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  • papu_440
    • Sep 2010
    • 3



    CCcam SERVER

    IN DREAM-BOX 500s

    any person guide with detail and pic

    i ill be waiting for you senior member `s
  • spanky_1209
    Board Senior Member
    • Mar 2011
    • 308


    Here is a simple guide how to Connect Dm500 to CS

    1. Grab a dreambox 500s clone (dm500s) from an online retailer like here (greece) or here (UK) for something lower than 80 euros. (Or any receiver that can accept enigma and has a network card)
    2. Download Filezilla (ftp client)
    3. Download x-mad easy image x-mad-server.fw2. This is a full server image by x-mad with default usernames and password for the server deifned in the cccam.cfg file (x-mad/x-mad) and works out of the box
    4. Download Flash Wizzard 6.5
    Turn on your new dreambox and go to MENU – SETUP – EXPERT SETUP – COMMUNICATION SETUP and take a note of the IP Field. (This requires that you have connected your dreambox to the network!)
    The Ip field is in the form of 192.168.0.x or 192.168.1.x or 192.168.2.x or 10.0.0.x or something similar! Open Flash Wizzard – Configuration and Utilities – and enter on the top right the ip

    5. For login and password use root/dreambox
    Go to “Install a firmware into Flash Memory” and click on the folder icon to browse for a file

    6. Browse to the “x-mad-server.fw2″ file you downloaded on step 3
    Wait till the process finishes and then after 1-2 minutes unplug and plug again your dreambox
    The dreambox will now boot to the new x-mad image. By default the image has a “Static ip” and the gateway is You will need to change those details to your network settings.
    click and type “cmd” , a black windows will popup. Type “ipconfig” on it to find out your computer’s network address and your gateway.

    7. In my case my ip address is, my subnet mask is and my gateway is I decided to have my new dreambox have a static ip of I will leave the subnet mask and default gateway the same.
    Go to your dreambox : MENU – SETUP – EXPERT SETUP – COMMUNICATION SETUP and change the IP, Subnet and Default Gateway as in the example at the previous step.
    Download this cccam.cfg file. This is a sample file, you will need to change the username and password to the ones you want. For this tutorial we will asume you keep the same (x-mad / x-mad)
    You will need to upload this file into your dreambox. You will use filezilla for this that you downloaded earlier.
    Open Filezilla on your computer and enter the ip of your dreambox and the username / password (root / dreambox)

    8. In the right box of filezilla you will see the folders of your dreambox. You will need to navigate to var/etc and then drag and drop the changed CCcam.cfg file you downloaded earlier in to this folder overwriting it.
    You can always skip for now steps 14,15,16 and 17 and leave your dreambox with the default x-mad/x-mad aliases until you get to know your server better if you are getting confused! This file is there anyway in your dreambox after flashing it with the provided image
    So now you have a dreambox setup with its own static ip address, set up as a cccam server. Next steps will be to get it out of your local network to the real world and add some clines.
    Go to http://www.dyndns.com or http://www.no-ip.com and register for a free account.
    Create a host like x-mad.mine.nu or x-mad.dyndns.com or x-mad.no-ip.info or whatever you want replacing “x-mad” with your required name for your server.
    We will now need to redirect this virtual name of yours to the static ip of your dreambox through your adsl modem!
    Go to your modem’s static ip address (the gateway address you saw earlier). Login using your modem’s username and password and you find the page that says dyndns and there you complete your host’s details. For my TP-LINK router modem is like in the screenshot bellow :

    9. To find your modem’s username and password and other specific details for dyndns use this page
    Now you will need again through your modem to forward appropriate ports (traffic) from the outside world to your internal network-dreambox.
    Visit your router’s/modem virtual servers page and forward the appropriate ports as in the screenshot. Your router will obviously be a bit different but you will get the idea. Basically you create rules. In the screenshot bellow I have forwarded ports 16001 and port 12000 to the dreambox’s static ip address :

    10. Your dreambox is now ready to receive clines and flines on the default ports on x-mad.dyndns.info or whatever virtual host you have created.
    Now download easy ccconfig v2.2
    On top, enter your static ip of your dreambox and root / dreambox, then click download config

    11. The next steps could be another full tutorial, but in a few words.. you can do 2 things from now on. You can get a cline from someone to watch what he watches, or you can give a cline to someone so that he watches what you watch. There are limitations to what someone can watch and are defined by the hops. If you are sharing a card in your receiver this is your 0 hop and this is the hop1 of a friend. This is the hop2 of a friends friend and the hop3 of a friend’s firend’s friend. The same applies to what you get. Most of the people give 2 hops, so you are watching the cards up to 2 friends. You can explore more on that on the forums
    To give someone a cline you click “new” on the F-Line area, enter his username and password enter 2,2 and then copy it and give it to him. Then upload the config using the button.
    To get a line from someone paste it in the bottom area and then reupload config
    To confirm everythin works fine you can check the plugin on your dreambox YELLOW BUTTON – ENTER – SERVERS. You will see a list there of the servers you are getting cards and the amount.
    You can have more control on all of this by using the x-mad portable cccam info php
    So to recap, you visit a forum that advertise “cccam exchange” go to free servers if you do not own a card, or local servers if you got a subscription card to share, and then start offering F-lines to people hoping that you will get a C-line back. Hopefully soon you will have accumulated lots of cards to reshare.

    I hope this was helpfull and that you will enyoj sharing
    Attached Files
    *DBox 2 by Nokia (66 MHz Processor, 16 MB RAM) *
    *Arion AF-8000 HDMI *
    *Phillips DIS 2221 *
    *Zehnder DX4000 CI patched with NeotionBox SW *


    • uranqe
      • Dec 2011
      • 1


      not have atached thumblist


      • spanky_1209
        Board Senior Member
        • Mar 2011
        • 308


        The attached file probobly removed by the admin's.
        *DBox 2 by Nokia (66 MHz Processor, 16 MB RAM) *
        *Arion AF-8000 HDMI *
        *Phillips DIS 2221 *
        *Zehnder DX4000 CI patched with NeotionBox SW *


        • vimmers
          Experienced Board Member
          • Jun 2010
          • 1188

          Re: HOW TO MAKE CCcam SERVER IN DREAM-BOX 500s

          read those topics here _http://www.satlover.com/forum/cccam/1-cccam-collection-topic-here-is-where-you-should-start-faqs-and-tools-and-downloads.html


          • morgy1912
            • Jun 2011
            • 4

            Re: HOW TO MAKE CCcam SERVER IN DREAM-BOX 500s

            can anyone tell me where to download x-mad easy image x-mad-server.fw2

            thanks in advance


            • mirny
              Experienced Board Member
              • Nov 2011
              • 707

              Re: HOW TO MAKE CCcam SERVER IN DREAM-BOX 500s

              use newcs or oscam
              HD-BOX FS-9200,SkyStar HD2 USB CI, Skystar2 90Fe Motor, 85Al Multifeed

              If you like my post, or was helpful, don't be shy and press the Thanks Button.


              • morgy1912
                • Jun 2011
                • 4

                Re: HOW TO MAKE CCcam SERVER IN DREAM-BOX 500s

                have tried newcs but it wont work, and i dont trust oscam, so any help on this would be appreciated


                • vimmers
                  Experienced Board Member
                  • Jun 2010
                  • 1188

                  Re: HOW TO MAKE CCcam SERVER IN DREAM-BOX 500s

                  Originally posted by morgy1912
                  can anyone tell me where to download x-mad easy image x-mad-server.fw2

                  thanks in advance
                  and simple ****** on x-mad easy image x-mad-server.fw2
                  only come up here at satlover
                  so no wonder that anyone can help you if you not even know what the real name of the image you search are


                  • morgy1912
                    • Jun 2011
                    • 4

                    Re: HOW TO MAKE CCcam SERVER IN DREAM-BOX 500s

                    Originally posted by vimmers
                    and simple ****** on x-mad easy image x-mad-server.fw2
                    only come up here at satlover
                    so no wonder that anyone can help you if you not even know what the real name of the image you search are
                    so what is the real name of the image then ?


                    • vimmers
                      Experienced Board Member
                      • Jun 2010
                      • 1188

                      Re: HOW TO MAKE CCcam SERVER IN DREAM-BOX 500s

                      i don't know its you there asking after it then you must have read about it somewhere
                      but i can tell that i also searched for x-mad+dreambox
                      then a payserver came up
                      maybe you got it all wrong


                      • mirny
                        Experienced Board Member
                        • Nov 2011
                        • 707

                        Re: HOW TO MAKE CCcam SERVER IN DREAM-BOX 500s

                        Originally posted by morgy1912
                        have tried newcs but it wont work, and i dont trust oscam, so any help on this would be appreciated
                        can you tell me, why you don't trust to oscam?
                        HD-BOX FS-9200,SkyStar HD2 USB CI, Skystar2 90Fe Motor, 85Al Multifeed

                        If you like my post, or was helpful, don't be shy and press the Thanks Button.


                        • morgy1912
                          • Jun 2011
                          • 4

                          Re: HOW TO MAKE CCcam SERVER IN DREAM-BOX 500s

                          Originally posted by vimmers
                          i don't know its you there asking after it then you must have read about it somewhere
                          but i can tell that i also searched for x-mad+dreambox
                          then a payserver came up
                          maybe you got it all wrong

                          well it is in the op post at number 3

                          3. Download x-mad easy image x-mad-server.fw2. This is a full server image by x-mad with default usernames and password for the server deifned in the cccam.cfg file (x-mad/x-mad) and works out of the box

                          Originally posted by mirny
                          can you tell me, why you don't trust to oscam?
                          i just dont trust it, to many bad reports about it being unsecure

