Gemini 4.70 image with a knife KingSize-persian8.1 with the integration of CCcam2.0.11
Note: You can pass the image through Dreamup or Flashwizard .
Plugins: - Picture demilitarized virus - boot image format HD - add the Arabic language - for lovers of French can be downloaded from the image server - CCcam 2.0.11 merge and CCcaminfo V1.1 in the RAW image away from the area VAR - CCcam 2.0.11 is activated automatically when you install the image after you delete the common interface - change the original knife knife summit in magnificence He KingSize-Persian8.1 Mod Marwen - Merge Blegn Ecminfo away from the area Var - Merge Blegn Nagrab away from the Var area - add a property DVR recording direct - you can change the look of the menus of channels, such as a Humax clicking on the OK button and then help - Update Kernel image b DRIVER new - upsize lines main menus with upsized lines channels -FREE SPACE IN VAR 84%
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