sharing, ipadress can be the real adress like 82.x.x.x or a more meaningfull alias.
All internet traffic is encrypted by GBOX so it doesn´t really matter however numbers
are easier decrypted. The use of aliasses is recommended for WAN sharing.
D: { { 4525 4526 { FFFF0065 { A5 A5 }}}}
What does this all mean?
1....{ same as in M line
2................................................{ 4525 4526 myport friendsport
3................................................. ....................{ FFFF0065 password to be used at both ends
4................................................. ..........................................{ A5 A5 }}}} mylevel friendslevel
1 is explained in the M section