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Multiple CCcam servers on same Linux PC

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  • uttnls
    • Mar 2025

    Multiple CCcam servers on same Linux PC

    I tryed few days ago to find any information of how i can manage to do that, but with no success so i've looked on cccam.x86 parameters and so that it has the ability to specify a custom path for a cccam.cfg.

    So this is the best solution found and tested until now.

    Sayng you have already installed in /usr/local/bin/ a server named cccam.x86, now you have to put there another server lets say cccam-server2.x86

    You make a new config file for server2 lets say /var/etc/cccam-server2.cfg, of course changing the ports

    And now you just start the second server using :

    ./usr/local/bin/cccam-server2.x86 -C /var/etc/cccam-server2.cfg

    To stop it :

    killall cccam-server2.x86

    Of course to avoid problems in cccam-server2.cfg you define new files for logs

    Remember that Linux is key sensitive (my files are all named in lowercase, so don't just copy paste, think a little :P), and also don't forget of executing rights so use proper chmod and chown