XOR Calculator 1.0
Software to XOR together two data values of up to 256-bits
XOR Calculator is a free program used to XOR together two data values of up to 256-bits (64 hex digits).
XOR Calculator also calculates the hamming weight (number of 1's) in the result.
· Java
Price : Freeware
Filesize : 14 KB
Downloadlink : http://mac.softpedia.com/progDownloa...oad-84963.html
Software to XOR together two data values of up to 256-bits
XOR Calculator is a free program used to XOR together two data values of up to 256-bits (64 hex digits).
XOR Calculator also calculates the hamming weight (number of 1's) in the result.
· Java
Price : Freeware
Filesize : 14 KB
Downloadlink : http://mac.softpedia.com/progDownloa...oad-84963.html