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Box advice

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  • Jay10
    • Mar 2011
    • 49

    Box advice

    Can anyone please advise me, my friend hasnt got much of a clue about all these different boxes and he bought a eagle 1000 satellite receiver after being told it was a dm500 can someone please tell me what image I need to flash this box as I feel a tiny bit responsable
  • Jay10
    • Mar 2011
    • 49

    Re: Box advice

    Iv got it working now, I connected the eagle 1000 box to laptop using null modem cable then opened the program Universal Dream up, then click on connect and it connected no problem but it showed box type DM500 in the logs so I flash with gemini 4.7 and is working perfect. Im posting just incase someone else has same problem as I had, hopefully might help

    Originally posted by Ezel
    You must write your ask or your post ..
    In DreamBox Section of the forum ..
    This is not the right place !
    Ok ....
    I have been looking for eagle box didnt no they were both same box lol

