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Forum Rules - Please Read Before Posting for Avoid ban

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  • Satlover
    • Mar 2009
    • 582

    Forum Rules - Please Read Before Posting for Avoid ban

    Please Read carefully and respect these rules!!

    No More Thanks
    * Please avoide to say thanks in posts ( use thanks Button) and Make only usefull posts just show your interest, which kind of knowledge you want to share we will put a section for you( if not in list)

    * Respect each other. No disrespectful postings will be allowed. No flaming. Keep comments on-topic and not personal. Personal matters can be discussed through the PM system

    Server exchange
    * Dont post your dyndns or your line in public , Please exchange lines only using private messages (PM)

    General Etiquette
    * The main forums are English language only, so please post only in English , we do have several International Forums, which allow posting in languages other than English.
    * Please do not Flame other posters, if you disagree, then please do so in a measured and civilised manner.
    * Please do not cross post, post your question in the most appropriate forum and wait for a reply, not all of our members access the forum every day, so there may be a delay on some occasions.
    * Please do not post in CAPS/UPPER CASE, it is considered to be shouting and is difficult to read and Please don't use TEXT SPEAK as it isn't search engine friendly and is difficult for members who's first language is not English.
    * Some questions may have been answered before, there is a fast search facility at the top of the page which may bring up some relevent posts.
    * It is also advised and requested (for your own security), that you do not post E-mail addresses in open forum
    * Use normal lettersize in your signature

    Links and Advertising
    * Please do not post live links to ANY external sites whatsoever , disable the links by using an underscore as in the following _http://www.example.com, this also applies to photos, please use the manage attachments facility at the bottom of the posting template and upload your pictures, don't use image code or link to them.
    * Please do not use this forum for advertising, whether by link to commercial organisation, your own current/intended business venture or Forum. Any adverts will be removed and repetition of same will bring about a ban, this includes links in signatures.
    * Any member who believes they can benefit this forum through a business venture should PM a member of Admin in the first instance.
    * Please, use the Edit button to fix broken or dead links , to avoid deleted post.
    Old posts, with broken or dead links will be deleted immediately.

    Forbidden Discussion and uploads
    * Please do not discuss or post links to Warez programs or hacks.
    * Please do not discuss or post links to copyrighted media (eg movies and music).
    * We do not permit discussion of the North American Providers and encryptions, cable or cable hacks, Religion or Politics, this include promotion of the same, this is a satellite and general hobby forum. Any Racist or Xenophobic posts will be removed, along with the member who posts them.
    * Card Sharing. We are happy for you to discuss the techniques, but we do not allow soliciting for members or advertising card shares and do not recommend that anyone does so in open forum or news group. This rule is for your protection, not ours.
    * It is strictly forbidden to post Irdeto keys in any form (i.E. open / .zip / Dragon-TRex .dra and so on )
    violaters will be banned immediately.

    Personal Mail System (PM)
    * Please post questions and answers in the forum, so that they may also benefit other users. The personal mail system (PM) is a supplement to the forum, not a replacement, mods and admin will simply delete PMs addressed to them which ignore this rule and ask questions which should have been asked on the forum.
    * New members will not immediately have access to Personal mail, due to previous abuse of the system, if you need to contact another member, make your request in the forum feedback section, or in your thread, one of the admin will pick up on it and make a decision accordingly.

    If you want to buy or sell equipment
    * Firstly we ask that this isn't done on the main forum, private sales/purchases between members are the sole responsibility of the buyer and seller. This web site (Satlover.eu), cannot be held responsible for any problems which may occur in any transaction.
    * We have a classified section set up for the purpose of buying and selling and for your security, we ask that all negotiations are carried out in the section and not by Email or PM, as everything is then time and date stamped should a dispute arise.

    Spam by PM - Personal Mail
    * Should you receive unsolicited Emails or PMs offering to sell you goods or services (including files or keys), please inform the Admin team, as we do not tolerate this.

    A member is only entitled to one account in this forum. You should not register multiple accounts in Satlover forums. Any multiple accounts will be deleted or 'banned'.
    The reason for initiating this rule is to avoid members signing up multiple accounts.

    Discussing Temporary or Permanent ban on the forums
    Do not discuss bans, or infractions on the forums.
    Content related to disciplinary actions is considered private information between Satlover Team and the affected party.
    Please feel free to send PM to : Administrators,Super Moderators,Moderators with your account name and reason for appeal or use
    Contact Us

    Breaking this rule will result in an infraction.

    specific rules personal c-lines server 1 and 2
    server 1 : http://www.satlover.eu/forum/satlove...ted-rules.html
    server 2 : http://www.satlover.eu/forum/satlove...ted-rules.html

    specific rules computer section
    windows : http://www.satlover.eu/forum/windows...uncements.html
    linux : http://www.satlover.eu/forum/linux-s...uncements.html
    mac : http://www.satlover.eu/forum/mac-sec...uncements.html

    Please respect all these rules!!

    Thank you for understanding!