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HOWTO: OSCAM and MGCAMD with satlover servers

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  • siddda
    Junior Member
    • Jun 2011
    • 10

    HOWTO: OSCAM and MGCAMD with satlover servers

    I now managed to successfully configure OSCAM and MGCAMD to work properly with satlover servers.

    Attached are extracts of my configs:

    Here it is important to disable the load balancer with 'lb_mode = 0'. Otherwise OSCAM will ask the server only once for a key and when it gets a timeout it will reject further request to the server.
    nice = -1
    WaitForCards = 1
    preferlocalcards = 1
    lb_mode = 0
    lb_save = 150
    logfile = /tmp/oscam.log
    maxlogsize = 256
    Saveinithistory = 1
    clienttimeout = 20

    key = 0102030405060708091011121314
    Port = 50010@0B00:000000;50011@0BAA:000000;50012@1702:000 000
    label = satlover
    enable = 1
    protocol = cccam
    device = *satlover*,some port
    user = your username
    password = your password
    group = 3

    label = satlover2
    enable = 1
    protocol = cccam
    device = *satlover*,some other port
    user = your username
    password = your password
    group = 3
    User = oscamuser
    Pwd = oscampass
    Group = 1,2,3
    AU = 1

    # EMM messages
    # 00 don't show any EMMs (default)
    # 01 show only valid EMMs
    # 02 show valid and bad EMMs with complete data display
    M: { 01 }

    # ECM messages
    # 00 don't show anything about ecm
    # 01 normal mode, show pids processed, decoded ecm and cw
    # 02 verbose mode, show valid and bad ECMs with data
    C: { 01 }

    # AU
    # 00 disable, no emm pids processed
    # 01 enable, emm pids always processed for soft-au and shared cards
    # 02 auto, emm started only if channel cant be decoded
    # 03 process emm pids for network cards update only
    A: { 01 }

    # key update (sum 01 or 02 with 04)
    # 01 update only new keys, default setting
    # 02 update all keys (used for valid PMK checking)
    # 04 enable TPS au
    # + tps SID, which pmt pid contains au pid
    U: { 01 } 0x12c0

    # config files folder (softcam, autoroll, ignore/priority)
    # 00 files in /var/keys
    # 01 files in /tmp
    T: { 00 }

    # network mode, use summ for several clients
    # 00 no network (default)
    # 01 newcamd netclient
    # 02 radegast netclient
    # 04 camd3 netclient
    # 08 gbox netclient
    # 32 cccamd netclient, card list saved as /tmp/cccamd.info
    # (ECM only, supported server version up to 2.1.1, later not work)
    G: { 01 }

    # network retry, use summ for several options
    # 00 disable
    # 01 retry every new ecm
    # 02 try to connect to offline shares every Q: seconds
    # 04 try to detect and fast reconnect to lost (and not used atm) server
    # + XX messages number and YY seconds to reconnect
    # mg will reconnect to server, if no answer to last XX ecm/keepalive or
    # if no answer for last ecm or keepalive sent for YY seconds
    # set to 0 to disable
    N: { 07 } 5 30

    # network ecm timeout in seconds
    K: { 10 }

    # newcamd dead routes connect retry, sec
    Q: { 600 }

    # network shares priority
    # 00 gbox, newcamd, cccamd, radegast, camd3 (default)
    # 01 camd3, radegast, cccamd, gbox, newcamd
    # 02 cccamd, newcamd, camd3, gbox, radegast
    P: { 00 }

    # on screen display type
    # 00 No OSD (default)
    # 01 neutrino
    # 02 enigma
    # 03 relook
    # + user password for http auth
    O: { 01 } username password

    # on screen display Options, summ of:
    # 01 show emu ecm
    # 02 show network shares messages
    # 04 show decoding failed / fta
    # 08 show emm keys update
    # + web port to use for osd
    S: { 07 } 80

    # Log option, summ of:
    # 00 off
    # 01 network udp log
    # 02 log to console
    # 04 file, appended ! delete it by yourself, before it eat all your hdd
    # + IP udp-port log-file-name
    L: { 01 } 12345 /tmp/mgcamd.log

    # keep ecm cache, seconds
    # every cache entry takes 28 bytes, so 24h cache will take *only* 240-400kb of memory,
    # for openbox/elanvision users with remote shares make sense to set it higher than default value,
    # to not hammer cards while timeshifting or playing crypted recordings.
    E: { 60 }

    # cache option, summ of:
    # 00 Off (default)
    # 01 Ecm pids cache, store pids used to decode in /tmp/ca_cache.list at exit, load at startup, same syntax as restore.list
    # 02 Ecm data cache, remember CW for (E time
    # 04 Emm cache for network cards, do not resend the same emm twice, cache not cleared until restart
    H: { 00 }

    # reread files, summ of:
    # 00 No (default)
    # 01 reread config file on channel change (including priority and ignore, but not replace/cache)
    # 02 reread SoftCam.Key on channel change
    # 04 reread SoftCam.Key if file changed
    R: { 00 }

    # debug, summ of
    # 00 off (default)
    # 01 debug ecm
    # 02 debug emm
    # 04 debug network ecm
    # 08 debug network emm
    # 16 debug network login
    # 32 show mem/cpu stats every 1 min
    # 64 add timestamp to log messages
    D: { 00 }

    # box type
    # 00 autodetect, change only if you think wrong type detected.
    # 01 dbox2
    # 02 dreambox
    # 03 triple-dragon
    # 04 relook
    # 05 openbox
    # 06 dreambox/mips
    # 08 stapi/kathrein
    # 09 stapi/ipbox
    # 11 stapi/openbox
    B: { 00 }

    F: { 00 }
    CWS_MULTIPLE = 50010:50012 oscamuser oscampass 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 10 11 12 13 14 satlover
  • HelgeSchneider
    • Oct 2010
    • 36

    Re: HOWTO: OSCAM and MGCAMD with satlover servers

    is the described way above to receive the keys via oscam and send it local on the STB to the mgcamd ? Why not use the DVBAPI or use mgcamd directly with cccam.list ?


    • BuzzLite
      • Sep 2011
      • 1

      Re: HOWTO: OSCAM and MGCAMD with satlover servers

      Hi Sidda,

      I have tried your extracts for OSCAM / MGCAMD combo, but I'm having no luck at all decoding. I have tried OSCAM using DVBAPI and this is also giving me problems. Could you please tell me the OSCAM version and MGCAMD version you are using? Any chance of getting complete config files (without important info, of course) and not just extracts, I'm sure there's something I'm missing. You can send me PM if this is better. I'm struggling with my new box, would really like to continue with satlover clines if I can get it to work.



      • uttnls

        Re: HOWTO: OSCAM and MGCAMD with satlover servers

        Originally posted by BuzzLite
        Hi Sidda,

        I have tried your extracts for OSCAM / MGCAMD combo, but I'm having no luck at all decoding. I have tried OSCAM using DVBAPI and this is also giving me problems. Could you please tell me the OSCAM version and MGCAMD version you are using? Any chance of getting complete config files (without important info, of course) and not just extracts, I'm sure there's something I'm missing. You can send me PM if this is better. I'm struggling with my new box, would really like to continue with satlover clines if I can get it to work.

        What errors do you recive in oscam, it should work ok if you activate DVBAPI in oscam.

        If it works with ngcamd it has to worc directly with oscam api


        • HelgeSchneider
          • Oct 2010
          • 36

          Re: HOWTO: OSCAM and MGCAMD with satlover servers

          better only use oscam with dvbapi alone
          mgcamd with cccamd.list
          for access to satlover CS

          should work for each one

