First of all I have not contributed in developing or compiling php, msql und perl for PowerPCs.
I searched for this software and found it at As some people in the forum has been looking vor such a software and gamesquad URL is no more reachable, I decided to write this kind of instructions
I've installed and tested apache, php und perl on my Dreambox 7020. I you have found some errors, have hints or other ideas, please refer to my EMail
I searched for this software and found it at As some people in the forum has been looking vor such a software and gamesquad URL is no more reachable, I decided to write this kind of instructions
I've installed and tested apache, php und perl on my Dreambox 7020. I you have found some errors, have hints or other ideas, please refer to my EMail
You can find a lot of instructions (and better then mine) on the internet, but maybe it could be helpeful for som of you.
I made the installation of the local package without understanding why. I installed apache on another Dreambox without local.tar.gz and it worked.
Click here to the optional Installation
In order to work comfortabely you should have installed a harddisk on your dreambox.
Installation Apache
* After downloading the required packeges from this site, create a temporary directory(for example /hdd/tmp)
* Create a directory named "opt" and give it the rights 755 an then change to the directory created (cd /hdd; mkdir opt; chmod 755 opt; cd opt
* Extract the tar using the gzip command in opt (gzip -dc /hdd/tmp/httpd.tar.gz |tar xf -)
* now you can start apache (/hdd/opt/httpd/bin/apachectl start)
* The standard Port for this installation of apache is 8080 (see file /hdd/opt/httpd/conf/httpd.conf where you can finde a entry like: Listen 8080
* To test now the freshly installed apache, create a html-file (mypage.html) and copy it to /hdd/opt/httpd/htdocs
This is my html-site on my apache
and insert on your WEB-Browser the following address:
where ip-address-of-my-dreambox ist the IP-Address of your Dreambox (i.e. and if all works well you will sie the messagge "This is my html-site on my apache"
Installation of PHP
* unpack the php-package (we copied it to /hdd/tmp)
* cd /hdd/opt/httpd
* gzip -dc /hdd/tmp/apache_php.tar.gz |tar xf -
* copy file httpd.conf.php on httpd.conf
* cp conf/httpd.conf.php conf/httpd.conf
* Make the following entries to httpd.conf in the LoadModule/AddType Section
* LoadModule php4_module modules/
* AddType application/x-httpd-php .php
* restart apache
* /hdd/opt/httpd/bin/apachectl restart
In the same way you can install perl and mysql (I did not test myqsl)
* gzip -dc /hdd/tmp/perl.tar.gz |tar xf -
* gzip -dc /hdd/tmp/mysql.tar.gz |tar xf -
Download tar.gz for Dreambox (PowerPC Version)
Install instructions for some libs/binaries for dreambox
I recommend to use the 'cut and paste' feature to perform these steps. The are a lot of . (dots) in the commands
* Download local.tar.gz and FTP to /hdd/tmp
* Unpack tarfile
* mkdir -p /hdd/opt
* cd /hdd/opt
* gzip -dc /hdd/tmp/local.tar.gz |tar xf -
* Give user root a writable home directory ( for .profile ) by changing the 6th field ( : is seperator ) in /etc/passwd from / to /hdd/root. If you want to edit /etc/passwd with mc (Midnight Commander = Norton Commander clone) do the following
* . /hdd/opt/local/ # Don't forget dot and space
* cd /etc
* mc
* Search in mc passwd and press edit button (F4).
* exit mc (F10)
* Create a .profile for root. The .profile gets executed during login.
* mkdir /hdd/root
* echo >/hdd/root/.profile "[ -f /hdd/opt/local/ ] && . /hdd/opt/local/"
* execute .profile
* . /hdd/root/.profile # Don't forget dot and space
After performing these instructions, the user root has a .profile. In this .profile a script (/hdd/opt/local/ is called to set the right environment for all other programs downloaded from my download site. The script /hdd/opt/local/ extends the PATH variable in such a way that all bin and sbin directories found in /hdd/opt/local/* are added.
httpd[1].tar.gz (2.51 MB)
apache_php[1].tar.gz (1.92 MB)
local[1].tar.gz (8.56 MB)
perl[1].tar.gz (10.78 MB)
mysql[1].tar.gz (4.31 MB)