is it possible to speed up a reshared card it clears fine with me but freezes for everyone else
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speed up a reshared card
Re: speed up a reshared card
So you're using card from some other server not yours, reshared.?
If it's like that than it's to server side not yours to clear one step below yours.
As I know until 3rd hop of reshare on NDS system it's glitch free and clears well, everything below hop3 is freezable. Maybe you are on 3rd hop, and everyone you forward this card to are on hop4!?
If you are resharing payserver cline from DB1 to DB2 ot to some other user Fline, most people give out 1 reshare. Again if it's payserver you're resharing from you should never pay. Its likely you have no reshare on a pay server and therefore there's no solution to your question without freezing.Comment
Re: speed up a reshared card
I normally only share locals to cut out any freeze problems, but I do have a old friend who I give an exception too, and his channels clear fine on hop4 ?
So I have 20 hop 1 cards and some do freeze slightly so there at the bottom of my config file and mainly ignored, But I have one 0963 share on hop4, and he clears fine ? never a glitch infact his share is the most reliable it never goes off and never glitches.
This has been for month's now and because of his very stable feed I put his C:line at the top of my list.
He also has a decent ecm time around 0.3 I have looked in webinfo and I can see he only has 6 remote cards on his server.
I asked him ? how come he gets such fantastic results... which would be a hop3 card on his server and hop4 on mine.
His reply was simple, quality not quantity who needs 100 cards when most people have no more then 3 tvs in there home.
I learnt a lesson of the wide old fox and dumped 90% of my shares the next day, and kept the ones that are reliable and never stutter.
So regardless of hop or ping the quality and reliability of the feed is most important.
So I reckon saying nds cards cant go past 3 hop downs without freezing is a myth because I have one on hop4 and it is sweet as Rhianna's Snatch
Also I think if oscam is reading the card in the server pc/box and the settings are tweeked for the job in hand, I reckon you can go along way.Comment
Re: speed up a reshared card
Well, this approves the situation with filtering of 3rd, 4th and 2nd Satl* server which some time ago had 400 and more cards. After lowering it's share they all had much better freez free results.
The main reason for hop4 from that buddy of yours @huntamick is I'd say ping time as well as time between upper providers that are on greater broad bandwith. Ping time to end user is affected by every upper provider all the way to the backbone of the country!
Translated to english, if it's more providers that are needed in the same country to the end user, then ping will be greater.
So I reckon saying nds cards cant go past 3 hop downs without freezing is a myth because I have one on hop4 and it is sweet as Rhianna's Snatchhmmm this would be a good idea... yam
Originally posted by huntamickAlso I think if oscam is reading the card in the server pc/box and the settings are tweeked for the job in hand, I reckon you can go along way.Comment