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  • fandm
    Experienced Board Member
    • Aug 2011
    • 648


    It is now under development to make batteries out of sh-t, it's true microbes that live in the waste can generate electricity, so when you have your tablet or phone and the battery goes flat you can say them batteries are crap, this will lead to the making completely green power.
    and it can be further developed to be used in domestic supplies.
  • Teranoz
    Senior Member
    • May 2013
    • 104

    Re: Batteries

    I guess you skipped chemistry at school.


    • aplok
      Experienced Board Member
      • Jun 2013
      • 1155

      Re: Batteries

      Originally posted by Teranoz
      I guess you skipped chemistry at school.
      why ?

      can you be more explicit and give us more details about ?



      • mahrkpat
        Experienced Board Member
        • Jun 2012
        • 1493

        Re: Batteries

        Faeces could soon be used to power a future generation of mobile phones, scientists claim.
        Researchers have discovered a natural process that occurs within the bacteria found in poo, that could help improve ‘bio batteries’.
        It is hoped the discovery could produce energy for portable technology, such as smartphones, mobiles, tablets and laptops.
        The study from the University of East Anglia (UEA) in Norwich focused on how electrons cross bacterial proteins.
        Both human and animal waste contains bacteria, which 'breathe' minerals of iron - much like we breathe oxygen.
        An electrical charge is released as a side effect during this ‘breathing’ process.
        The charge is released from the cell, similar to the neutral wire in a household plug, and can then be harnessed.
        The scientists looked at proteins called ‘multi-haem cytochromes’ that are contained in a species of bacteria called Shewanella, found in faeces.
        Lead researcher Professor Julea Butt, from the university’s schools of chemistry and biological sciences, said: ‘These bacteria can generate electricity in the right environment.
        ‘This is an exciting advance in our understanding of how some bacterial species move electrons from the inside to the outside of a cell and helps us understand their behaviour as robust electron transfer modules.

        Liked my post then push the sigpic button.


        • Teranoz
          Senior Member
          • May 2013
          • 104

          Re: Batteries

          Originally posted by aplok
          why ?

          can you be more explicit and give us more details about ?

          Batteries work with redoxreactions, microbes do not work that way.
          If you would recharge your phone or tablet with electricity generated from microbes you would need to keep them stay alive and have a lot of patience or a big reservoir filled with them (like 1000s of kgs).
          You could try it with an apple (not the I-version brand, but the fruit) or a potato with a Zinc- and Copper electrode but still you would also need lots of other electrical circuits to get a current that is high enough to recharge your phone.


          • fandm
            Experienced Board Member
            • Aug 2011
            • 648

            Re: Batteries

            I think you need to read Mahrkpat response a little bit better microbes regenerate themselves as they die they reproduce so life goes on nearly indefinitely just like in the universe but battery sized.


            • ciccioesposito
              • Aug 2014
              • 75

              Re: Batteries

              A few centuries ago a man called Alessandro Volta was playing with frogs claiming he could create electricity... we all know how it ended... ;-)

