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How to Reshare ?

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  • LUCDC2000
    Junior Member
    • Jun 2011
    • 12

    How to Reshare ?

    How to Reshare ?
    I have 1 Cline in my Dm7000
    how to make a Reshare to my Dm600 plaese ?
    Only a normal Fline is good ? or I need a special Line ?
  • dasc101
    Senior Member
    • Apr 2011
    • 154

    Re: How to Reshare ?

    I think that first of all, you should find out if you have right to reshare ( I doubt it).
    Ask to who did give you the cline.


    • LUCDC2000
      Junior Member
      • Jun 2011
      • 12

      Re: How to Reshare ?

      Yes I have right to reshare !
      But I dont know how reshare to my second dreambox


      • rickbell
        • Feb 2011
        • 88

        Re: How to Reshare ?

        Hi LUCDC2000

        If you want to reshare a cline for another dreambox in your own house you do this:

        1. Configure fixed-IPs for the two receivers

        2. Create a F line in the dreambox(1) that receives the cline like this:

        F: User Pass 3 0 0 { 0:0:3 } IP_Dreambox(2)

        For example:
        F: Mine Dream2 3 0 0 { 0:0:3 }

        3. Create a C line the other dreambox(2) like this:

        C: IP_dreambox(1) Port User Pass no { 0:0:3 }

        For example:
        C: 12000 Mine Dream2 no { 0:0:3 }

        Try it and post the results.


        • Fox2k11
          • Jul 2011
          • 9

          Re: How to Reshare ?

          I dont know why you Limit hops on a local net ?

          Just on the box who will reshare create a New F-line

          Like F: user pass

          on the dm600 create a c-Line

          Like C: User pass Port

          and you should be done... =)

          Simple huh...?


          • geeksy
            • Feb 2012
            • 4

            Re: How to Reshare ?

            It will be useful to others if the OP can post his results.


            • ahmad95
              • Feb 2012
              • 3

              Re: How to Reshare ?

              Hi, I have DM500 and my brother living two streets away has DM800, we want to reshare our clines with each other what should we do? Plz help.


              • Keep On Keepin On
                • Oct 2011
                • 4

                Re: How to Reshare ?

                Do this...
                If you want to share
                you will need to configure Dreambox I.Ps, Register a hostname & open a port in your Routers.

                1. Configure IPs for the two receivers i.e

                2. Create a F line in the dreambox that receives the cline like this:

                F: User Pass 1 0 0 { 0:0:2 }

                For example:
                F: User Pass 1 0 0 { 0:0:2 } { } { } brothersdns

                3. Create a C line in Brothers dreambox like this:

                C: yourhostname Port User Pass no { 0:0:2 }

                & the same again needed for your box.


                • Triad
                  Experienced Member
                  • Jan 2012
                  • 422

                  Re: How to Reshare ?

                  You're missing input to users how to get their dns account visible to outside user (client) by registering dyndns or external dns other account.


                  • sorrowuk
                    Junior Member
                    • Sep 2010
                    • 11

                    Re: How to Reshare ?

                    Like everyones said above you should just need to point your ip of one of the boxes to the ip of the box which has the cccam server .

                    But make sure your ip's are not set up with DHCP or your ip will change


                    • Triad
                      Experienced Member
                      • Jan 2012
                      • 422

                      Re: How to Reshare ?

                      No, it's only to local intranet LAN if two or more receivers are in home and you want to connect them, then local IP don't need DNS addressing.
                      If on the other hand user you need to connect is located somewhere else, like other part of town or the world, then server as well as client side needs to assign dyndns account in order for outside internet to see someone's firewalled or NAT IP address translated to dyndns, like Triad.dyndns.com.
                      Most of you servers will need this, u can manage it on THIS ADDRESS


                      • SatWaveDude
                        Board Senior Member
                        • Apr 2012
                        • 220

                        Re: How to Reshare ?

                        What about forwarding the port in the router, nobody mension that!

                        DM500HD, DM500+ | EMP S16/1PCP-W3 | WaveFrontier T90 | 16x SMART Titanium 0.1dB LNB's
                        TechniSat SkyStar S2 PCI / SkyStar USB HD
                        WaveFrontier T90 rev.2 - 28.2E | 23.5E | 19.2E | 16E | 13E | 10/9E | 3.3E | 4/5E | 0.8W | 7/8W | 12.5W

                        If you find my post usefull please press the Thanks Button


                        • duhoki
                          Experienced Board Member
                          • Aug 2011
                          • 876

                          Re: How to Reshare ?

                          Ju to mention, no-ip is no longer free, but you can get one by doing the following:

                          register at dyn.com-->join the 14 day pro trial and creat a host-->before 14 days go cancel your trial and you will have 1 free host you made.

                          and satwavedude it is true that when ever you want access from outside of you network to a client in your home network like you receiver, you have to do portforwarding in your router, but not needed if local networking.


                          • mac72
                            • Dec 2012
                            • 1

                            Re: How to Reshare ?

                            This is just what I was looking for, thanks! Can a CLine provider detect if I am resharing the line between multiple receivers in my house?



                            • pan1300
                              Experienced Board Member
                              • Apr 2012
                              • 1663

                              Re: How to Reshare ?

                              Originally posted by mac72
                              This is just what I was looking for, thanks! Can a CLine provider detect if I am resharing the line between multiple receivers in my house?

                              hi mac72

                              normally yes, due to higher ECM times (when more than 1 box is in use at the same time) -> best to be careful!

