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mintUpload 3.7.5

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  • vidra042
    Experienced Board Member
    • Jul 2010
    • 3964

    mintUpload 3.7.5

    Linux Mint's FTP upload tool
    mintUpload allows you to upload files on the Internet. This makes it easier to share or send big files which would not fit in an email.

    mintUpload is the little tool which pops up when you right-click on a file and select “upload”. Until now mintUpload was mostly used as a way to share files by uploading them to a public place somewhere on one of Linux Mint’s servers and by sending the corresponding URL to friends and family members (or to anybody really..). Some people also bought Mint-Space accounts and were able to set up mintUpload to add an additional upload service to it. These people could then share files in a similar manner but instead of using a public storage space and being limited to 2 days, they could use their 1GB of Web space and have their files kept there indefinitely.

    Some people mentioned that mintUpload was great at sharing files with others but not so much at actually “uploading” them and we got a lot of requests to add FTP support to that tool.

    Initially mintUpload was designed with novice users in mind, people who wanted to share large files with each others and who didn’t know what FTP meant or where to get free web space to store them. After gathering some feedback, we’ve come to realize that mintUpload also got popular with experienced users, people who even had their own FTP accounts and wanted a quick way to upload files to it without launching an FTP client. So we added FTP support to MintUpload by defining another type of service and letting the user define his own FTP services.


    To install MintUpload you need the Romeo repositories. Perform an “apt update” and an “apt install mintupload” in a terminal.

    If you don’t have Romeo set up, you can grab the packages from the download page.


    MintUpload lets you define “upload services” by adding files in /etc/linuxmint/mintUpload/services/

    Here’s an example of an FTP upload service:

    name=My own FTP service

    The “path” is optional, it lets you define where within your FTP service you want the files to be uploaded. In this example we’re not uploading them in the root folder, but within a directory called “myuploads”.

    MintUpload will use any service defined with that format and saved as a file within /etc/linuxmint/mintUpload/services/.

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