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Info about Cccam

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  • gema26
    Junior Member
    • Nov 2012
    • 13

    Info about Cccam

    Hello to all members,

    I am new to this forum. I need your information. I recently bought a dm500 and i installed a pli image. I have 2 dishes. One for 13/19.2 and one for 28.2. I wanted to see more channels on 28.2 but they are all scrambled. What should I do? I see a Cccam is installed. What should I do with the CCcam.cfg? I have realised that I should enter clines on this file but what else? should I set up anything else on dm500 . Please let me know . Thanks in advance!
  • herrr
    Experienced Board Member
    • Jan 2012
    • 1080

    Re: Info about Cccam

    Originally posted by gema26
    Hello to all members,

    I am new to this forum. I need your information. I recently bought a dm500 and i installed a pli image. I have 2 dishes. One for 13/19.2 and one for 28.2. I wanted to see more channels on 28.2 but they are all scrambled. What should I do? I see a Cccam is installed. What should I do with the CCcam.cfg? I have realised that I should enter clines on this file but what else? should I set up anything else on dm500 . Please let me know . Thanks in advance!
    Gema: first thing of all you have to realize that Cline is not something like a key, but something like an internet address:
    1. You have to get a valid Cline, bringing to a server that accepts your connection (user and password are included in line).
    To begin you can use one of these free lines of server3 (only one).
    2. Your Dreambox must have a good internet connection. It's ready?


    • pan1300
      Experienced Board Member
      • Apr 2012
      • 1663

      Re: Info about Cccam

      hi gema26 and welcome!

      First indication has just been given by herrr ; further I suggest you do some (a lot ...) reading here in the different topics about the server/clines and those about your dm500.
      Never use more than 1 cline oh the same satlover server at the same time (forum rule to avoid ban!).
      Although they probably have freezes (lines + servers will get better/stabler when you have more usefull posts here), but there's a lot open on Astra 2 with satlover free clines.

      Good luck, if you have more specific problems or questions, just ask!


      • bokkie
        Experienced Board Member
        • Feb 2012
        • 1561

        Re: Info about Cccam

        You must enter the entire cline as it is in the cfg file. You can delete everything else in the cfg file and have just your cline.
        As previously stated, you might need to try a few lines before finding a working one. But only one at a time.
        Once you have succeeded in doing this, then you can look into more options.


        • gema26
          Junior Member
          • Nov 2012
          • 13

          Re: Info about Cccam

          thanks for the reply everyone!! tomorrow I'll have to make some tests with the c lines to see what I can get ;-P It's the first time for me!! My dreambox is connected to router and I can see it through DCC. A green line from my computer to my dreambox and my router. My connection is about 13-14 mbps and upload 1.


          • marian321
            • Sep 2012
            • 160

            Re: Info about Cccam

            But don't be disappointed if a free-cline doesn't work as you expect. The most free-servers are very slow because of heavy usage. Perhaps you use 2 or 3 (not more) working clines of different (!) servers to watch with only a view freezes.


            • spanky_1209
              Board Senior Member
              • Mar 2011
              • 308

              Re: Info about Cccam

              I can give you the following turtorial :

              1. Get one of the free c-lines from Mr. Satlover Homepage http://www.satlover.com/forum/free-c...art-again.html. The c-lines are free but thery are not very stable, because of many users.

              2. Telnet to your DM500 with software like FileZilla clinet. Put you cccam line that you get from Mr. Satlovers server into the following folder of your DM /var/etc . In this folder you will find the file called cccam.cfg, dowlnload this file and put you line into this file. After that just transfer this file into the folder that you download from /var/(etc .

              3. If the c-line form Mr. Satlover is okay you will see the picture on the scrambled channels.

              Good luck and if this was helpfull push the THANKS button .
              *DBox 2 by Nokia (66 MHz Processor, 16 MB RAM) *
              *Arion AF-8000 HDMI *
              *Phillips DIS 2221 *
              *Zehnder DX4000 CI patched with NeotionBox SW *

