if you are interesed
D: { lynx-cccam.dyndns.org
and NewCamd Servers from MPCS
HOST : lynx-cccam.dyndns.org
DESKEY : 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 10 11 12 13 14
USER: PiLynx1 =to=> PiLynx40
PASS: www.satlover.com
PORT : 5100 -> CAID : 0500 JSC Sports (13E/7W/26E) Viaccess
PORT : 5101 -> CAID : ART (7W)

D: { lynx-cccam.dyndns.org
and NewCamd Servers from MPCS
HOST : lynx-cccam.dyndns.org
DESKEY : 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 10 11 12 13 14
USER: PiLynx1 =to=> PiLynx40
PASS: www.satlover.com
PORT : 5100 -> CAID : 0500 JSC Sports (13E/7W/26E) Viaccess
PORT : 5101 -> CAID : ART (7W)