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Building a CCcam Server. Help

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  • tibsom
    Senior Member
    • Mar 2011
    • 152

    Building a CCcam Server. Help

    Hi all, I want to start building my own server and all I have is a dreambox, a computer and the basic knowloge about Cardsharing, CCcam, Clines and Flines. I will need a complete list of the tools I need and what they are for. I will appreciate any help and suggestion. many txs
  • digicon
    Experienced Board Member
    • Jun 2011
    • 971

    Re: Building a CCcam Server. Help

    it all depends on what you want to do as in do you want to share from your dreambox or do you want to build an unbutu linux server, another point is do you want to share a card or are you going to maybe reshare a line.

    there are plenty of guides on here for complete newbies or intermediate and even advanced users.


    • whinpo
      Senior Member
      • Jul 2011
      • 177

      Re: Building a CCcam Server. Help

      as said by digicon it depends on what you wanna share..

      If you just wanna share your card, use CCcam and you're done (don't forget to open the port on your router to allow users from Internet to connect to your dbox...)
      if you wanna do something more difficult, explain us your needs and we'll try to guide you

      first of all check : -http://www.satlover.com/forum/cccam/1-cccam-collection-topic-here-is-where-you-should-start-faqs-and-tools-and-downloads.html


      • mendi19
        • Aug 2011
        • 71

        Re: Building a CCcam Server. Help

        Hi im trying to share my cardsand i did this

        i write a FLine on my Dm like this

        F: test1 mendi19
        and this would be the CLine that the client need to add right
         C: 12000 test1 mendi19
        I try this way but is not working :S
        maybe the port is wrong,but i dont know where i can find it ...!?


        • vimmers
          Experienced Board Member
          • Jun 2010
          • 1188

          Re: Building a CCcam Server. Help

          u have to create a dyndns or a noip adress
          here _http://dyn.com/dns/dyndns-free/ or here _http://www.no-ip.com/services/managed_dns/free_dynamic_dns.html
          u can pay for them but its not necessary

          then your cline vill be something like this
          C: mendi19.dyndns.org 12000 test1 mendi19


          • tibsom
            Senior Member
            • Mar 2011
            • 152

            Re: Building a CCcam Server. Help

            Originally posted by digicon
            it all depends on what you want to do as in do you want to share from your dreambox or do you want to build an unbutu linux server, another point is do you want to share a card or are you going to maybe reshare a line.

            there are plenty of guides on here for complete newbies or intermediate and even advanced users.
            Hi m8! Thanks for your replay. My intention is to build a ubuntu server and share clines


            • whinpo
              Senior Member
              • Jul 2011
              • 177

              Re: Building a CCcam Server. Help

              please be more precise to tell us what you know and what you would like to know?

              To install CCcam on Ubutu : -http://www.sat-universe.com/showthread.php?t=153342

              and I repeat : you'll have to put a NAT on your router and therefore (as Vimmers said) have either a fixed IP or a dyndns name


              • TARO
                Junior Member
                • Aug 2011
                • 27

                Re: Building a CCcam Server. Help

                Yeah, whatever port is shown in ur CCcam config file, on line 152 ( if u edit it using Dcc ) u need to set in ur router ( in the port forward option ).


                • tibsom
                  Senior Member
                  • Mar 2011
                  • 152

                  Re: Building a CCcam Server. Help

                  Originally posted by whinpo
                  please be more precise to tell us what you know and what you would like to know?

                  To install CCcam on Ubutu : -http://www.sat-universe.com/showthread.php?t=153342

                  and I repeat : you'll have to put a NAT on your router and therefore (as Vimmers said) have either a fixed IP or a dyndns name
                  I got the tutorials to build a server on both ubuntu a debian my problem is to understand after the I built the server how do I copy the original card to the PC server? I know I have to use a card reader, but how to work with that is where I am having problem on understanding it. the part of building a server I already get to understand, but the part of coping the cards details on the server still difficult for me.


                  • mendi19
                    • Aug 2011
                    • 71

                    Re: Building a CCcam Server. Help

                    Originally posted by vimmers
                    u have to create a dyndns or a noip adress
                    here _http://dyn.com/dns/dyndns-free/ or here _http://www.no-ip.com/services/managed_dns/free_dynamic_dns.html
                    u can pay for them but its not necessary

                    then your cline vill be something like this
                    C: mendi19.dyndns.org 12000 test1 mendi19
                    Thanks for the links ...i tryed and it worked ..but my problem was at begining that i havent open the ports. ..so i portforward on router and now is good


                    • freegigi
                      • Sep 2011
                      • 2

                      Re: Building a CCcam Server. Help

                      Originally posted by tibsom
                      Hi all, I want to start building my own server and all I have is a dreambox, a computer and the basic knowloge about Cardsharing, CCcam, Clines and Flines. I will need a complete list of the tools I need and what they are for. I will appreciate any help and suggestion. many txs
                      So u want to understand, how to grow a server?! If i am right, 1st of all i sugest you to experimet on your dm, telnet & ftp tools , "dcc" is right for it. have both!
                      For CCcam managment use cccaminfo, that will show you what is in your server! setings for it, is in your CCcam.cfg



                      • marina
                        Junior Member
                        • Aug 2011
                        • 23

                        Re: Building a CCcam Server. Help

                        I think you got the help you want. shown to be very useful to establish the subject thanks to Ubuntu Server will learn something about the card sharing.


                        • vecchia_signora
                          Senior Member
                          • Sep 2011
                          • 103

                          Re: Building a CCcam Server. Help

                          when you say set up a server on the pc do you have to keep the pc switched on ?


                          • FARFARWO
                            • May 2011
                            • 12

                            Re: Building a CCcam Server. Help

                            i tried
                            1 create a dyndns

                            2 install CCcam on Ubutu

                            3 set in ur router ( in the port forward option ).

                            4 open the ports.

                            it works well


                            • ajijoe
                              • Mar 2012
                              • 2

                              Re: Building a CCcam Server. Help


                              trying to setup a cccam server using dreambox 500, cline server

