D02 - CCcam & OSCAM Guide inc HD-mapping and Overclocking
Hello .....
This issue will finally shed light on the still dark theme of the card using D02 with OSCAM and CCcam.
1.Da the D02 card in normal operation CCcam some Sky HD channels will not open (only cause CHAID 1834 is transferred from KD) this must be mapped so that they arrive on the map because not as 1834 but as 1722'er CHAID.
2nd Since it with the very widespread Smargo in connection with OSCAM are many problems and it really does not Performance in OSCAM (ECM Time) are.
Thus, should they all KD channels and all channels inc Sky HD can brighten and Sharen.
You need:
-OSCAM without webif (see below)
CCcam-2.1.4 (see below)
-Smargo with v1.0.4 (see below)
-> Speed - 9.60 Fix
-> Kernel normal -
-> T-mode - 1
-> EGT - 0
D02-commissioning of a card with KD and Sky HD
Minimirung-tims of the ECM to about 0.4700 seconds (overclocking)
All that RED is written is used to let a Diablo Wifi can open the HD channels. Otherwise, these messages are not needed.
CCcam.cfg / Server
CCcam.cfg / Clientbox
So now you should all Sky HD channels get mapped by OSCAM ... and this pointed to an ECM time of about 0.470 sec ...
Hello .....
This issue will finally shed light on the still dark theme of the card using D02 with OSCAM and CCcam.
1.Da the D02 card in normal operation CCcam some Sky HD channels will not open (only cause CHAID 1834 is transferred from KD) this must be mapped so that they arrive on the map because not as 1834 but as 1722'er CHAID.
2nd Since it with the very widespread Smargo in connection with OSCAM are many problems and it really does not Performance in OSCAM (ECM Time) are.
Thus, should they all KD channels and all channels inc Sky HD can brighten and Sharen.
You need:
-OSCAM without webif (see below)
CCcam-2.1.4 (see below)
-Smargo with v1.0.4 (see below)
-> Speed - 9.60 Fix
-> Kernel normal -
-> T-mode - 1
-> EGT - 0
D02-commissioning of a card with KD and Sky HD
Minimirung-tims of the ECM to about 0.4700 seconds (overclocking)
All that RED is written is used to let a Diablo Wifi can open the HD channels. Otherwise, these messages are not needed.
CCcam.cfg / Server
User # 1 F: user1 password1 # Up & Downlink to OSCAM N: OSCAM oscamserver 25 834 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 10 11 12 13 14 # Please share with EMU since the 1834 CHAID otherwise not be forwarded by the CCcam Q: OSCAM oscamreader 0 1 1 (1834:0:1) # Config Reader 9.6 Mhz runs with me for half a year subsidy, absolutely SERIAL READER: / dev/ttyUSB0 smart reader + SMARTCARD CLOCK FREQUENCY: / dev/ttyUSB0 9.6 million TRY ALL Chid: / dev/ttyUSB0 DISABLE EMM: yes
# use "yes" use since the 1834 CHAID otherwise not be forwarded by the CCcam C: ***.***.***.*** 12 000 user1 password1 yes
[global] pidfile = / var / run / oscam.pid usrfiles = / var / log / oscamuser.log logfile = / var / log / oscam.log cwlogdir = / var / log / cw.log usrfileflag = 0 client timeout = 7 fallback timeout = 5 clientmaxidle = 120 cache delay = 300 bindwait = 120 netprio = 0 resolvedelay = 30 unlockparental = 0 nice = -5 serial reader timeout = 2500 maxlogsize = 2048 waitforcards = 1 preferlocalcards = 0 [NewCamd] port = 25 834 @ 1834:000000 key = 0102030405060708091011121314 keepalive = 100
[reader] label = sky protocol = cccam device =,12000 account = OSCAM, oscamreader group = 1 services = sky detect = none CAID = 1722.1834 cccversion = 2.1.4 cccbuild = 3165
[account] user = OSCAM pwd = oscamserver disabled = 0 group = 1 uniq = 0 sleep = 0 monlevel = 0 services = skyhd-mapping caid = 1834 Beta = 1834.0081:1722,1834.0082:1722,1834.0083:1722,1834 tunnel. 0084:1722,1834.007 e: 1722,1834.007 f: 1722,1834.0080: 1722,1834.0000:1722 ident = 1834:000000 keepalive = 0 numusers = 0 penalty = 0
[skyhd-mapping] caid = 1834 provid = 000000 srvid 0000,0080,0081,0082,0083,0084,007 = e, 007F