I heard that bulsat in July will stop in irdeto, and to open it in bulcrypt you have to have their original reciver... so what will be with bulsat in sharing from July.... it wil stop like Total or this problem is already solved ??
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what will be now with Bulsat ??
Re: what will be now with Bulsat ??
http://www.lyngsat.com/packages/bulsatcom.html here you can see that now bulsat is working in irdeto2 and bulcrypt.
but about that in july irdeto will stop, i heard from my friend who lives in Bulgaria, he have bulsat package in his home with original resiver, and when he was buying that he asked for irdeto card and they have told him that it's not possible and that all bulsat cards in irdeto will be stoped in July this year.. :/Comment
Re: what will be now with Bulsat ??
Don't be pessimist... We have good and bad days... for now, this was a good days, and many packets are accessible with CS.... So, sometimes something's must change... I expect that Total TV will be soon back on CS....Comment
Re: what will be now with Bulsat ??
Just to clarify, by removing the irderto encryption wouldn't it be easier to crack considering it is one less encryption to break?Comment
Re: what will be now with Bulsat ??
for enes : for me it's not problem , there is Digi Tv cratian, its also good package,
i post this thread couse i know that many people are asking for buslat keys when is down, that means many people are watching that package, so i wanted to know if there is a possibility after turning of irdeto enc. to continue watching bulsat in Cs. but for now we just have your... pesimistic opinion)
and bulcrypt is new encriptin and it's in use from December.. so it wouldn't be easy to crack ...Comment
Re: what will be now with Bulsat ??
Originally posted by SORECORwhen thay stop it on july , if the new receiver have rs232 there will no problem for sharing
Re: what will be now with Bulsat ??
I know from practice that if some package is interesting sooner or later the programers and hackers will break the encryption system. I am not tallking about emus. I am tallking about card sharing. And Bulsatcom package is become more and more interesting adding HD channels, changing DVB-s to DVB-S2.Comment
Re: what will be now with Bulsat ??
I have switched from Bulsatcom to satellite bg on astra 23.5 and am watching satellite bg without any difficulties with satlover server 4. But if bulcrypt package is also decrypted by satlover i might go back.Comment
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