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Custom Satlover CCcam prio file for Hotbird&Astra

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  • seb131
    Experienced Member
    • Jun 2010
    • 366

    Custom Satlover CCcam prio file for Hotbird&Astra


    I have done a custom prio file to speed up the channel decoding with the satlover servers for Astra and Hotbirg only (because I have these two sat only !).
    I put in prio all working providers, anb in ignore all the other ones. It is a quite drastic method, but it works fine and it is very quick!!!
    If you have other lines on other servers with providers not available on satlover server, you could have some issues because I could have put the provider as ignored. In this case, tell me what provider you would like to add.

    Same for other sat. I can update the file if you tell me what are the providers available on the server. I think they are not so much (perhaps ART on 7W).. try and tell me

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    dm800 clone, dm7000, BisTv & Csat
  • sonc
    Experienced Board Member
    • Jun 2010
    • 1568

    Re: Custom Satlover CCcam prio file for Hotbird&Astra

    Hi Seb,

    Thanks for this. I only have Astra1 and Hotbird too so this will be useful to me.

    I have a couple of questions:
    1) I mainly watch D+. Can you explain why you have Ignored 100:4106:
    # Digital+
    P: 1810:000000
    I: 0100:004106

    2) Does the order inside the prio file make any difference, e.g. should I move D+ to the top?



    • seb131
      Experienced Member
      • Jun 2010
      • 366

      Re: Custom Satlover CCcam prio file for Hotbird&Astra

      Hi Sonc,

      I ignored the seca because d+ was working fine in nagra with satlover2 server.
      As a basis, I ignored everything which was not used.
      If it is not the case for D+ and if both system are available, tell me and I will remove the line (I am more familiar with french providers).

      Yes, the prio order is important (except for ignored line, they could be placed all together at the end, but for the moment it is better like it is for debugging). For D+, if seca and nagra are both available, we should place in 1st the one which is the most available.

      kind regards

      v1.1 updated for D+

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      If you find this post usefull, please hit the thanks button !
      dm800 clone, dm7000, BisTv & Csat


      • sonc
        Experienced Board Member
        • Jun 2010
        • 1568

        Re: Custom Satlover CCcam prio file for Hotbird&Astra

        Thanks for the update. Tomorrow I'll try out both files and, if possible, see which is better.


        • seb131
          Experienced Member
          • Jun 2010
          • 366

          Re: Custom Satlover CCcam prio file for Hotbird&Astra

          I have too much ignored lines in this file. I will rework it and I will keep only fakes providers as ignored.

          If you find this post usefull, please hit the thanks button !
          dm800 clone, dm7000, BisTv & Csat


          • kudok
            Experienced Board Member
            • Mar 2010
            • 5687

            Re: Custom Satlover CCcam prio file for Hotbird&Astra

            don´t forget to add the " 0 " here:

            # ABSat
            P: 500:20810
            P: 500:20820

            to get

            # ABSat
            P: 0500:20810
            P: 0500:20820
            Don't send me c-line requests, iptv requests, technical, premium and iptv server questions in PM!


            • seb131
              Experienced Member
              • Jun 2010
              • 366

              Re: Custom Satlover CCcam prio file for Hotbird&Astra

              Thnaks Kudok.

              Originally posted by sonc
              Hi Seb,

              Thanks for this. I only have Astra1 and Hotbird too so this will be useful to me.

              I have a couple of questions:
              1) I mainly watch D+. Can you explain why you have Ignored 100:4106:
              # Digital+
              P: 1810:000000
              I: 0100:004106

              2) Does the order inside the prio file make any difference, e.g. should I move D+ to the top?

              Sonc, to make a prio for a same channel, or a same caid, they should be placed in the same P line, separated by a ",".

              Look the prio document from CCcam :
              # in this file you can configure what CAIDs CCcam should prefer or ignore
              # defaults to /var/etc/CCcam.prio
              # file content can have ignores (I) and prio lists (P)
              # note 1: I line affects both for ecm and emm (receive no emm on ignored systems)
              # P line only affects ecm choice (emm still received for all available systems, not just the priority system)
              # note 2: ident 0 means 'all idents'. So 'caid:0' is the same as 'caid'.
              # note 3: for some systems (e.g. nagra (caid 18xx)), the ident is not known at the time the
              # prio lists are checked. In that case, matching is done on caid only, even if the P line
              # defines nonzero idents. So for example '1801:401' behaves the same as '1801' in a P line
              # I lines work differently, they are checked two times, once before ecm or emm is received, again
              # after ecm or emm are received (and nagra ident should be known)
              # P lines are only checked once, before ecm received.
              # note 4: if a P line contains caid:ident pairs which are not available for the current
              # channel, that P line is not used for that channel.
              # Example, channel has systems 626, 1801:401 then P line with "1801,100:96,626" is ignored by that channel,
              # because channel doesn't have 100:96.
              # But P line with "1801" works, and also "626,1801" will work for channel
              # note 5: P lines are parsed in the order in which they are found in the prio file.
              # Only the first matching P line is used
              # situation 1: ignore allways this caid, all idents, on all channels
              # I: caid
              # situation 2: ignore allways this caid/ident pair
              # I: caid:ident
              # situation 3: ignore this caid/ident pair, on channel 'sid'
              # I: caid:ident:sid
              # situation 4: when both caid1 and caid2 exist for a channel, prefer caid1 over caid2
              # P: caid1, caid2
              # situation 5: when caid1:ident1 till caidN:identN exist for a channel, use them in order of this list.
              # P: caid1:ident1, caid2:ident2, .., caidN:identN
              # situation 6: when caid1:ident1 till caidN:identN exist for channel 'sid', use them in order of this list.
              # Sid on first caid/ident pair identifies sid for which list is used. All other sids ignore this list.
              # P: caid1:ident1:sid, caid2:ident2, .., caidN:identN
              I am updating the prio file.


              Ok, I ve done this new version. It seems to work fine (french channels are Ok).
              I've removed ignored real providers, so the file should work also for other sat (but not optimized).

              Could you test and provide your feedback.

              Attached Files
              If you find this post usefull, please hit the thanks button !
              dm800 clone, dm7000, BisTv & Csat


              • runmo
                Experienced Board Member
                • Jun 2010
                • 6120

                Re: Custom Satlover CCcam prio file for Hotbird&Astra

                Would it be possible to make a prio with all bouquets that satloverserver has?
                Maybe a prio where different people that have knowledge how to optimize prio work on.
                Maybe it would be good to work with one cccam.prio treat optimized for satlover?

                Next to ASTRA 19E and HOTBIRD 13E those Satellites have working bouquets
                ASTRA 23.5E (CANAAL DIGITAAL, CS LINK)
                ASTRA 28.2E, (SKY UK)
                HELLAS 39E, (MEO, DIGITAL PLUS)
                EUTELSAT 7E,(DIGITAL PLATFORM(digiturk))
                HISPASAT 30W,(DIGITAL+, MEO/CABO)
                THOR 0.8W, (CANAL DIGITAL, DIGI TV)
                ATLANTIC BIRD 5W (EUTELSAT)
                NILESAT 7W (DU)

                I'm not 100% if it are the correct bouqeuetnames, I looked at providernames in my vu+Duo)
                I guess there must be others, but I can't test other satellites (no or bad signal)

                Anyway thx for the current optimizations in the different cccam.prio treats. Great job! pitty enough I don't have this/such technical knowledge



                • seb131
                  Experienced Member
                  • Jun 2010
                  • 366

                  Re: Custom Satlover CCcam prio file for Hotbird&Astra

                  Hi Runmo
                  the name of the bouquet is not sufficiant enought.
                  I would like to mention that the prio I have done fit especially to satlover server, other files we can find are more generic.
                  I need to test channel decoding without prio file on each bouquet in order to implement it. I don't have these other sat, so we need the support of other members.

                  i am finalising a method on that ...
                  If you find this post usefull, please hit the thanks button !
                  dm800 clone, dm7000, BisTv & Csat


                  • seb131
                    Experienced Member
                    • Jun 2010
                    • 366

                    Re: Custom Satlover CCcam prio file for Hotbird&Astra

                    Here below a small tuto on how to make a prio especially for the server on which we are currently connected.

                    Make sure your are connected to satlover server only (if not remove the other cline/nline or place a # before them in the CCcam.cfg file).

                    Rename the CCcam.prio file to another name (CCcam.prio.1 in example), and make sure that you don't have any prio file.
                    Open a telnet session on your box.
                    Kill CCcam process. If you don't know how, execute a "ps" command (type ps, then enter) to see what is the name of the CCcam binary which is running in memory. Then type "killall -9 " followed by the name of the binary withtout its path (ex: killall -9 CCcam_2.14).
                    Now run CCcam in debug mode. Just type the name of the binary with the path follow by "-d 1". Example: "/usr/bin/CCcam_2.14 -d 1"
                    Now you should see all the debug information in your telnet session. Wait few seconds for the complete start of CCcam.
                    Now, zap to the channel of the bouquet you want to optimize.
                    You will see in the traffic log some line starting with the word "found" like this "xx:xx:xx.*** CCcam: found ...".
                    14:06:33.710 CCcam: found viaccess caid: 0x500 ecmpid: 0x1a18 id: 0x30b00
                    14:06:33.711 CCcam: found viaccess caid: 0x500 ecmpid: 0x1a19 id: 0x22610
                    14:06:33.711 CCcam: found viaccess caid: 0x500 ecmpid: 0x1a1b id: 0x32920
                    14:06:33.711 CCcam: found viaccess caid: 0x500 ecmpid: 0x1a1c id: 0x32940
                    14:06:33.712 CCcam: found viaccess caid: 0x500 ecmpid: 0x1a1d id: 0x32830
                    14:06:33.712 CCcam: found viaccess caid: 0x500 ecmpid: 0x1a1e id: 0x43300
                    14:06:33.712 CCcam: found viaccess caid: 0x500 ecmpid: 0x1a1f id: 0x43330
                    14:06:33.713 CCcam: found nagra caid: 0x1811 ecmpid: 0x1630 id: 0x0
                    14:06:33.713 CCcam: found nagra caid: 0x1811 ecmpid: 0x1631 id: 0x0
                    14:06:33.714 CCcam: found seca caid: 0x100 ecmpid: 0x1633 id: 0xa821
                    14:06:33.714 CCcam: found seca caid: 0x100 ecmpid: 0x1632 id: 0x3317
                    14:06:33.714 CCcam: found seca caid: 0x100 ecmpid: 0x1631 id: 0x3315
                    14:06:33.714 CCcam: found seca caid: 0x100 ecmpid: 0x1630 id: 0x3311

                    Those line appears just after the zap and are not shown after. If you miss them, you need to rezap.
                    This list contains all the available id to decrypt the current channel. Some could be fake, other could be real but unavailable on satlover server, etc...
                    What is important is the caid and the id (0500 & 0030B00 for the first line of the example). You sould remove all x letters (there is a 0x because it is in hexadecimal). You sould add zero at the beggining of the caid and id in order to have 4 characters for the caid and 6 for the id.

                    When the image appears on your tv, you should look for a line containing "ecm even ok " in the debug windows. Because there is no prio file, in some cases it could take a lot of time to get the channel decoded.
                    ex: 14:11:51.984 CCcam: cam[0] ecm odd ok caid:0x100 id:0x3315 pid:0x1631 Canal+ France
                    (the id is in second position and not in third position like in the "found" lines)
                    This means that we have found a valid caid/id on the server. We will take the assumption that this id is the best one to be priorized (it should be the case because CCcam try in first the closeest hops).*
                    So, you should add a P line in the CCcam.prio file like this : "P: 0100:003315"
                    Note: if you have only one "found" line, it is not necessary to create a P line. You can do it, but it won't change anything.

                    If you can read that the channel is descrambled by CCcam in the telnet, but you still have a black screen, it means that you are receiving fake ecm from the server. Just create a CCcam.prio file in the dreambox and add the provider currently used as ignored (you don't need to restart CCcam, it will load the new file automatically). This will force CCcam to try the other ones. Of course, this I line must be keept in the final prio file.

                    All other "found" caid:id couples have to be analysed one by one. For each of them, we have to know if it is a fake one or not. Search for the couple in a recent provider file (in CCcam.providers file, I am pretty sure you will find one in the forum) and if it is mentioned as fake, you must create an ignore line for it.
                    example : I: 0100:3317
                    If the caid:id couple correspond to a real provider, just do nothing and don't add anyline in the prio file.

                    With some package, with can find several working system, and in some cases on of the system is mandatory for the HD channels (this is the case for Csat or D+). D+ is available in both seca (0100) and nagra (1810) on all SD channels, but is only available in nagra for the HD. As the seca is much more faster than the nagra on the satlover server, we must tell CCcam to try first seca, then nagra.
                    In this case, just add the two caid:id on the same line separated by a coma, like this :
                    P: 0100:004106, 1810:000000

                    Before adding any line (I or P), check that it was not already in the file. When you add a P line and if you have somewhere in the file the same line but with the I, by default, CCcam will ignore the id of the caid.

                    To close the current CCcam process in debug mode, just press CTRL+c. If you close the telnet windows, the process will be stopped as well.

                    * Note: if you have several different cards system available on the same hops level, you can try them one by one and measure the respons delay (by using a test prio file which contains the caid:id to measure).
                    I hope it was clear enought. Don't hesitate to ask question if you need some support.
                    I hope with the involvment of everyone, we could create a special prio file for satlover server for all satellite bouquets.

                    If you find this post usefull, please hit the thanks button !
                    dm800 clone, dm7000, BisTv & Csat


                    • seb131
                      Experienced Member
                      • Jun 2010
                      • 366

                      Re: Custom Satlover CCcam prio file for Hotbird&Astra

                      Update for HD Csat&C+ channels (new frequencies of the 12th of October).
                      Attached Files
                      If you find this post usefull, please hit the thanks button !
                      dm800 clone, dm7000, BisTv & Csat


                      • juventino 2008
                        • Mar 2010
                        • 904

                        Re: Custom Satlover CCcam prio file for Hotbird&Astra

                        Originally posted by seb131
                        Update for HD Csat&C+ channels (new frequencies of the 22th of October).
                        we are on 17th october and not on 22th

                        merci comme même pour tous ces efforts


                        • gioffri66
                          • Jun 2010
                          • 127

                          Re: Custom Satlover CCcam prio file for Hotbird&Astra

                          Is there a ccam prio for dtt italy ?


                          • seb131
                            Experienced Member
                            • Jun 2010
                            • 366

                            Re: Custom Satlover CCcam prio file for Hotbird&Astra

                            Originally posted by juventino 2008
                            we are on 17th october and not on 22th

                            merci comme même pour tous ces efforts
                            oups, sorry. The frequencies have been changed by Csat the 12th of October, not the 22 (it is not possible !)
                            If you find this post usefull, please hit the thanks button !
                            dm800 clone, dm7000, BisTv & Csat


                            • tkyou
                              Senior Member
                              • Nov 2010
                              • 121

                              Re: Custom Satlover CCcam prio file for Hotbird&Astra

                              Lut Seb , prio only for satlover serv ?

