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Dreambot ICQ Bot for Dreambox - Enigma 2

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  • Konani
    Senior Member
    • Jul 2010
    • 151

    Dreambot ICQ Bot for Dreambox - Enigma 2

    Plugin- testers wanted (ICQ bot for the Dreambox )

    Stand 08.17.2010 :

    ICQ code has been rewritten almost completely because of the problems reconnect .

    New Features:
    - @ cleanup timerlist -> gives the timer list
    - @ get isrecording -> now displays information about the recording, is running
    - @ stop recording - > finished a recording in progress

    Stand 12.08.2010 :

    - More troubleshooting connection problems
    - @ list timerlist get sent in 5-pack
    - Planned support lines away from the GUI - but self-explanatory: P
    - @ restart fixed gui
    - ince control characters also removed with a timer recording
    - Empty descriptions timerlist get away with @ and at the start / end of recordings

    Stand 04.08.2010 :

    - Handling of ISO 8859-1 encoded messages ( eg Pidgin)
    - Troubleshooting sending keep alive packets. Reactor.callLater () was sometimes not carried out and therefore replaced by a eTimer .
    - Easy GUI adjustment if scrollbar is displayed in the Buddy List
    - EIT control characters removed timer list (which is always , thanks for pointing to Dr. Best )
    - New command "@ isrecording get " - shows just whether something is included

    Stand 08.01.2010 :

    - The bot sends every minute a "keep alive " packet to the ICQ server. After three missing answers is assumed that the connection was lost and it will try to connect again.
    - Character set issues (umlaut ) in @ msg messages solved hopefully
    - Note timerlist get to @ when the timer list is empty.


    Hi .

    I have in recent weeks with MUCH help from Dr. Best created a small plugin and would need people to test it.

    The plugin is called DreamBot and is in short an ICQ bot for the Dreambox. The bot can , in principle, three things:

    1st It can send messages via ICQ if e.g. a recording starts or ends is
    2nd One can Commands via ICQ to send the box for example to know the current temperature or the GUI to restart
    3rd You can ICQ user as "VIP 's " classified so that these messages can be sent to the box that appears on TV

    A picture is worth a thousand words:

    The basic configuration for example by ICQ enter the data of the Box:

    The list of known and their buddies permissions:

    The permissions can be changed for each Buddy:

    A proposal to have a VIP news for all the stress

    What is required to use the bot ?

    The best ICQ another access for the box which you simply under http://www.icq.de can create . After that you should register with the new access and ICQ buddies to add the DreamBot can use to . This goes wonderfully with ICQ2Go.

    The plugin requires python -twisted -words (python -twisted- words_8.2.0 - r3_mipsel.ipk ) the one here can get for his box. The plugin DreamBot there .

    These " commands "understands the bot now:

    @ msg <text> -> <text> to show on television ( for VIPs only )
    @ get temperature - > show the temperature of the Dreambox
    @ timerlist get - > get the timer list
    @ Set on standby -> activate the standby mode
    @ Set off standby -> disable the standby mode
    @ gui restart -> restart the GUI

    The following problems are known to me :
    - If the Inter Never binding of the box is isolated ( eg by a forced separation) , it takes 20 min to the plugin will notice that and tried again to log ICQ
    - If the plugin after a separation of the Internet to log back in ICQ the box can sometimes be utilized for 10 seconds ( Spinner ).
    - Partial umlauts do not work (@ msg messages work with umlauts (still) not at all )
    - If the box is started from scratch and there are timers on the list, the timer messages are automatically sent via ICQ to buddies who are registered as recipients. This is sent by Enigma ( a callback ) is triggered , not by the plugin.

    It's my first project for the dreambox and my first experience with Python, so please do not be too hard on me =)


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