When you have correctly loaded a free cline from here and you want to try another the next day, would it be possible and easyier just to change the port and ID numbers from your previous days entry,just a thought...
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Part Cline?
Re: Part Cline?
Dreambox500HD ICVS image, 110 cm offset dish with Diseq motor - 45E-30W, Inverto Black Ultra Quad LNB, Samsung 46c7000 3D TVComment
Re: Part Cline?
i used to have about 8 lines used using free clines before going premium. when the domains and server are the same, i just change the port nmber, the username and password. saves a lot of hassle.spiderbox hd 7000
90 cm motorised dishComment
Re: Part Cline?
Same here, using a usb is fine when you have to load a complete new server but for me the remote is fine for just editing the numbers!Comment
Re: Part Cline?
When you start DCC program on your computer, it establishes a connection with your dreambox (if the IP and the password are correct).
You select FTP and get 2 areas in which the files are displayed.
here is an example:
The area on the right displays the files on your computer.
The area on the left dispays the files on your dreambox.
From the area (displaying your computer files) you right-click on the file containing your C line and select view.
The folder opens up displaying its contents.
You select the line by highlighting it with the mouse and click on the copy icon.
You then open the file cccam.cfg from the left side in /etc and paste the copied C line and save)
Aternatively -
If you have the file ready in as cccam.cfg
you simply click on the folder /etc (/var/etc for Enigma1) on the left area to open up the folder, and then click cccam.cfg file from the right side and click on the arrow between the 2 areas to send the file to the left area in your dreambox