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Satlover CHAT! VOTE NOW!!!

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  • Resident
    Senior Member
    • Jul 2010
    • 151

    Satlover CHAT! VOTE NOW!!!

    Hey guys,

    I know I'm not a site admin I just wanna help out There is an ongoing debate about an open chat box on the site. We all know what it is, it's basically a shoutbox where all the online users can say things and try to have a conversation. Some of you are against it, and I totally understand why.

    The main reasons against an open chat box:
    1. It would make the site work slower, no matter what. Another thing that can crash the site.
    2. It's hard to have a conversation in an openbox chat cause most of the users will only say Hello to see if anyone's actually watching it. If not they will leave. So after a day you're gonna have like 233 hellos and 199 his.
    3. It's hard to moderate an open chat box, there is not much you can do to ban users and delete comments. It's very vulnerable to attacks, floods and spams.

    Now here is what I have in mind:
    Most of you know what IRC is. It's a chat protocol that can be used with certain softwares, the most popular one is mIRC on windows. It's very advanced compared to an open chat box, can be moderated extremely well and you can actually see who is online. The moderators of this board can join the channel and get OPs so they can moderate that too. It is possible to mute/kick/kickban users, get flood protection and everything that makes online communications so pleasant and yummy, like a freshly baked pie.

    The question is: Do you guys want an IRC channel where we can talk and help each other? (And possibly kick newbies for asking for cccam servers )
    I've already created a channel on Quakenet, it's a very reliable IRC network.
    As long as there are no moderators from this I am going to moderate the channel and IT IS AN UNOFFICIAL CHANNEL! As soon as mods join it and say it's cool, it can be an official channel! It's really just up to the mods and Mr. Satlover! (But since he is busy, I guess it's up to the mods)

    Server: irc.quakenet.org
    Channel: #Satlover

    Quakenet has nickserv (Q bot), use it to make your nick really your own! You can find more info about Quakenet on: www.quakenet.org
    a:5:{i:19;a:5:{s:12:"polloptionid";i:19;s:6:"nodeid";s:4:"8056";s:5:"title";s:10:"Yes, I do!";s:5:"votes";i:31;s:6:"voters";a:31:{i:0;s:4:"2957";i:1;s:3:"955";i:2;s:4:"2148";i:3;s:4:"2687";i:4;s:4:"3009";i:5;s:4:"1728";i:6;s:4:"1577";i:7;s:3:"682";i:8;s:4:"1572";i:9;s:4:"1401";i:10;s:4:"4169";i:11;s:3:"451";i:12;s:4:"1647";i:13;s:4:"1616";i:14;s:4:"1827";i:15;s:4:"4828";i:16;s:4:"4896";i:17;s:4:"4054";i:18;s:4:"2190";i:19;s:4:"4142";i:20;s:4:"1573";i:21;s:4:"3423";i:22;s:4:"5214";i:23;s:4:"2723";i:24;s:4:"5504";i:25;s:4:"5761";i:26;s:4:"1982";i:27;s:4:"5515";i:28;s:4:"1225";i:29;s:4:"4233";i:30;s:4:"3055";}}i:20;a:5:{s:12:"polloptionid";i:20;s:6:"nodeid";s:4:"8056";s:5:"title";s:13:"No, I do not!";s:5:"votes";i:5;s:6:"voters";a:5:{i:0;s:4:"1705";i:1;s:4:"2635";i:2;s:4:"2512";i:3;s:4:"5082";i:4;s:4:"1131";}}i:21;a:5:{s:12:"polloptionid";i:21;s:6:"nodeid";s:4:"8056";s:5:"title";s:37:"No, I do not! I want an open chatbox!";s:5:"votes";i:6;s:6:"voters";a:6:{i:0;s:4:"1456";i:1;s:4:"1539";i:2;s:4:"4783";i:3;s:4:"4920";i:4;s:4:"4667";i:5;s:4:"5004";}}i:22;a:5:{s:12:"polloptionid";i:22;s:6:"nodeid";s:4:"8056";s:5:"title";s:12:"What is IRC?";s:5:"votes";i:3;s:6:"voters";a:3:{i:0;s:4:"1522";i:1;s:4:"4493";i:2;s:4:"1739";}}i:23;a:5:{s:12:"polloptionid";i:23;s:6:"nodeid";s:4:"8056";s:5:"title";s:13:"What is CHAT?";s:5:"votes";i:0;s:6:"voters";a:0:{}}}
  • superhefty
    • Mar 2010
    • 91

    Re: Satlover CHAT! VOTE NOW!!!

    Good thing! Iīm shure this will be the better way instead of a chatbox in this board.
    But I have a small question about IRC, cause i havenīt been used it since a long time.
    What about the privacy?If someone shares or discusses about cardsharing and c-lines can strange people read there? The Boardcrew can allow us to read things they want. So this forum is even closer than other Internetservices. Can you (as chatadmin) invite members and allow them to read?!



    • Resident
      Senior Member
      • Jul 2010
      • 151

      Re: Satlover CHAT! VOTE NOW!!!

      On IRC you can make a channel secret or require a password to join. The channel is secret so no one can see it unless they joined it. You can also hide your IP or host just by registering with Q (the nickserv bot). This way no one can see your IP/Host. It is possible to password protect a channel, if you guys want it, we can do that too.


      • peremacedonia
        Experienced Board Member
        • Jun 2010
        • 872

        Re: Satlover CHAT! VOTE NOW!!!

        it was a pool for chat before but it vas closed so i vote here
        Rule n.33 kid..... Concentrate


        • zoran89
          Experienced Board Member
          • Mar 2010
          • 1618

          Re: Satlover CHAT! VOTE NOW!!!

          Well if it was closed aperently moderator and admin staff doesnt whant to put chat box.


          • Resident
            Senior Member
            • Jul 2010
            • 151

            Re: Satlover CHAT! VOTE NOW!!!

            Nope, that topic is still on and not closed. I really hope a mod or Mr. Satlover will post here sooner or later. I'm glad some of you guys has already expressed his opinion.


            • zoran89
              Experienced Board Member
              • Mar 2010
              • 1618

              Re: Satlover CHAT! VOTE NOW!!!

              Mr.Satlover is very busy man so hardly he can watch all threads and all question.


              • peremacedonia
                Experienced Board Member
                • Jun 2010
                • 872

                Re: Satlover CHAT! VOTE NOW!!!

                So if everybody vote with yes we want chatbox, do u Mr. Satlover make some one for us?
                Rule n.33 kid..... Concentrate


                • ozak

                  Re: Satlover CHAT! VOTE NOW!!!

                  I agree


                  • madrax
                    • Jun 2010
                    • 102

                    Re: Satlover CHAT! VOTE NOW!!!

                    Yes, I do!


                    • norad
                      • Jun 2010
                      • 78

                      Re: Satlover CHAT! VOTE NOW!!!

                      i aldo agree to a chat


                      • gsv0gsv
                        Senior Member
                        • Jun 2010
                        • 111

                        Re: Satlover CHAT! VOTE NOW!!!

                        I agree


                        • gazzas
                          Junior Member
                          • Sep 2010
                          • 19

                          Re: Satlover CHAT! VOTE NOW!!!

                          would a site chatbox not encourage more members to chat than have to open another program to chat?


                          • seb131
                            Experienced Member
                            • Jun 2010
                            • 366

                            Re: Satlover CHAT! VOTE NOW!!!

                            Nice idea, I vote for !
                            If you find this post usefull, please hit the thanks button !
                            dm800 clone, dm7000, BisTv & Csat


                            • swift_swig
                              Board Senior Member
                              • Sep 2010
                              • 204

                              Re: Satlover CHAT! VOTE NOW!!!

                              good idea, I vote for

